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By Steven Bancarz| A few months ago, a lot of talk was made about Ebola being a conspiracy. The 15 million in grants given by the US to develop ebola detection kits back in 2009, the patenting of the virus in 2009, the $140 million dollar ebola vaccine contract signed 2 months before the major outbreak, and the crisis acting caught on video all added up to the conclusion that something fishy was going on. I put together a YouTube video which contains all of the evidence supporting that Ebola is a conspiracy, which can be found at the end of this article.

But the point of this article is not to establish that Ebola is a conspiracy. It is to give the world an inside look into the life and mind of a West-African who can tell us what is actually going on there from a first-hand account.

I have been fortunate to be in direct contact with a man living in Ghana, a neighbour country of Liberia where the Ebola outbreak occurred. His name is Nana Kwame, and he wrote a Facebook note a while back on how Ebola was a conspiracy which ended up going viral. It got passed around some blogs, including this website, and I decided to reach out to him personally. We had been messaging back and forth for a while, and he agreed to do an interview with me.

So here is an exclusive interview between myself and a West-African civilian who shares his side of the Ebola story from the geographic heart of the outbreak:

Steven Bancarz: Just to summarize for those who have not read your Facebook note, why is it that you believe Ebola is a conspiracy? Why is the US so obsessed with curing a virus in West-Africa? Why don't you believe that this is just another virus that emerged naturally?

Nana Kwame: "I as well as many others believe that Ebola is a hoax due to several inconsistencies in the media portrayals and the accounts of West Africans in the affected countries. There are several videos that point out falsehoods in what the media has provided as evidence of the outbreak. One of the most obvious is the video supposedly taken in front of JFK Memorial Hospital in Monrovia depicting a boy who was supposedly dying of Ebola. One can easily do a Google Earth search for the JFK Memorial Hospital in Monrovia and see that the video was NOT taken at this hospital. Also from my experience living among West Africans it is evident that the boy in the video was perfectly healthy, albeit he probably looks thin to the average individual; and that his acting was completely unbelievable. Looking "thin" is not a symptom of Ebola. Slowly sliding off the bed in an ambulance is not a symptom of Ebola. These are views shared by a great deal of Africans and I would actually challenge everyone to watch this video and walk away with the same opinion of Ebola.

Ebola HOAX 2014 – Africans Know it's a HOAX + Some BAD Acting

Furthermore there is the absence of any Ebola-like symptoms which include profuse bleeding from every mucous membrane and orifice of the body. You may have already noticed the absence of any such photo or video evidence, but if you have not I implore you to search for some. There is also the rate of spread which is not consistent with Ebola nor with any other pathogen that spreads from person-to-person. The CDC website confirms that over the course of 9 months there have been just over 9,000 infections and 4000 deaths across the 4 affected countries. This averages to less than 125 deaths per month in each country. How could this be a pathogen, with such a slow spread rate in the most densely populated part of Africa? Also how could it be considered an epidemic, with such a low death rate? Adding further to the skepticism among West Africans was the recent announcement that Nigeria was declared Ebola-free. How could this be possible? The most densely populated country becomes Ebola-free when three bordering countries supposedly remain affected and there is no cure? Unless we are being misled, these things do not add up.

Also as it has been witnessed in the affected countries the sickness has so far only appeared in places where the Red Cross has appeared first, and in response to this trend several villages within the affected nations have begun preventing Ebola Workers from entering their villages by any means necessary including destroying bridges that lead in and out of their villages. Of course the mainstream media reports this as 'savage Africans attacking their benevolent Western saviors', but in fact what West Africans are saying holds more credibility in this scenario for several reasons.

African Nations have, in recent history, openly accepted Western help in all areas of medicine, education, development and AID; so why all of a sudden reject Ebola workers unless they have legitimate reason to believe they are causing harm? There are a great deal more reasons that I can go into without ever getting into the obvious greed of the U.S. and the historical patterns of such media-hyped events used to seize newly discovered resources in African regions such as Rwanda, the Congo, Sudan, and many others. Not to mention the 7,000 troops currently deployed to West Africa were not sent with protective wear which indicates either an admission that there is nothing being spread, or a blatant disregard for the health of the soldiers. I believe it is the former, but if it were the latter, and the US doesn't care about the health of its own troops – then how believable is it that they are legitimately concerned with the health of West Africans. I suppose this is a good stopping point in thoroughly answering the question without writing a whole new article."

SB: Do you believe any other viruses or diseases (such as AIDS) have been spread or allowed to spread in Africa on purpose? If so, why?

NK: "I personally do not believe that the West will risk the creation or release of a virus that could potentially spread to anyone they do not intend to infect. It is much easier and less dangerous to convince people to poison themselves with something you have convinced them that they need. Those who are not intended to be infected, need only be taught better than to take the vaccines, treatments, medications, FOODS etc. You mentioned AIDS, which like the current Ebola outbreak, is not a virus and is not spread person to person – but that is another subject. With regard to diseases in general, sicknesses, poisons and the like, the answer is a resounding YES. The US has Bio-warfare laboratories all over West Africa and these facilities are used to develop poisons and experiment with bacteria and viruses. Why else would they have these facilities? And why else would they choose to have them located in West Africa if not to test their formulas on the continent? Could these facilities not be just as easily located in the US if their purpose was not directly related to the African continent? I would recommend the article below for additional information on these facilities."

US Bio-warfare Laboratories In West Africa Are The Origins Of The Ebola Epidemic

SB: There have been numerous reports in mainstream media talking about how the aids workers have been attacked and even killed because the people believe they are making them sick. Is the belief that Ebola is a conspiracy widespread in your country? How popular is this belief in West-Africa right now? What is the general consensus of the population?

NK: "I touched on this subject in the beginning, but yes these reports detail actual events of Ebola workers being attacked. The belief that Ebola is a hoax is widespread, but it is not unanimous among all West Africans. At this time I cannot say there is a general consensus in either direction, but there is a rapidly growing distrust of the entire international "intervention". More and more high profile West Africans such as professors and scientists are coming forward with similar conclusions and testimonies, and as a result more people are beginning to rethink what is actually happening. Many who are on the fence with their gut doubts, come down off the fence when they are exposed to explanations that make more sense than what they have previously been hearing.

As of now it is a very popular belief that the intentions of the nations who are intervening are not as benevolent as they claim to be; however again it is not unanimous. Just as in the Western world, there are many West Africans who watch TV and take what it reports at face value. As such there is the same basic conflict between those who have faith in the media, and those who are more skeptical. For instance, when the TV reports that Ebola workers are being attacked because Liberians don't know any better – some people will believe that, while others will become angered and insulted at such a notion and begin to doubt the entire epidemic. When someone like Professor Helen Lauer from the University of Ghana releases an article calling the outbreak a cover for an invasion, it also sways a lot of people."

University of Ghana Professor Helen Lauer Calls Out the Ebola Scare As a Tool for Drug Profits and U.S. Military Invasion: http://www.howpositiveareyou.com/2014/10/23/hpay-089-helen_lauer/

SB: A report in Scientific American said that millions of Ebola vaccine doses will be ready by the end of 2015, and a quarter million will be ready to be administered in May. What do you expect to come from the administration of these vaccines? Do you anticipate that Ebola will continue to spread in Africa throughout next year?

NK: "What I expect to come from the vaccines is death, plain and simple. More of the exact same thing that is being experienced right now – death after injection. What is killing people is not Ebola. This sickness, however will continue to spread (via injection) until the Red Cross and the other World Health Organization subsidiaries are removed from West Africa. This removal was already taking place at the hands of local residents prior to the arrival of Western troops. These troops are now preventing the locals from evicting the Red Cross and WHO. As such unless the world comes to it senses and stops supporting this military invasion, the troops will stay and the sickness will continue to be injected into the people."

SB: How close to home has the outbreak been for you? Have you personally seen any Red Cross workers, US military troops or aids workers? Have you seen anyone infected with Ebola? Is there hysteria and panic spread through the streets? Or are people just carrying on with their daily lives? We are totally oblivious as to what daily life in an infected country is like, so I was hoping you could provide us with a brief description of what you have personally experienced so far and how life has changed since the outbreak.

NK: "Well Ghana is not one of the affected countries, we are simply in the same region (West Africa) and as Ghana is the "Gateway to the Homeland" there are millions of Nigerians, Liberians, and countless other West Africans who have moved to Ghana for opportunities and peace but remain connected to their family and friends back home. As such we are a very interconnected region. For perspective, imagine you live in Illinois, and someone tells you that people who are in Wisconsin are eating each other. You may not live in Wisconsin, but you are in the same geographical region, and with all of the Wisconsinites who live in Illinois and their connections to their families back home – you would certainly KNOW in Illinois, whether or not people in Wisconsin were actually eating each other.

So as Ghana is not one of the affected countries we do not have Red Cross workers, US military troops or AID workers here. We have no Ebola infections and no hysteria in the streets. Daily life goes on as usual in Ghana. However in the affected countries there are several things going on, but I wouldn't describe much of it as "hysteria". The most visible movement in the streets is the massive "Ebola is REAL" campaign sponsored by the West which is taking place in Liberia and Sierra Leone. The only events I would describe as "hysteria" or perhaps "commotion" is the people who are being forcibly quarantined against their will, and the incident of the hospital in Liberia that was attacked by locals who wanted to "free Ebola patients" who they suspected were healthy people being subjected to blood-harvesting experiments. This was also briefly covered in the first video I referenced. However as far as Ghana is concerned the only noticeable difference is the difficulty in accessing funds to combat real problems, unless the requests are related or attached to vaccination requests. This was covered in Professor Helen Lauer's article referenced above."

SB: Ebola bioweapons research has been federally funded in the Kenema Government Hospital in Sierra Leone, and has received 15 million in ebola research funding from the US since 2007. This hospital was one of the ones to get attacked and was actually shut down during the outbreak as reported in Nature. A liberian scientist has recently claimed that this hospital is responsible for manufacturing and spreading the virus. Have you heard anything about this hospital? Do you suspect that US funded ebola bioterrorism research in Sierra Leone is responsible for the outbreak of the virus?

NK: "Yes, as covered above however I would again stress that the words "outbreak" and "virus" are used loosely"

SB: The mainstream media over here makes it seem as though the United States is the benevolent hero. Most people have only gotten information about the outbreak from propaganda machines like CNN, BBC, and FOX. The people who haven't heard anything except what is coming from their TV may think you're crazy, are doing this for attention, or are just fear-mongering. "What bullshit. How could anybody believe such non-sense?" What do you have to say to these people who think you're crazy and choose to believe everything they hear coming from their television?

NK: "You can give all the information in the world – but you cannot make a person think. What I would say to those who are willing to think, is this. THINK about who has something to gain, and who has nothing to gain. What do Africans have to gain by kicking the Red Cross out of their countries and lying about the origin of the sickness? Conversely what does the West have to gain by convincing the world that Ebola is running rampant and responding with military action? If you take a second to think about that simple question, in addition to all the evidence that exists, and the LACK of evidence supporting "Ebola" then the answer becomes clear. Africans have nothing to gain by lying about something like this."

SB: If you could tell the US president Barack Obama one thing, what would it be?

NK: "I could not tell president Barack Obama a single thing that he does not already know. As such I would not waste the effort. President Obama's assault on Africa has been ongoing and relentless since Libya. In fact if I could say something to Obama it would not be a statement, but a question:

"How does it feel to go to sleep every night knowing that you are hailed as the first "Black President"; and to simultaneously know that you are the first and only US President to ever drop bombs on Africa?"

SB: What do you suspect with happen in the US with Ebola? Do you think the plan is to have it spread back here?

NK: "I agree with a statement made by musician Prince Vega who recently released an article covering this exact subject. As he stated, "As soon as Americans fall for Ebola, their government will manufacture it there". So far we have seen several attempts to get a national fear campaign started including reported infections in the largest cities in America including Dallas and New York. So far though, these reports have been poorly executed and left many unanswered questions and therefore much skepticism. As such they have not successfully convinced the majority of people, but they are still working on it. The idea is not to spread "Ebola" in the US. The idea is to spread the FEAR of Ebola so that people flock to receive the treatment. Same as Africa."

Prince Vega: As Soon As Americans Fall For Ebola Their Government Will Manufacture It There

SB: Thanks for taking the time to answer these questions. Any last remarks or closing statements? What do you want the world to know?

NK: "The current outbreak of "Ebola" is a lie and a cover for a military invasion, resource theft and African land-grab. When you see an event such as this unfolding in the media, think about who has something to gain, and once you get on the trail – follow the money. Learn to make friends with people in different countries. Learn to look at things from a global perspective and not a one-sided view from the news. Lastly, learn to trust Africans when it comes to what is going on in Africa. Too often African voices go unheard, and even when heard they too often go ignored. The article that I wrote is important not just because it exposes Ebola; but more importantly because it contains a compilation of the views and opinions of everyday African people that are, for a change, being heard by millions . Usually only "official" opinions repeated by the media, or statements from African "politicians" receive such recognition. This must change.

Ask yourself: If I wanted to know something about you, who would you rather I ask? You? Or someone else who lives on the other side of the ocean from you, and who has also done many terrible things to you over the years? Who would give me a more accurate answer? Think of these things when America (CNN) or Britain (BBC) begins reporting something about Africa, and Africa is saying something different. Please do not donate to any "Stop Ebola" campaigns. This money will only be used to support this military invasion and media smear campaign. Donations also serve as an indication of just how many people have fallen for this ruse. A large influx of donations, therefore will give the "OK" to proceed to the next phase, knowing that many people are in agreement. If you truly want to help West Africa, do whatever you can do to call those troops back home. You cannot fight a "sickness" with bullets. In the absence of troops, West African nations should be left with the CHOICE to either accept the Red Cross' "help", or to proceed with removing the Red Cross and WHO which they were doing on their own. Even IF there were benevolent intentions behind these organizations, no sovereign nation should be required to accept assistance from another, under the threat of military force.

Thank you for taking interest in what I have to say, and for your time."

It's kind of hard to claim objectivity on what is happening on another continent when the only information we have been exposed to comes from corporate news stations that have a history of spreading propaganda. But now we have a more direct account of what is actually going on. I would love to hear your thoughts on this!

Here is a video capturing all of the evidence that Ebola is a conspiracy:

About the author: My name is Steven Bancarz, and I am the creator of 'Spirit Science and Metaphysics'. I hope you enjoyed this interview! If you would like to subscribe to my newsletter, you can do so here: http://creatorcourse.com/ssmcommunity/

- See more at: http://www.spiritscienceandmetaphysics.com/ebo-lie-exclusive-interview-with-a-man-in-ghana-reveals-the-truth-about-ebola/#sthash.Bsud0Bkm.dpuf

Assumption #1) Ebola only spreads via "direct contact"

The CDC continues to dangerously assert that Ebola only spread through "direct contact." This false claim openly encourages health and government officials to avoid donning necessary isolation gear (such as full face respirators) when mingling near infected Ebola patients.

It also makes the idea of touching Ebola-contaminated surfaces (such as doorknobs, bed sheets, countertops and even vehicle door handles) seem perfectly safe. But virologists are now openly questioning this dangerous CDC assumption. As reported by the LA Times: [1]

...some also question the official assertion that Ebola cannot be transmitted through the air. In late 1989, virus researcher Charles L. Bailey supervised the government's response to an outbreak of Ebola among several dozen rhesus monkeys housed for research in Reston, Va., a suburb of Washington.

What Bailey learned from the episode informs his suspicion that the current strain of Ebola afflicting humans might be spread through tiny liquid droplets propelled into the air by coughing or sneezing. "We know for a fact that the virus occurs in sputum and no one has ever done a study [disproving that] coughing or sneezing is a viable means of transmitting," he said. Unqualified assurances that Ebola is not spread through the air, Bailey said, are "misleading."

Peters, whose CDC team studied cases from 27 households that emerged during a 1995 Ebola outbreak in Democratic Republic of Congo, said that while most could be attributed to contact with infected late-stage patients or their bodily fluids, "some" infections may have occurred via "aerosol transmission."

"Those monkeys were dying in a pattern that was certainly suggestive of coughing and sneezing -- some sort of aerosol movement," Bailey said. "They were dying and spreading it so quickly from cage to cage. We finally came to the conclusion that the best action was to euthanize them all."

Dr. Peters and Dr. Russell also warn against the dogma of the CDC, saying: [1]

Dr. C.J. Peters, who battled a 1989 outbreak of the virus among research monkeys housed in Virginia and who later led the CDC's most far-reaching study of Ebola's transmissibility in humans, said he would not rule out the possibility that it spreads through the air in tight quarters. "We just don't have the data to exclude it..."

"Being dogmatic is, I think, ill-advised, because there are too many unknowns here." - Dr. Philip K. Russell, an Ebola research virologist and former head of the U.S. Army's Medical Research and Development Command. "we're in the middle of the first experiment of multiple, serial passages of Ebola virus in man.... God knows what this virus is going to look like. I don't."

Dangerous assumption #2) Ebola patients cannot spread the virus until they are "symptomatic"

Another great leap of faith being made by the CDC is found in the wildly unscientific assertion that Ebola victims can't spread the disease until they become "symptomatic." But this wishy-washy term isn't defined anywhere, nor is it universally understood or applied by medical professionals.

As the LA Times reports:

CDC officials also say that asymptomatic patients cannot spread Ebola. This assumption is crucial for assessing how many people are at risk of getting the disease. ...there is no proof that a person infected -- but who lacks symptoms -- could not spread the virus to others. "It's really unclear," said Michael Osterholm, a public health scientist at the University of Minnesota who recently served on the U.S. government's National Science Advisory Board for Biosecurity. "None of us know."

Russell, who oversaw the Army's research on Ebola, said he found the epidemiological data unconvincing. "The definition of 'symptomatic' is a little difficult to deal with," he said. "It may be generally true that patients aren't excreting very much virus until they become ill, but to say that we know the course of [the virus' entry into the bloodstream] and the course of when a virus appears in the various secretions, I think, is premature."

The CDC, in other words, is making a huge unscientific leap in claiming that Ebola only spreads after symptoms appear. From a commonsense perspective, any body fluid that contains even tiny amounts of Ebola virus obviously poses a risk of infection to others. Even before symptoms become obvious, the Ebola virus is clearly present at some concentration in a person's blood, saliva and mucus. Aren't all these body fluids dangerous even before full-blown symptoms appear?

Even semen has now been identified as carrying the Ebola virus for up to 90 days after a person survives an infection. As Reuters reported today: [4]

Sex could keep the Ebola epidemic alive even after the World Health Organization (WHO) declares an area free of the disease, one of the discoverers of the deadly virus said on Tuesday. "In a convalescent male, the virus can persist in semen for at least 70 days; one study suggests persistence for more than 90 days," the WHO said in an information note on Monday.

That same article also says that Ebola "spreads via bodily fluids such as blood and saliva, but it has also been detected in breast milk and urine, as well as semen."

Dangerous assumption #3) The Ebola strain the world is fighting today is identical to the outbreak strain of 1976

Ever wonder why this particular strain of Ebola is exploding out of control and making huge leaps to infect people who thought they were taking sufficient precautions?

The real answer is that this 2014 Ebola strain isn't the same strain world health officials battled in 1976 (where it was limited to a few dozen people).

Yet the CDC openly admits it is still fighting today's Ebola as if it were still 1976: [1]

Tom Skinner, a spokesman for the CDC in Atlanta, said health officials were basing their response to Ebola on what has been learned from battling the virus since its discovery in central Africa in 1976. The CDC remains confident, he said, that Ebola is transmitted principally by direct physical contact with an ill person or their bodily fluids.

Is it possible that the CDC's present-day advice is nearly four decades out of date?

Dangerous assumption #4) Airport screening will detect people who are harboring Ebola

Yet another dangerous assumption from the CDC is found in the agency's ridiculous insistence that airport screening measures are rock-solid. CDC director Frieden makes them sound almost bulletproof. From the LA Times: [1]

"One hundred percent of the individuals getting on planes are screened for fever before they get on the plane," Frieden said Sept. 30. "And if they have a fever, they are pulled out of the line, assessed for Ebola, and don't fly unless Ebola is ruled out."

But CNN medical correspondent Elizabeth Cohen went through this so-called screening process and was shocked to discover that the CDC's claims were pure nonsense. As CNN reports: [2]

CNN senior medical correspondent Elizabeth Cohen said she was shocked and horrified at the lack of screening for Ebola at an Atlanta airport after coming back from Liberia. Speaking to HLN on Monday, Cohen described what happened when she was going through customs at Atlanta's Hartsfield-Jackson International Airport. "I expected that they were going to take my temperature, they were going to ask me lots of questions, but they didn't," Cohen said.

Even more, it turns out to be incredibly easy for travelers to sneak through such screening procedures even if they really did exist like Frieden claims. Simply taking an ibuprofen tablet can lower your temperature and get you through such checkpoints. As the LA Times reports: [1]

Individuals who have flown recently from one or more of the affected countries suggested that travelers could easily subvert the screening procedures... A person could pass body temperature checks performed at the airports by taking ibuprofen or any common analgesic. And prospective passengers have much to fear from identifying themselves as sick.

Thus, the CDC's outlandish claim that "one hundred percent" of travelers are carefully screened before boarding an airplane is nothing short of delusional.

Dangerous assumption #5) Vaccines and pharma drugs are the only useful medical tools for preventing the spread of Ebola

Like almost everybody else in the modern medical system today, the CDC leaps to the assumption that there are really only two medical interventions for halting Ebola: Big Pharma drugs (like ZMapp) or vaccines (which are currently being tested in human trials).

But this assumption is extremely shortsighted, and following this false assumption is already putting people's lives at risk.

In truth, every person who has so far survived Ebola has done so because their own immune system saved them. So why isn't the CDC recommending that people take steps to boost their immune function in anticipation of possible exposure?

It's no secret that immune systems are suppressed when the body lacks crucial nutrients like vitamin D, zinc and selenium. Because most Americans are deficient in these nutrients, the simple advice to boost these levels through affordable nutritional intake could make a significant difference in enhancing the population's immune resistance to viral infections.

A huge number of culinary herbs, medicinal herbs and herbal remedies have well-known antiviral properties. These include common herbs such as basil, oregano, garlic and even popular mint varieties. (Listen to episode six of Pandemic Preparedness for a more complete discussion of antiviral herbs and spices.) Why won't the CDC encourage increased intake of these foods as a way to support a healthy immune response during a global pandemic that is clearly out of control?

While no nutrient or herb has ever been proven to stop Ebola, it has been proven that the human immune system can stop it. Doesn't it make sense to support that immune system and give it all the nutrients it needs to function at peak performance? Why is this option not even being entertained by the CDC or even the national media?

The CDC's dogma may ultimately cause the death of tens of millions

In summary, these five assumptions being made by the CDC are astonishingly irresponsible... even negligent. By spreading these false assumptions as if they were truths, the CDC may ultimately contribute to the deaths of literally millions of innocent Americans.

Here at Natural News, we want to see this outbreak halted and contained. That's why we launched www.BioDefense.com where you can download free MP3 audio files that teach lifesaving pandemic preparedness skills. But every single day it seems like we are having to counter the ignorance and disinformation being distributed by the CDC, a vaccine-promoting government department that almost seems to be purposefully spreading disinformation about Ebola in the hopes that it might spread even more. Such a crisis would, of course, create a financial windfall for the very vaccine manufacturers that top CDC employees often end up working for, making lucrative salaries like former CDC director Dr. Julie Gerberding.

The conflicts of interest in the CDC's behavior need to be publicly questioned. And we need to have the courage to stand up and ask the biggest question of all: Is the CDC deliberately downplaying the risk of Ebola transmission in order to encourage an outbreak in the USA that would lead to more vaccine sales and bigger CDC budgets?

We can't say for sure whether that's the case, but it's a question that needs to be seriously entertained at this point.


The verdict is out on flu shots. Many medical experts now agree it is more important to protect yourself and your family from the flu vaccine than the flu itself. Let's take a look at the reasons behind this verdict:

1.) There is a total lack of real evidence that young children even benefit from flu shots. A systematic review of 51 studies involving 260,000 children age 6 to 23 months found no evidence that the flu vaccine is any more effective than a placebo. Also the shots are only able to protect against certain strains of the virus, which means that if you come into contact with a different strain of virus you will still get the flu.

2.) Medical journals have published thousands of articles revealing that injecting vaccines can actually lead to serious health problems including harmful immunological responses and a host of other infections. This further increases the body's susceptibility to the diseases that the vaccine was supposed to protect against.

3.) Ever noticed how vaccinated children within days or few weeks develop runny noses, pneumonia, ear infections and bronchiolitis? The reason is the flu virus introduced in their bodies which creates these symptoms. It also indicates immuno-suppression i.e. lowering of the immunity.The flu vaccines actually do not immunize but sensitize the body against the virus.

4.) Its a known fact that Flu vaccines contain strains of the flu virus along with other ingredients. Now think about the impact such a vaccine can have over someone with a suppressed immune system? If you have a disease that is already lowering your body's ability to fight a virus, taking the flu shot will put your body in danger of getting the full effects of the flu and make you more susceptible to pneumonia and other contagious diseases.

5.) The Flu vaccines contain mercury, a heavy metal known to be hazardous for human health. The amount of mercury contained in a multi-dose flu shot is much higher than the maximum allowable daily exposure limit. Mercury toxicity can cause memory loss, depression, ADD, oral health problems, digestive imbalances, respiratory problems, cardiovascular diseases and many more such serious health ailments.

And what about the elderly? Can the flu vaccine help them?

6.) There is mounting evidence that flu shots can cause Alzheimer's disease. One report shows that people who received the flu vaccine each year for 3 to 5 years had a 10-fold greater chance of developing Alzheimer's disease than people who did not have any flu shots. Also with age the immune system weakens, thus lowering your ability to fight off infections. Introducing the flu virus in the bodies of elderly could have dangerous consequences.

Can we trust the authorities who are promoting the wide-spread use of flu vaccines?

7.) The Center for Disease Control appoints a 15-member Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP). This committee is responsible for deciding who should be vaccinated each year. Almost all the ACIP have a financial interest in immunizations.It's all about the money and may have very little to do with your health and well being. The very people pushing these vaccines stand to make billions of dollars. This itself creates a doubt on how effective these flu vaccines really are?

8.) Research shows that over-use of the flu-vaccine and drugs like Tamiflu and Relenza can actually alter flu viruses and cause them to mutate into a more deadly strain. Couple this with drug resistant strains and you have virtually no benefits with much risk.

9.) There is enough evidence that shows that the ingredients present in the flu vaccinations can actually cause serious neurological disorders. In the 1976 swine flu outbreak, many who got the flu shots developed permanent nerve damage. Flu vaccines can contain many harmful materials including detergent, mercury, formaldehyde, and strains of live flu virus. Is this what you want to put in YOUR body?

10.) Trying to guess what strain to vaccinate against each season has proved to be no more effective than a guessing game. This has been very true in recent years with the H1N1 strain. Moreover getting multi-shots will only prove more dangerous as different strains of viruses and harmful ingredients are introduced into your body.

Flu shots are indeed more dangerous than you could think, and it is best to rely on natural ways to protect against the flu rather than getting yourself vaccinated.

Isn't it interesting that the main stream public health officials never promote the various proven ways to avoid the flu other than through vaccination? How about spending some of the billions of advertising dollars teaching us natural ways to boost our immune systems and avoid the flu without harmful and sometimes deadly vaccinations.

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The U.S. health care system is a giant money making scam that is designed to drain as much money as possible out of all of us before we die.  In the United States today, the health care industry is completely dominated by government bureaucrats, health insurance companies and pharmaceutical corporations.  The pharmaceutical corporations spend billions of dollars to convince all of us to become dependent on their legal drugs, the health insurance companies make billions of dollars by providing as little health care as possible, and they both spend millions of dollars to make sure that our politicians in Washington D.C. keep the gravy train rolling.  Meanwhile, large numbers of doctors are going broke and patients are not getting the care that they need.  At this point, our health care system is a complete and total disaster.  Health care costs continue to go up rapidly, the level of care that we are receiving continues to go down, and every move that our politicians make just seems to make all of our health care problems even worse.  In America today, a single trip to the emergency room can easily cost you $100,000, and if you happen to get cancer you could end up with medical bills in excess of a million dollars.  Even if you do have health insurance, there are usually limits on your coverage, and the truth is that just a single major illness is often enough to push most American families into bankruptcy.  At the same time, hospital administrators, pharmaceutical corporations and health insurance company executives are absolutely swimming in huge mountains of cash.  Unfortunately, this gigantic money making scam has become so large that it threatens to collapse both the U.S. health care system and the entire U.S. economy.

The following are 50 signs that the U.S. health care system is a massive money making scam that is about to collapse…

#1 Medical bills have become so ridiculously large that virtually nobody can afford them.  Just check out the following short excerpt from a recent Time Magazine article.  One man in California that had been diagnosed with cancer ran up nearly a million dollars in hospital bills before he died…

By the time Steven D. died at his home in Northern California the following November, he had lived for an additional 11 months. And Alice had collected bills totaling $902,452. The family’s first bill — for $348,000 — which arrived when Steven got home from the Seton Medical Center in Daly City, Calif., was full of all the usual chargemaster profit grabs: $18 each for 88 diabetes-test strips that Amazon sells in boxes of 50 for $27.85; $24 each for 19 niacin pills that are sold in drugstores for about a nickel apiece. There were also four boxes of sterile gauze pads for $77 each. None of that was considered part of what was provided in return for Seton’s facility charge for the intensive-care unit for two days at $13,225 a day, 12 days in the critical unit at $7,315 a day and one day in a standard room (all of which totaled $120,116 over 15 days). There was also $20,886 for CT scans and $24,251 for lab work.

#2 This year the American people will spend approximately 2.8 trillion dollars on health care, and it is being projected that Americans will spend 4.5 trillion dollars on health care in 2019.

#3 The United States spends more on health care than Japan, Germany, France, China, the U.K., Italy, Canada, Brazil, Spain and Australia combined.

#4 If the U.S. health care system was a country, it would be the 6th largest economy on the entire planet.

#5 Back in 1960, an average of $147 was spent per person on health care in the United States. By 2009, that number had skyrocketed to$8,086.

#6 Why does it cost so much to stay in a hospital today?  It just does not make sense.  Just check out these numbers

In 1942, Christ Hospital, NJ charged $7 per day for a maternity room. Today it’s $1,360.

#7 Approximately 60 percent of all personal bankruptcies in the United States are related to medical bills.

#8 One study discovered that approximately 41 percent of all working age Americans either have medical bill problems or are currently paying off medical debt.

#9 The U.S. health care industry has spent more than 5 billion dollarson lobbying our politicians in Washington D.C. since 1998.

#10 According to the Association of American Medical Colleges, the U.S. is  currently experiencing a shortage of at least 13,000 doctors.  Unfortunately, that shortage is expected to grow to 130,000 doctorsover the next 10 years.

#11 The state of Florida is already dealing with a very serious shortage of doctors

Brace yourself for longer lines at the doctor’s office.

Whether you’re employed and insured, elderly and on Medicare, or poor and covered by Medicaid, the Florida Medical Association says there’s a growing shortage of doctors — especially specialists — available to provide you with medical care.

And if the Florida Legislature goes along with Gov. Rick Scott’s recommendation to offer Medicaid coverage to an additional 1 million Floridians — part of the Affordable Care Act that takes effect next January — the FMA says that shortage will only get worse.

#12 At this point, approximately 40 percent of all doctors in the United States are 55 years of age or older.

#13 In America today, many hospital executives make absolutely ridiculous amounts of money

In December, when the New York Times ran a story about how a deficit deal might threaten hospital payments, Steven Safyer, chief executive of Montefiore Medical Center, a large nonprofit hospital system in the Bronx, complained, “There is no such thing as a cut to a provider that isn’t a cut to a beneficiary … This is not crying wolf.”

Actually, Safyer seems to be crying wolf to the tune of about $196.8 million, according to the hospital’s latest publicly available tax return. That was his hospital’s operating profit, according to its 2010 return. With $2.586 billion in revenue — of which 99.4% came from patient bills and 0.6% from fundraising events and other charitable contributions — Safyer’s business is more than six times as large as that of the Bronx’s most famous enterprise, the New York Yankees. Surely, without cutting services to beneficiaries, Safyer could cut what have to be some of the Bronx’s better non-Yankee salaries: his own, which was $4,065,000, or those of his chief financial officer ($3,243,000), his executive vice president ($2,220,000) or the head of his dental department ($1,798,000).

#14 Health insurance administration expenses account for 8 percent of all health care costs in the United States each year.  In Finland, health insurance administration expenses account for just 2 percent of all health care costs each year.

#15 If you can believe it, the U.S. ambulance industry makes more money each year than the movie industry does.

#16 All over America, people are reporting huge health insurance premium increases thanks to Obamacare.  The following example is from a recent article by Robert Wenzel

A California small businessman tells me that he switched healthcare insurance carriers in 2012.  The monthly premium for him and his wife was about $400, but when he received his first bill in January of this year it was for $1,200.  He hasn’t been to a doctor in years, his wife has only gone for minor care.

Apparently there is some clause in the Affordable Healthcare Act that results in health insurance firms using a new method to calculate premiums. Those who have health insurance plans that have been in effect since at least 2010 are grandfathered under the old calculation method, but insurance carriers are using a new formula for new plans.

#17 Blue Shield of California has announced that it wants to raise health insurance premiums by up to 20 percent this year in an effort to keep up with rising health costs.

#18 Aetna’s CEO says that health insurance premiums for many Americans will double when the major provisions of Obamacare go into effect in 2014.

#19 Close to 10 percent of all U.S. employers plan to drop health coverage completely when the major provisions of Obamacare go into effect in 2014.

#20 According to a survey conducted by the Doctor Patient Medical Association, 83 percent of all doctors in the United States have considered leaving the profession because of Obamacare.

#21 Approximately 16,000 new IRS agents will be hired to help oversee the implementation of Obamacare, and the Obama administration has given the IRS 500 million extra dollars “outside the normal appropriations process” to help the IRS with their new duties.

#22 During 2013, Americans will spend more than 280 billion dollarson prescription drugs.

#23 Prescription drugs cost about 50% more in the United States than they do in other countries.

#24 In the United States today, prescription painkillers kill more Americans than heroin and cocaine combined.

#25 Nearly half of all Americans now use prescription drugs on a regular basis according to the CDC.  Not only that, the CDC also says that approximately one-third of all Americans use two or more pharmaceutical drugs on a regular basis, and more than ten percent of all Americans use five or more pharmaceutical drugs on a regular basis.

#26 The percentage of women taking antidepressants in America is higher than in any other country in the world.

#27 In 2010, the average teen in the U.S. was taking 1.2 central nervous system drugs.  Those are the kinds of drugs which treat conditions such as ADHD and depression.

#28 Children in the United States are three times more likely to be prescribed antidepressants as children in Europe are.

#29 There were more than two dozen pharmaceutical companiesthat made over a billion dollars in profits during 2008.

#30 According to the CDC, approximately three quarters of a million people a year are rushed to emergency rooms in the United States because of adverse reactions to pharmaceutical drugs.

#31 According to a report by Health Care for America Now, America’s five biggest for-profit health insurance companies ended 2009 with a combined profit of $12.2 billion.

#32 The top executives at the five largest for-profit health insurance companies in the United States combined to bring in nearly $200 million in total compensation for 2009.

#33 The chairman of Aetna, the third largest health insurance company in the United States, brought in a staggering $68.7 million during 2010. Ron Williams exercised stock options that were worth approximately $50.3 million and he raked in an additional $18.4 million in wages and other forms of compensation.  The funny thing is that he left the company and didn’t even work the entire year.

#34 It turns out that the financial assistance that Barack Obama promised would be provided for those with “pre-existing conditions” under Obamacare is already being shut down because of a lack of funding…

Tens of thousands of Americans who cannot get health insurance because of preexisting medical problems will be blocked from a program designed to help them because funding is running low.

Obama administration officials said Friday that the state-based “high-risk pools” set up under the 2010 health-care law will be closed to new applicants as soon as Saturday and no later than March 2, depending on the state.

#35 In America today, you are 64 times more likely to be killed by a doctor than you are by a gun.

#36 People living in the United States are three times more likely to have diabetes than people living in the United Kingdom.

#37 Today, people living in Puerto Rico have a greater life expectancy than people living in the United States do.

#38 According to OECD statistics, Americans are twice as obese as Canadians are.

#39 Greece has twice as many hospital beds per person as the United States does.

#40 The state of California now ranks dead last out of all 50 states in the number of emergency rooms per million people.

#41 According to a doctor interviewed by Fox News, “a gunshot wound to the head, chest or abdomen” will cost $13,000 at his hospital the moment the victim comes in the door, and then there will be significant additional charges depending on how bad the wound is.

#42 It has been estimated that hospitals overcharge Americans by about 10 billion dollars every single year.

#43 One trained medical billing advocate says that over 90 percent of the medical bills that she has audited contain “gross overcharges“.

#44 It is not uncommon for insurance companies to get hospitals to knock their bills down by up to 95 percent, but if you are uninsured or you don’t know how the system works then you are out of luck.

#45 According to a study conducted by Deloitte Consulting, a whopping875,000 Americans were “medical tourists” in 2010.

#46 Today, there are more than 56 million Americans on Medicaid, and it is being projected that Obamacare will add 16 million more Americans to the Medicaid rolls.

#47 Back in 1965, only one out of every 50 Americans was on Medicaid.  Today, one out of every 6 Americans is on Medicaid.

#48 Today, there are more than 50 million Americans on Medicare, and that number is projected to grow to 73.2 million in 2025.

#49 When Medicare was first established by Congress, it was estimated that it would cost the federal government $12 billion a year by the time 1990 rolled around.  Instead, it cost the federal government $110 billionin 1990, and it will cost the federal government close to $600 billion this year.

#50 Even if you do have health insurance, that is no guarantee that medical bills will not bankrupt you.  Just check out what a recent Time Magazine article says happened to one unfortunate couple from Ohio that actually did have health insurance…

When Sean Recchi, a 42-year-old from Lancaster, Ohio, was told last March that he had non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma, his wife Stephanie knew she had to get him to MD Anderson Cancer Center in Houston. Stephanie’s father had been treated there 10 years earlier, and she and her family credited the doctors and nurses at MD Anderson with extending his life by at least eight years.

Because Stephanie and her husband had recently started their own small technology business, they were unable to buy comprehensive health insurance. For $469 a month, or about 20% of their income, they had been able to get only a policy that covered just $2,000 per day of any hospital costs. “We don’t take that kind of discount insurance,” said the woman at MD Anderson when Stephanie called to make an appointment for Sean.

Stephanie was then told by a billing clerk that the estimated cost of Sean’s visit — just to be examined for six days so a treatment plan could be devised — would be $48,900, due in advance.

By the way, that hospital down in Houston made a profit of 531 million dollars in one recent year.

So what can be done about all of this?

Well, the truth is that the status quo is a complete and total disaster, and every “solution” being promoted by politicians from both major political parties would only make things worse.

In the end, the U.S. health care system needs to be rebuilt from the ground up, but we all know that is not going to happen.

Instead, our politicians and the health care industry will just find additional ways to extract money from all of us, and the level of care that we all get will continue to decline.

If you don’t believe this, just check out what Paul Krugman of the New York Times had to say recently

We’re going to need more revenue…Surely it will require some sort of middle class taxes as well.. We won’t be able to pay for the kind of government the society will want without some increase in taxes… on the middle class, maybe a value added tax…And we’re also going to have to make decisions about health care, doc pay for health care that has no demonstrated medical benefits . So the snarky version…which I shouldn’t even say because it will get me in trouble is death panels and sales taxes is how we do this.

Others are urging us to become more like Europe.

But do we really want what they have in the UK?…

Sick children are being discharged from NHS hospitals to die at home or in hospices on controversial ‘death pathways’.

Until now, end of life regime the Liverpool Care Pathway was thought to have involved only elderly and terminally-ill adults.

But the Mail can reveal the practice of withdrawing food and fluid by tube is being used on young patients as well as severely disabled newborn babies.

One doctor has admitted starving and dehydrating ten babies to death in the neonatal unit of one hospital alone.

Writing in a leading medical journal, the physician revealed the process can take an average of ten days during which a  baby becomes ‘smaller and shrunken’.

In the end, my philosophy is just to avoid the U.S. health care system as much as possible.  Most doctors are just trained to do two things – prescribe drugs and cut you open.  In an emergency situation where you are about to die, those may be your best options, but otherwise I would just as soon avoid the gigantic money making scam that the U.S. health care industry has become.

But just don’t take my word for it.  The following is some very sound advice from Dr. Robert S. Dotson

Avoid contact with the existing health care system as far as possible. Yes, emergencies arise that require the help of physicians, but by and large one can learn to care for one’s own minor issues. Though it is flawed, the internet has been an information leveler for the masses and permits each person to be his or her own physician to a large degree. Take advantage of it! Educate yourself about your own body and learn to fuel and maintain it as you would an expensive auto or a pet poodle. One does not need a medical degree to:

1. avoid excessive use of tobacco or alcohol or, for that matter, caffeine;
2. avoid poisons like fluoride, aspartame, high fructose corn syrup, and addictive drugs (legal or illicit);
3. avoid unnecessary and potentially lethal imaging studies (TSA’s radiation pornbooths, excessive mammography, repetitive CT scans – exposure to all significantly increases cancer risk);
4. avoid excessive cell phone use and exposure to other forms of EMR pollution where possible (the NSA is recording everything you say and text anyway);
5. avoid daily fast food use and abuse (remember: pink slime and silicone) ;
6. avoid untested GM foods (do you really want to become “Roundup Ready?”):
7. avoid most vaccinations and pharmaceutical agents promoted by the establishment;
8. avoid risky behaviors (and, we do not need a bunch of Nanny State bureaucrats to define and police these);
9. exercise moderately;
10. get plenty of sleep;
11. drink plenty of good quality water (buy a decent water filter to remove fluoride, chloride, and heavy metals);
12. wear protective gear at work and play where appropriate (helmets, eye-shields, knee and elbow pads, etc.):
13. seek out locally-grown, whole, organic foods and support your local food producers;
14. take appropriate nutritional supplements (multi-vitamins, Vitamin C, Vitamin D3);
15. switch off the TV and the mainstream media it represents;
16. educate yourself while you can;

And, lastly…


Doing these simple, common-sense things will add healthy years to a person’s life and help one avoid most medical encounters during his or her allotted time on earth.

So what do you think?

Do you believe that the U.S. health care system is a gigantic money making scam that is about to collapse?

Friday, 06 May 2011
Whose children will be sacrificed in an illegal and unethical experiment in the name of Biodefense Preparedness?

According to BioPrepWatch.com , the Obama administration is seeking to obtain a green light to conduct an anthrax vaccine safety experiment  on US children.  The stated rationale for such a trial, articulated by Dr. Nicole Lurie, US Dept. of Health and Human Services,  is that there are no data about the safety of exposing children to the anthrax vaccine. And if an emergency arises, a trial "would present an array of logistical, clinical and communication challenges during a public health crisis."

No child would benefit from exposure to a vaccine that has generated thousands of adverse event reports--including deaths--in adults.

Current law allows the FDA to issue an Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) for "protections against biological, chemical, radiological, and nuclear agents that may be used to attack the American people." The FDA Commissioner "may allow countermeasures to be used in an emergency to diagnose, treat, or prevent serious life-threatening diseases or conditions caused by such agents, when there are no adequate, approved and available alternatives."

In the absence of a national emergency from an anthrax bioterrorist attack, an anthrax vaccine trial in children would violate federal legal and ethical standards which prohibit exposing children to greater than minimal risk if a child does not have a condition that would benefit from the experimental intervention.  45 CFR 46 Subpart D

The Anthrax vaccine is highly controversial and US courts prohibited mandatory vaccination of the military from 2004-2006:

Even when anthrax-laden letters were mailed to several congressional leaders in 2001, Senate Majority Leader, Sen. Bill First, a doctor, criticized the anthrax vaccine on CNN  stating,

    "There are very real and potentially serious side effects from the vaccine and anyone who elects to receive the vaccine needs to be made aware of that. I do not recommend widespread inoculation for people with the vaccine in the Hart Building ...There are too many side effects and if there is limited chance of exposure- the side effects would far outweigh any potential advantage."

Between 2001 and 2004, the FDA Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) received 4,136 spontaneous adverse event reports: 347 (8.4%) were reported as serious.

  *Serious adverse events include: death, hospitalization, permanent disability, or are life-threatening. There were 16 deaths.

According a 2007 report by the Congressional watchdog agency, the Government Accountability Office (GAO), the Center for Disease Control and the Vaccine Healthcare Centers of the Dept. of Defense estimate that "between 1 and 2 percent" of vaccinated military personnel, experienced "severe adverse events, which could result in disability or death."

So, what is the catalyst that prompted public health officials in the Obama administration to request permission to conduct a wholly non-therapeutic experiment that would expose children to serious risk of harm? Such an experiment would callously disregard children's human right to "Life, Liberty and Security of the Person"--as guaranteed by the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, 1948.

Could it be that the request by DHHS to conduct an anthrax vaccine safety trial in children is prompted by commercial, rather than public health considerations?

Mery Nass, MD whose anthraxvaccine.blog examines illogical and dishonest public health responses--the anthrax vaccine being a primary focus, has revealed that the board of directors of Emergent Biosolutions, the manufacturer of the anthrax vaccine (2007 and 2011) is made up of national political operatives with little anthrax experience--but plenty of ties to government policymakers.

Emergent broadens CDC contract by $101m

On May 2, 2011,  Emergent Biosolutions (formerly Bioport, the manufacturer of Biothrax, the only anthrax vaccine approved by the FDA) announced that the federal government would be purchasing 3.42 million doses of anthrax vaccine to add to the civilian anthrax vaccine stockpile. (reposted below)

This purchase adds about $101 million to the total contract for DHHS' anthrax stockpile, which is now worth about $500 million. The company has made $2.4 billion since 2004, which could climb to over $2 billion if the government purchases the 75 million doses it said it needed. This is in addition to the military anthrax vaccine stockpile.

Washington Business Journal reports that Emergent derives the bulk of its revenue from federal public health agencies.

    “Emergent proudly supports the U.S. government’s efforts and unwavering commitment to meet its stated need of 75 million doses of anthrax vaccines,” said Fuad El-Hibri, chairman and chief executive officer of Emergent BioSolutions. “This contract is an indication that BioThrax remains a critical component of the government’s arsenal of biodefense medical countermeasures. In addition to this contract modification, we are continuing discussions with the U.S. government regarding a follow-on procurement contract, which we anticipate will cover a multi-year period.”

Emergent Biosolutions also secured a $186.6 million contract for a recombinant protein antigen to combat anthrax and a $28.7 million contract for a third-generation vaccine.

So, how did Emergent secure such profitable US government contracts for anthrax vaccine?

The answer is described by Scot Lilly in "Getting Rich on Uncle Sucker: Should the Federal Government  Strengthen Efforts to Fight Profiteering?"

The Emergant model extracts contracts from the US government at exorbitant high profit margins, compared to the cost of manufacture. The vaccine vials expire after 3-4 years, requiring continuous replenishment--guaranteeing sales of at least $100 million / year to the manufacturer for the foreseeable future.  However the expenditure throws taxpayer money into a black hole.

We say to President Obama: do not even consider the suggestion by your DHHS officials who recommend that children should be put at risk (i.e., sacrificed) to justify anthrax vaccine profits.  

Vera Hassner Sharav


    May 02, 2011 
    U.S. Government Expands BioThrax Procurement Contract to 17.92M Doses from 14.5M Increasing Contract Value by up to $101 Million

    ROCKVILLE, Md.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Emergent BioSolutions Inc. (NYSE:EBS) announced today that it has signed a modification to its current procurement contract (200-2009-30162) with the U.S. government to supply an additional 3.42 million doses of BioThrax® (Anthrax Vaccine Adsorbed). BioThrax is the only vaccine licensed by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to protect against anthrax infection.

    “Emergent proudly supports the U.S. government’s efforts and unwavering commitment to meet its stated need of 75 million doses of anthrax vaccines”

    This modification to the contract is valued at up to $101 million for the delivery and shipping of additional doses of BioThrax beginning 3Q 2011. Delivery of these doses will commence immediately following early completion of final delivery of the original 14.5 million doses of BioThrax under the contract prior to this modification. Emergent anticipates completing all deliveries of these additional 3.42 million doses of BioThrax during the remainder of 2011.

    “Emergent proudly supports the U.S. government’s efforts and unwavering commitment to meet its stated need of 75 million doses of anthrax vaccines,” said Fuad El-Hibri, chairman and chief executive officer of Emergent BioSolutions. “This contract is an indication that BioThrax remains a critical component of the government’s arsenal of biodefense medical countermeasures. In addition to this contract modification, we are continuing discussions with the U.S. government regarding a follow-on procurement contract, which we anticipate will cover a multi-year period.”

    About Emergent BioSolutions Inc.

    Emergent BioSolutions protects and enhances life by developing and manufacturing vaccines and therapeutics that are supplied to healthcare providers and purchasers for use in preventing and treating disease. Emergent's marketed and investigational products target infectious diseases, oncology and autoimmune disorders. Additional information about the company may be found at www.emergentbiosolutions.com.

    About BioThrax

    BioThrax is the only FDA-licensed vaccine for the prevention of anthrax infection. It is indicated for the active immunization of adults who are at high risk of exposure to anthrax. BioThrax is manufactured from a culture filtrate, made from a non-virulent strain of Bacillus anthracis. To date, Emergent has delivered over 42 million doses of BioThrax to the U.S. government and continues to deliver additional doses under active procurement contracts. Since 1998, over 10 million doses have been administered to more than 2.5 million military personnel. For full prescribing information, please visit www.biothrax.com/prescribinginformation_biothrax_us.pdf.

    Safe Harbor Statement

    This press release includes forward-looking statements within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Any statements, other than statements of historical fact, including statements regarding our strategy, future operations, future financial position, future revenues, projected costs, prospects, plans and objectives of management, including any potential future securities offering, our expected revenue growth and net earnings for 2011, and any other statements containing the words “believes”, “expects”, “anticipates”, “plans”, “estimates” and similar expressions, are forward-looking statements. There are a number of important factors that could cause the company’s actual results to differ materially from those indicated by such forward-looking statements, including appropriations for BioThrax® procurement; our ability to obtain new BioThrax® sales contracts or modifications to existing contracts; our plans to pursue label expansions and improvements for BioThrax®; our plans to expand our manufacturing facilities and capabilities; the rate and degree of market acceptance of our products; the success of preclinical studies and clinical trials of our product candidates and post-approval clinical utility of our products; and other factors identified in the company’s Annual Report for the year ended December 31, 2010 and subsequent reports filed with the SEC. The company disclaims any intention or obligation to update any forward-looking statements as a result of developments occurring after the date of this press release.

    Emergent BioSolutions
    Investors Contact:
    Robert G. Burrows
    Vice President, Investor Relations
    BurrowsR@ebsi.comThis e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it
    Media Contact:
    Tracey Schmitt
    Vice President, Corporate Communications
    SchmittT@ebsi.comThis e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it

What is the appropriate word to use when you find out that the top executive at the third largest health insurance company in America raked in 68.7 million dollars in 2010?  How is one supposed to respond when one learns that more than two dozen pharmaceutical companies make over a billion dollars in profits each year?  Is it okay to get angry when you discover that over 90 percent of all hospital bills contain "gross overcharges"?  Once upon a time, going into the medical profession was seen as a "noble" thing to do.  But now the health care industry in the United States has become one giant money making scam and it is completely dominated by health insurance companies, pharmaceutical corporations, lawyers and corporate fatcats.  In America today, just one trip to the hospital can cost you tens of thousands of dollars even if you do not stay for a single night.  The sad thing is that the vast majority of the money that you pay out for medical care does not even go to your doctor.  In fact, large numbers of doctors across the United States are going broke.  Rather, it is the "system" that is soaking up almost all of the profits.  We have a health care industry in the United States that is fundamentally broken and it needs to be rebuilt from the ground up.

But wasn't that what Obamacare was supposed to do?  No, in fact Obamacare was largely written by representatives from the health insurance industry and the pharmaceutical industry.  Once it was signed into law the stocks of most health insurance companies went way up.

The truth is that Obamacare was one of the worst pieces of legislation in modern American history.  It did nothing to fix our health care problems.  Rather, it just made all of our health care problems much worse.

In case you haven't noticed, health insurance companies all over the United States have announced that they are going to raise premiums significantly due to the new law.  Of course they are just using it as an excuse.  They have been sticking it to us good for the last several decades and they just grab hold of whatever excuse they can find to justify the latest rate hike.

If you are looking for a legal way to drain massive amounts of money out of average Americans just become a health care company executive.  Health care has become perhaps the greatest money making scam in the United States.  When Americans are sick and have to go to the hospital most of them aren't really thinking about how much it will cost.  At that point they are super vulnerable and ready to be exploited.

It is almost unbelievable how much money some of these companies make.  Health insurance companies are more profitable when they provide less health care.  Pharmaceutical companies aren't in the business of saving lives.  Rather, they are in the business of inflating the profit margins on their drugs as much as possible.  Many hospitals have adopted a policy of charging "whatever they can get away with", knowing that the vast majority of the public will never challenge the medical bills.

The system is broken.

Everyone knows it.

But it never gets fixed.

The following are 25 shocking facts that prove that the entire U.S. health care industry is one giant money making scam....

#1 The chairman of Aetna, the third largest health insurance company in the United States, brought in a staggering $68.7 million during 2010. Ron Williams exercised stock options that were worth approximately $50.3 million and he raked in an additional $18.4 million in wages and other forms of compensation.  The funny thing is that he left the company and didn't even work the whole year.

#2 The top executives at the five largest for-profit health insurance companies in the United States combined to receive nearly $200 million in total compensation in 2009.

#3 One study found that approximately 41 percent of working age Americans either have medical bill problems or are currently paying off medical debt.

#4 Over the last decade, the number of Americans without health insurance has risen from about 38 million to about 52 million.

#5 According to one survey, approximately 1 out of every 4 Californians under the age of 65 has absolutely no health insurance.

#6 According to a report published in The American Journal of Medicine, medical bills are a major factor in more than 60 percent of the personal bankruptcies in the United States.  Of those bankruptcies that were caused by medical bills, approximately 75 percent of them involved individuals that actually did have health insurance.

#7 Profits at U.S. health insurance companies increased by 56 percent during 2009.

#8 According to a report by Health Care for America Now, America's five biggest for-profit health insurance companies ended 2009 with a combined profit of $12.2 billion.

#9 Health insurance rate increases are getting out of control.  According to the Los Angeles Times, Blue Shield of California plans to raise rates an average of 30% to 35%, and some individual policy holders could see their health insurance premiums rise by a whopping 59 percent this year alone.

#10 According to an article on the Mother Jones website, health insurance premiums for small employers in the U.S. increased 180% between 1999 and 2009.

#11 Why are c-sections on the rise?  It is because a vaginal delivery costs approximately $5,992 on average, while a c-section costs approximately $8,558 on average.

#12 Since 2003, health insurance companies have shelled out more than $42 million in state-level campaign contributions.

#13 Between 2000 and 2006, wages in the United States increased by 3.8%, but health care premiums increased by 87%.

#14 There were more than two dozen pharmaceutical companies that made over a billion dollars in profits in 2008.

#15 Each year, tens of billions of dollars is spent on pharmaceutical marketing in the United States alone.

#16 Nearly half of all Americans now use prescription drugs on a regular basis according to a CDC report that was just released. According to the report, approximately one-third of all Americans use two or more pharmaceutical drugs, and more than ten percent of all Americans use five or more prescription drugs on a regular basis.

#17 According to the CDC, approximately three quarters of a million people a year are rushed to emergency rooms in the United States because of adverse reactions to pharmaceutical drugs.

#18 The Food and Drug Administration reported 1,742 prescription drug recalls in 2009, which was a gigantic increase from 426 drug recalls in 2008.

#19 Lawyers are certainly doing their part to contribute to soaring health care costs.  According to one recent study, the medical liability system in the United States added approximately $55.6 billion to the cost of health care in 2008.

#20 According to one doctor interviewed by Fox News, "a gunshot wound to the head, chest or abdomen" will cost $13,000 at his hospital the moment the victim comes in the door, and then there will be significant additional charges depending on how bad the wound is.

#21 In America today, if you have an illness that requires intensive care for an extended period of time, it is ridiculously really easy to rack up medical bills that total over 1 million dollars.

#22 It is estimated that hospitals overcharge Americans by about 10 billion dollars every single year.

#23 One trained medical billing advocate says that over 90 percent of the medical bills that she has audited contain "gross overcharges".

#24 It is not uncommon for insurance companies to get hospitals to knock their bills down by up to 95 percent, but if you are uninsured or you don't know how the system works then you are out of luck.

#25 According to one recent report, Americans spend approximately twice as much as residents of other developed countries on health care.

Sadly, the pillaging of the American people only seems to be accelerating.

Whether it is as a result of Obamacare or not, health insurers have decided that this is the season to raise health insurance premiums.  Just consider the following excerpt from a recent article on Fox News....

Here is the terse reason CareFirst/Blue Cross/Blue Shield of Washington gave its subscribers for raising a monthly premium from $333 to $512 on a middle aged man who is healthy, is not a smoker and is not obese: "Your new rate reflects the overall rise in health care costs and we regret having to pass these additional costs on to you."

512 dollars a month for health insurance for a healthy non-smoker?

Are they serious?

Apparently they are.

Things have gotten so bad that an increasing number of Americans are going outside of the country for medical care.

According to numbers released by Deloitte Consulting, a whopping 875,000 Americans were "medical tourists" in 2010.

Is there anyone out there that is not paid by the health care industry that is still willing to defend it?

Is there anyone out there that still believes that the health care industry is not just one giant money making scam?

Feel free to leave your comments below.  In particular, if you have a horror story about a health insurance company, a pharmaceutical company or the health care industry as a whole please share it with us....

At the start of the 112th Congress, every legislator was sworn in using the standard oath proclaiming the members will uphold and defend the Constitution of the United States. Each state has their own oath of office that includes supporting and defending the Constitution as well as the particular state’s constitution. In many states, every civil servant, whether a firefighter, school teacher, or police officer takes the state’s oath of office including the clause regarding supporting and defending the U.S. Constitution. Since the new Congress has been in session, it appears that every single Republican in the House and Senate has broken their promise to uphold and defend the Constitution and it may be time to initiate a full-scale, across-the-board impeachment proceeding to evict the promise-breakers in the Republican Party.

The first Amendment’s Establishment Clause says, “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof,” and is generally accepted to mean the Congress cannot establish a national religion or show preference of one religion over another. In this session of Congress, Republicans arranged to have the Constitution read aloud to show their intention of strictly adhering to the document they claim directs their agenda and policy decisions. Since they swore to uphold the Constitution and heard it read aloud, there is absolutely no excuse for subverting the 1st Amendment’s Establishment Clause.

In the House of Representatives, Republicans have been on a rampage to make laws regarding establishment of Christianity as the law of the land, and in the process, are prohibiting the free exercise of beliefs or religion that is not Christianity. The illegal, unconstitutional establishment of religion is not unique to the House of Representatives or the Senate for that matter. Republican governors and state legislators are following the lead of House Republicans in passing laws establishing Christianity as the source of law that all residents must follow in spite of the Constitution’s prohibition.

Instead of working on legislation that helps improve the economy and creates jobs, House Republicans are attacking women’s reproductive rights and using Christian dogmata to dictate spending cuts and defunding strategies in an effort to ban abortions. The issue has gone beyond the argument that government funds shall not be used to pay for abortion; Republicans have worked to make it impossible for women to enroll in health policies that cover abortion whether the coverage is used or not, and regardless that a woman pays for the coverage with her own funds. Regardless of the reason an individual is against abortion, the Republicans are using the bible as the basis for the law and not the Constitution.

In states with Republican majorities, the theocratic lawmakers are taking drastic steps to impose Christianity on women with total disregard for the Constitution or freedom to choose their own reproductive health. In South Dakota, for example, women seeking an abortion must wait for three days and submit to sermons outlining the iniquities of abortion, and in Utah, a law seeks to criminalize miscarriages, and many states are attempting to pass laws granting personhood to a zygote. The bible-inspired laws are being supported by religious organizations that are also attempting to impose their anti-gay beliefs on Americans in states throughout the nation.

There are more ominous signs that Republicans are moving closer to theocratic rule, and they are unapologetic about their Reconstructionist intentions. Presumed presidential candidate and former Minnesota Governor Tim Pawlenty told audiences in New Hampshire and Iowa that elected officials should apply their faith to government, and he addressed the Iowa Faith and Freedom Coalition saying that, “We need to be a country that turns toward God, not a country that turns away from God.” Pawlenty also says that if he were president, he would reinstate the discriminatory DADT law that was repealed in December. Pawlenty is an Evangelical Christian who recently released a book detailing his Christian principles and how they inform his decisions and politics.

Pawlenty is representative of many Republicans who are using their power and influence to insert Christianity into the law. It really is of no consequence if it is one legislator imposing their bible-based beliefs on their constituents or an entire party; it is unconstitutional. The Constitution protects Christians and gives them the freedom to worship and assemble, but it prohibits them from forcing the government or its citizens to follow their religious dogma. The Republicans who have decimated women’s rights, discriminated against gays, and rejected science-based knowledge are legislating for Christianity.

The Republican governors and state legislatures are passing laws that are, in effect, establishing Christianity as the law of the land. They are also prohibiting the free exercise of religion by anyone except Christians, and in particular are persecuting Muslims. The Republicans who are in the running to be the presidential candidate in 2012 are all devout Christians and it does not bode well for America. They are unapologetic and have openly flaunted their belief that America must return to god in order for the country to prosper.

America is beset with economic problems that need to be resolved by rational politicians on both sides of the aisle, but when one side is only willing to work on promoting Christian dogmata and inserting religion as a replacement for the Constitution, the country is in trouble. The trouble can be ameliorated by removing the legislators who are breaking their oath of office. It is a simple case to prosecute. The Republicans took an oath to uphold and defend the Constitution that specifically says Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, but they are passing legislation that is establishing Christianity as the basis of law.

The offending Dominionists and Reconstructionist Republicans must be impeached, recalled, prosecuted, and convicted of lying, breaking their oath of office, and establishing religion as law. They need to be removed before it is too late and America actually becomes a theocracy. If they are allowed to continue, the Ten Commandments will be the Constitution and America will revert to the Stone Age; all because the Republicans are allowed to break their oath of office.

As federal battles over medical marijuana across the country heat up, a statement from one federal agency may be a huge asset for medical marijuana dispensaries that have been targeted by the various arms of the U.S. Department of Justice and the IRS.

The National Cancer Institute (NCI) is a division of the National Institute of Health, which is itself one of the 11 component agencies that make up the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Last week, the NCI quietly added to its treatment database a summary of marijuana’s medicinal benefits, including an acknowledgment that oncologists may recommend it to patients for medicinal use.

The summary cites clinical trials demonstrating the benefit of medical marijuana. Part of it reads:

The potential benefits of medicinal Cannabis for people living with cancer include antiemetic effects, appetite stimulation, pain relief, and improved sleep. In the practice of integrative oncology, the health care provider may recommend medicinal Cannabis not only for symptom management but also for its possible direct antitumor effect.

Although 34 states have passed laws recognizing marijuana’s medicinal properties and 15 states, plus Washington, D.C., have legalized it for medical use, this is the first time a federal agency has recognized it as medicine. Despite recent developments, Attorney General Eric Holder said in 2009 that the Justice Department would not raid medical marijuana facilities, but at no point did he acknowledge their legitimacy as distribution centers for medicine. A 2001 Supreme Court ruling, meanwhile, declared that medical use of marijuana cannot be considered in any federal court deliberating on a marijuana possession or distribution case.

The new NCI assessment could have an impact on the classification of marijuana as a Schedule I drug, the harshest possible drug classification, which has resulted in a prison population in which 1 in 8 prisoners in the U.S. is locked up for a marijuana-related offense. One of the principal criteria for a Schedule I determination is that there be “no currently accepted medical use in treatment in the United States.” The U.S. Justice Department may have a hard time maintaining that claim if challenged, considering a federal agency now recognizes marijuana’s medical use in cancer treatment.

From the other side of the argument comes a new white paper (PDF) from the American Society of Addiction Medicine (ASAM) censuring the prescription of marijuana by doctors in states where its medical use is legal. The ASAM takes issue with the fact that marijuana is not regulated by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration and therefore not subject to the same standards as other medicines. The white paper also cites as a health risk the fact that the most common method of using marijuana is smoking it.

Allen St. Pierre, executive director of the National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws, believes that the ASAM paper is a direct response to the new NCI evaluation and that ASAM physicians have a vested interest in keeping marijuana illegal in all cases.

“These doctors are making a fortune off of marijuana prohibition,” he says. “They have a financial, proprietary interest to maintain the status quo.”

St. Pierre argues that addiction specialists would be losing a major revenue source if marijuana were legalized, decriminalized or simply recognized as medicine in federal court. Without the massive number of arrests and convictions based on marijuana-related offenses, there would be a sharp drop in the number of patients referred to a doctor for marijuana addiction counseling by judges.

“The NCI statement? Fascinating. The AMAS reply? Pathetic. And predictable,” says St. Pierre.

Dr. Andrea Barthwell, former president of AMAS, claimed in an AMAS press release that the white paper had its origins in a concern for doctor liability and responsibility.

“Allowing cannabis to circumvent FDA approval sets a dangerous precedent and puts us on a slippery slope,” she said.

Prescription-Drugs flip.jpg Photo: As It Stands Over a 10-year period, more than 10,000 people died from taking FDA-approved drugs, while zero died from marijuana, which is considered by the federal government a highly dangerous Schedule I drug with no medical uses. Welcome to Room 420, where your instructor is Mr. Ron Marczyk and your subjects are wellness, disease prevention, self actualization, and chillin'.

Worth Repeating
By Ron Marczyk, R.N.
Health Education Teacher (Retired)

There has never been a single documented primary human fatality from overdosing on cannabis in its natural form in any amount.

When a new drug is being developed, phase two of studying it determines how safe the drug is, what would be a possible therapeutic dose vs. a fatal dose. Remember, the difference between a medicine and a poison is only the dose.
The LD 50 of a drug stands for how much of the substance being tested will kill 50 percent of a population of test subjects by overdose compared to their body mass (rats are used), and the amount of the drug that killed 50 percent is averaged according to animal body weight, and then that information is extrapolated for an average human's weight.

The amount is theoretical, because the test could never be ethically performed in real humans.
When THC is tested for its LD 50 in rats, researchers have a problem: They can't seem to kill the rats with THC, no matter how hard they try! THC is just too damn safe.
According to the Merck Index, 12th edition (the number one reference book for medical doctors), the LD 50 value for rats by inhalation of THC is 42 mg/kg of body weight. Comparing this to an average human being, one estimate of THC's LD 50 for humans indicates that about 1,500 pounds (680 kg) if cannabis would have to be smoked within 14 minutes. Warning: Don't try this at home! In the real world, the only way this could possibly happen would be something like you are trapped in a house made of cannabis, it's engulfed in flames and all the windows and doors are locked -- the mother of all bong rips!)
By contrast, with alcohol, chugging as little as 10 ounces of 100 proof on an empty stomach would likely put a 150-pound person into a coma, possibly leading to respiratory arrest.

prescription-drugs-1 flip.jpg
Photo: Executive Healthcare

Even aspirin can kill you. Moderate toxicity occurs at doses up to 300 mg/kg, severe toxicity occurs between 300 to 500 mg/kg, and a potentially lethal dose is greater than 500 mg/kg, i.e., the LD 50 for a 150-pound person would be approximately 100 to 125 325-mg tabs of aspirin.
Acetaminophen causes three times as many cases of liver failure as all other drugs combined, and is the most common cause of acute liver failure in the United States -- accounting for 39 percent of all cases. While it occurs through overdosing, even recommended doses, especially combined with even small amounts of alcohol, have caused irreversible liver failure. Four grams of Tylenol -- that is, just eight extra-strength tabs, taken all at once -- kills you by killing your liver.
Have you ever heard of any person committing suicide with a marijuana overdose? No, because it is impossible. If you smoke too much you just fall asleep; that's it.
THC has to be the safest drug known to mankind. Safer than water? Maybe. Ever heard of marathon runners over-hydrating before a race, and inducing a state of hyponaturemia in their bodies (very low sodium serum blood levels), which can induce a fatal cardiac arrythmia? Numbers are hard to find; it only happens to a handful of people a year, but it's serious enough that it's on runners' radar, and they are warned not to over-drink water before a big race.
Here are the 17 commonly prescribed drugs (in four groups) that were compared to marijuana in this study.
#1. Anti-emetics: Drugs to stop vomiting, common with chemotherapy in cancer patients. Examples are Compazine (15 deaths), Reglan (37), Marinol (4), Zofran (79), Anzemet (22), Kytril (36), and Tigan (3). In the 10 year look back, these seven FDA-approved drugs killed a total of 197 people with normal use.
#2. Anti-spasmodics: Drugs to treat muscle spasms, widely used for the treatment of spastic movement disorders, especially in instances of spinal cord injury, spastic diplegia, cerebral palsy, multiple sclerosis, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (Lou Gehrig's disease), peripheral neuropathy and trigeminal. All are very serious medical conditions. Examples of drugs to treat these conditions are Baclofen (72 deaths) and Zanaflex (46 deaths). These two FDA-approved drugs killed a total of 118 people with normal use over 10 years. If there is one group that would benefit greatly from the peaceful effects of the herb, it's these humans who are in such need of joy.
#3. Anti-psychotics: Drugs used to treat psychosis. Haldol (450 deaths), Lithium (175), and Neurotin (968). These three FDA-approved drugs killed a total of 1,595 people with normal use over 10 years.
#4. Others: Drugs for depression, attention deficit disorder, pain, and erectile dysfunction. Ritalin (121), Wellbutrin (1,132), Adderall (54), Viagra (2,254), and Vioxx (4,540). These five FDA-approved drugs killed a total of 8,101 people with normal use over 10 years.
In total, 10,008 deaths due to company-tested drugs, with data reviewed by the FDA and approved for safe use in humans by M.D. prescription only -- vs. unregulated market cannabis, with ZERO deaths, with no M.D. overview, and about 15 percent of the U.S. population who make up the cannabis culture -- with NO recorded "marijuana deaths" in the death certificates or the news? No marijuana deaths, no matter how much you smoke at one time.
It is important to note that cannabis has been prescribed and used for centuries to treat some of these conditions, such as vomiting, muscle spasms, depression, pain control, anti-inflammatory and is somewhat of an aphrodisiac.
It doesn't always work -- but it DOESN'T KILL PEOPLE, EITHER!
Many times just being able to feel happy with no body pain and deep sleep is all a person needs to heal. Pain and suffering decrease immune system function. A big smile on your face turns the immune system on. When you are smiling, you are healing.
This huge psychological impact of cannabis is not recognized for its true worth. The "high" IS the cure!

The deaths recorded in relationship to these 17 FDA-approved drugs are all due to "adverse events." This means anything that caused people to die due to normal therapeutic doses, with the possibility of unforeseen major side effects, or accidental or purposeful overdose (both rare).
Mostly in these cases, people were just taking the normal dose as per doctor's orders and died directly due to the drug only.
Any time you take a prescribed drug, look it up and check its safety record. Remember all the drug commercials you see a hundred times a day? Part one, why you need this drug; part two, all the insane common major side effects -- like death! Hell, I almost died taking Lipitor!
Warning: Never discontinue taking a prescribed medicine on your own. Always talk to your doctor first before changing any drug treatment plan. Always talk with your M.D.; they are on your side.
So remind me again. Why is marijuana illegal?
Why is marijuana a "Schedule I" drug?
Why all the misinformation surrounding marijuana?
Why would drugs with such poor safety records be prescribed?
There is such an irrational resistance to this time-proven, gentle medicine.
(The data above was collected and analyzed by ProCon.org, http://medicalmarijuana.procon.org/view.resource.php?resourceID=000145)
Editor's note: Ron Marczyk is a retired high school health education teacher who taught Wellness and Disease Prevention, Drug and Sex Ed, and AIDS education to teens aged 13-17. He also taught a high school International Baccalaureate psychology course. He taught in a New York City public school as a Drug Prevention Specialist. He is a Registered Nurse with six years of ER/Critical Care experience in NYC hospitals, earned an M.S. in cardiac rehabilitation and exercise physiology, and worked as a New York City police officer for two years. Currently he is focused on how evolutionary psychology explains human behavior.
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