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We got the BOYS!!!

Yesterday was our final court date for our custody battle for my husbands two oldest boys...which sounds odd to say cause they are my boys and I think of them as my own.... But we Won custody of the boys, their biological Mother does have visitation but we have Custody...hip hip hooray!!! She made her self look like a fool. She couldn't remember what grade our oldest boy was in. One of our witnesses was the Special Ed teacher for the 11yr od. ( for behavior he's adhd and lots of other stuff) and she testified that we had be very involved in Travis's school and his behavior at school and his homework etc. And that she never was that way.... (she testified on many other topics too) then once Kim was called to the stand she sat there and said that she was involved in all sorts of things and school and listed the stuff that Mrs Dugan our witness had said that we do and she did not... Which made her look like a complete IDIOT. Because what she didn't know is her standing there testifying that what our witness said was not true was a really stupid move, So she sat there and called the Judges friend/ a professional that has worked in the school system for years a liar.... Yeah she's not real bright! But the BEST part of all of it was when we came home and sat down with the boys to tell them what the judge had decided. They were THRILLED so relieved to know that they could see their mother but wouldn't have to live with her and that they could stay here. Especially the youngest one, he has been saying all along that he misses his mother, when you ask him where he wants to live all he will say is that he wants to live her but he really really misses his mother. And he's not a child that hardly ever shows any sort of genuine emotion, it is usually way over dramatized and exagerated to where it is some what fake, but it was true genuine happiness that he would get to stay here. The last time he told his mother that he wanted to live with his dad he told her that he loved her and she said WHATEVER, and kind of shoved him away, and it broke his heart, it causes him to cry to this day to talk about it. So I honestly believe that is why he would never say that he didn't want to live with her. They were both so excited that they were going to stay with us permanently could still see their mother but knew that they would be in a home where they were loved and cared for 24/7 not just when it is convienent...
Okay this is all kind of written in reverse order the guy may not have went about it the right way and it all kind of got blown out of proportion at the end but in all reality all he wanted was to see some tits and I KNOW that many of you guys on my list have wanted the same thing and that's why you wanted on my friends list...and even if that's not why you wanted on my friends list at some point in time you have wanted to see tits and finangled your way into getting a female to show them to you...am I right or am I wrong. First of all, WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH SHOWING YOUR TITS??? I did not HAVE to show my tits to GET A MAN as this person states. I show my tits cause I like to, I am proud of them, God gave them to me. And if I do bring them out and flash them it gives me extra chances to play with them and rub on them which feels good so who wouldn't want to. Just be cause you "HAVE A MAN" doesn't mean that you have to be some sort of sexual prude. "MY MAN" as you say is damn proud of my body and urges me to show off what I got. He also trusts me enough to know that I'll be going home with him everynight and only him (unless we invite someone to join us...lol) It's not like I do it in the middle of wal-mart or in appropreiate times and places where children are exposed to it. SO COME ON LADIES, LETS SHOW WHAT YA GOT!!!! I JUST WANTED TO LET ALL THE WOMEN KNOW OF THIS PIG !! I HAD HIM ON MY FRIENDS LIST BECAUSE I THOUGHT HE WAS NORMAL. WELL NOT TOO LONG AFTER PUTTING UP THAT I NOW HAVE A BOYFRIEND , THIS GUY MESSAGES ME AND SAYS HI AND THEN JUST BLURTS OUT ASKING ME TO SHOW HIM MY TITS!! WHY DO MEN HAVE TO BE SUCH DAMN PIGS !! AND WHY DO THE SLEAZY WOMEN HAVE TO GIVE IN AND FLASH THEMSELVES TO POSSIBLE CHILD SEX OFFENDERS...I JUST DONT GET WHY SOME WOMEN FEEL THE NEED TO HAVE TO BE HALF NAKED AND FLASH WHAT GOD GAVE THEM IN ORDER TO GET A MAN. I DID NOTHING OF THE SORT AND I GOT MYSELF A MAN...I JUST GUESS THAT SOME WOMEN HAVE NO RESPECT FOR THEMSELVES....BUT FOR THE ONES WHO DO , HERE IS THE CONVERSATION BETWEEN ME AND THIS GUY , AND HIS PROFILE SO YOU CAN TELL HIM WHERE TO STICK IT AND SO THAT YOU CAN BLOCK HIM --- sithious @ CherryTAP sithious: i hope so ive been trying to get rid of my profile and i cant sithious: do you think CT will ban me to? ->sithious: i am not going to tell you.....dont bother me but all of cherry tap will read this conversation and have you blocked sithious: good luck with that im not useing my computer sithious: what he going to do hack and find me ->sithious: haha !!!! i would be if i were you......trust me you will be "dealt" with sithious: im not scared ->sithious: see that i wont do , you are just going to have to find out now wont you sithious: then tell me ->sithious: you have no idea who the fuck you are dealing with do you...haha i guess you will soon find out wont you sithious: i got that and i dont care sithious: and besides there are alot of girls on here that will show pics of there tits if asked sithious: and should i be scared that your going to tell your boyfriend whats he going to do reach threw the monitor and hit me LOL ->sithious: you just dont get it do you , why do you have to waste your time being an asshole , do you think of yourself as a man buy asking any girl to show you her tits , come on for christ sakes !!!! grow up sithious: you said you didnt want him mad so it would be you makeing him mad by telling him ->sithious: excuse me , but i am telling him , i dont keep things from him , its called respect !!! sithious: excuse me , but i am telling him , i dont keep things from him , its called respect !!! sithious: then dont tell him and he wont get pissed ->sithious: well i do , i dont need him pissed because some guy like yourself , is being rude to his girl sithious: i really dont care if he is pleased ->sithious: well you arent going to , besides i am not the type of person that just flashes her tits at will , , i will let my boyfriend know how rude you are being , he will not be pleased sithious: and i asked because i wanted to see them sithious: well thats to bad ->sithious: excuse me !!!! why are you asking me a question like that , the only one that sees my tits is my boyfriend sithious: got any pics of your tits? ->sithious: i am doing ok , finally cooling off after cooking in the kitchen with it being 90 degrees outside sithious: good and you ->sithious: hi how are you sithious: hello
First of all, WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH SHOWING YOUR TITS??? I did not HAVE to show my tits to GET A MAN as this person states. I show my tits cause I like to, I am proud of them, God gave them to me. And if I do bring them out and flash them it gives me extra chances to play with them and rub on them which feels good so who wouldn't want to. Just be cause you "HAVE A MAN" doesn't mean that you have to be some sort of sexual prude. "MY MAN" as you say is damn proud of my body and urges me to show off what I got. He also trusts me enough to know that I'll be going home with him everynight and only him (unless we invite someone to join us...lol) It's not like I do it in the middle of wal-mart or in appropreiate times and places where children are exposed to it. SO COME ON LADIES, LETS SHOW WHAT YA GOT!!!! Laters Amanda I JUST WANTED TO LET ALL THE WOMEN KNOW OF THIS PIG !! I HAD HIM ON MY FRIENDS LIST BECAUSE I THOUGHT HE WAS NORMAL. WELL NOT TOO LONG AFTER PUTTING UP THAT I NOW HAVE A BOYFRIEND , THIS GUY MESSAGES ME AND SAYS HI AND THEN JUST BLURTS OUT ASKING ME TO SHOW HIM MY TITS!! WHY DO MEN HAVE TO BE SUCH DAMN PIGS !! AND WHY DO THE SLEAZY WOMEN HAVE TO GIVE IN AND FLASH THEMSELVES TO POSSIBLE CHILD SEX OFFENDERS...I JUST DONT GET WHY SOME WOMEN FEEL THE NEED TO HAVE TO BE HALF NAKED AND FLASH WHAT GOD GAVE THEM IN ORDER TO GET A MAN. I DID NOTHING OF THE SORT AND I GOT MYSELF A MAN...I JUST GUESS THAT SOME WOMEN HAVE NO RESPECT FOR THEMSELVES....BUT FOR THE ONES WHO DO , HERE IS THE CONVERSATION BETWEEN ME AND THIS GUY , AND HIS PROFILE SO YOU CAN TELL HIM WHERE TO STICK IT AND SO THAT YOU CAN BLOCK HIM --- sithious @ CherryTAP sithious: i hope so ive been trying to get rid of my profile and i cant sithious: do you think CT will ban me to? ->sithious: i am not going to tell you.....dont bother me but all of cherry tap will read this conversation and have you blocked sithious: good luck with that im not useing my computer sithious: what he going to do hack and find me ->sithious: haha !!!! i would be if i were you......trust me you will be "dealt" with sithious: im not scared ->sithious: see that i wont do , you are just going to have to find out now wont you sithious: then tell me ->sithious: you have no idea who the fuck you are dealing with do you...haha i guess you will soon find out wont you sithious: i got that and i dont care sithious: and besides there are alot of girls on here that will show pics of there tits if asked sithious: and should i be scared that your going to tell your boyfriend whats he going to do reach threw the monitor and hit me LOL ->sithious: you just dont get it do you , why do you have to waste your time being an asshole , do you think of yourself as a man buy asking any girl to show you her tits , come on for christ sakes !!!! grow up sithious: you said you didnt want him mad so it would be you makeing him mad by telling him ->sithious: excuse me , but i am telling him , i dont keep things from him , its called respect !!! sithious: excuse me , but i am telling him , i dont keep things from him , its called respect !!! sithious: then dont tell him and he wont get pissed ->sithious: well i do , i dont need him pissed because some guy like yourself , is being rude to his girl sithious: i really dont care if he is pleased ->sithious: well you arent going to , besides i am not the type of person that just flashes her tits at will , , i will let my boyfriend know how rude you are being , he will not be pleased sithious: and i asked because i wanted to see them sithious: well thats to bad ->sithious: excuse me !!!! why are you asking me a question like that , the only one that sees my tits is my boyfriend sithious: got any pics of your tits? ->sithious: i am doing ok , finally cooling off after cooking in the kitchen with it being 90 degrees outside sithious: good and you ->sithious: hi how are you sithious: hello

Home from the Rally

Well we made it home from the bike rally this weekend, it was officially our first rally of the season. Yeah we are a little lacking but with hubby's crazy work schedule and all it has made it difficult this year. This rally is kind of a special one for us, it was the first rally that we ever went to together, however it was the one that the hold in the fall not the spring rally. None the less it always makes for a good time. I am proud to say that Friday night we had a part up at the barn as always with lots of dancing and alcohol and naked titties no matter how cold it was the cage up on the stage was very exciting this year. There are ALWAYS topless dancing and ass shaking in the cage, and an occasional glimpse of a naked thonged ass...however this year we had a smorgasboard of full nudity, which was very lovely. Hell after a pint of Southern Comfort I even managed to be feeling good enough to be dancing topless. I'm always one that will show my titties but to just run around with out a shirt was a first for me. I tied it on pretty good....and trust me for the first time in over 5 years I had a hang over...lol And man did that suck! But it was nothing that a good puke some biscuits and gravy, a few tylenol and a day long bike ride couldn't cure. Last night was a good party as well, I pulled out a black lace rally shirt and my leathers and headed to the barn. The coolest set of beads I got was my husbands best friends favorite set of beads, they were rebel flag beads that he has had for years, so that's pretty special. Didn't get my drink on as much last night cause I knew that I had a early day of packing the next day so that hubby could get to work by noon. So all in all it was a GRAND party!!!!

Rabbit Rescue!!

Okay for those of you that don't know...me and my 11 year old son was watching my 13 yr olds track practice Monday and he found this baby rabbit that was stuck with it's head between some rocks and it was hurt. So we brought it home and I proceeded to call the wild life rescue people around here to try and find out what to do for the thing cause I haven't had a rabbit since I was a kid and my dog killed it so I don't know what to do for the thing. Well after they passed me from one person to the next giving me all of these different phone numbers that I needed to call because they couldn't help me, didn't care for rabbits, didn't have room to care for it etc. I finally got a hold of this lady that told me chances are it's back or neck is broken and it is going to die. So if I come and pick it up I am going to put it to sleep.....(I am thinking, oh how compassionate of you, you haven't even looked at it to truly know what is wrong with it and you are already prepared to kill it) But, she tells me what to do for it and what vegetation to gather up for it and says if I want to keep it over night and see how it is in the morning then by all means do so, and tells me how to build a next for it etc. So I go out side and piece to gther with sticks and grass and such a next for this thing that I really thought was prolly gonna die anyway, then I go out foraging for food for it. I get it all set up and put it down in my basement. Cause she tells me that I needed to put it in the quietest spot in my home...yadda yadda yadda She says whatever you do don't handle it and hold it or let the kids pet it and love on it and don't show it off to your friends and such cause the stress of all of that can kill it.........OOPS too late I already did all of that! Well the next day I go and check on it and the thing can't sit up straight all it can do is lay on it's side and kick like hell with its little feet! Now I am telling you this thing is smaller than the palm of my hand, it is tiny! But it has gotten stronger and at least is resisting me touching it which to me was a good sign because the day before it didn't fight me at all. So now it is acting more like a wild animal. So I call the lady back and told her what was going on with it. And she suggest that I just have it put to sleep and put it out of its misery...I am like wait a minute it is improving so now you still want to kill it. So I decide to give it another day, well yesterday after gathering up more food and such for it and keeping it in water and what not it finally got up on all four legs, and it would walk around a bit. I still hadn't seen it hop but it is in a box so wasn't sure it would even try to hop. It wasn't moving any where quickly yesterday but it was up and moving and doing 100% better. Well I check it today and when I stuck my hand in there to see if I could get it to move it raised it's head up for me and looked at me perked its ears and as soon as I got close enough to touch it....it hopped to the other end of the box. So I have succesufully saved the life of this small rabbit and intend to release it back into the wild this evening! so it can prolly get run over or shot and eaten knowing my luck but that's ok. Cause I am just too soft hearted to have let it lay there in the beginning and not give it a shot to making babies so they can come and eat my garden...hehe But it got me to thinking how easily we dismiss life these days, she wasnt even going to give the thing a chance at survival. And it is that way not only with animals but humans as well. Something tragic has to happen like 911 or this VT incident for us to even pause for a moment to think how precious life is... How sad, yes we have come so far as a people, with technology and resources and blah blah blah, but how far away we have gotten from what we were put here to do, and that is to LIVE life not just exist in it..... P.S. We released the rabbit back into the wild today and he was so happy to be out in real grass instead of some I picked up...as soon as his feet hit the ground he began to eat and was still eating when I left him.

Harley Drags...

Our little group that we ride with is heading to Bowling Green Tomorrow to watch the Harley Drags.....yeee hawwww

Court Results...

Nothing was settled over the boys...she wanted one of them and wanted the other one to stay with us...since we refuse to seperate the boys (since they are all they have had non-stop for years) we have to go back again the end of May.

I need some help!!

Tomorrow we go to court for custody of my hubbies two boys....our two oldest boys... And it could either be wrapped up and over with tomorrow or go on for even longer...so please say a little prayer for us...
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