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FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Hands Off Assata Campaign Phone: 866.244.4708 Email: hoacampaign@yahoo.com Hands Off Assata Campaign Launches National Initiative to Recognize 60th Birthday of Activist/Writer/Artist Assata Shakur New York City. NY .. On November 2, 2006 notable public figures such as Angela Davis, Susan Taylor of Essence Magazine, rapper/actor Mos Def, Khephra Burns, Charles Mingus, III, the Malcolm X Grassroots Movement, the National Center for Human Rights Education, National Conference of Black Lawyers, Campaign to End the Death Penalty, Black United Movement and many more will stand together to launch an international campaign calling forth a pardon for Assata Shakur. Assata Shakur, mother, grandmother, author, activist, and artist will meet her 60th birthday in political exile with a $1 million bounty issued by the U.S. government to capture her from Cuba. In recognition of her birthday, in recognition of her right to live, supporters of the Hands Off Assata Campaign are calling on the state of New Jersey and the US Department of Justice to rescind the illegitimate $1 million bounty, remove her name from the domestic terrorist list, and ultimately issue Ms. Shakur a rightful, long overdue pardon. As an activist with the Black Liberation Movement, Assata Shakur was targeted by the FBI..s COINTELPRO (Counterintelligence Program) and charged six times in bogus criminal cases. Each time she was rightfully acquitted or the charge was dismissed. The barrage of investigations and indictments did not stop, but culminated in an ill-fated shoot-out on May 2, 1973 on the New Jersey turnpike. Though Assata sustained gunshot wounds indicative of surrender and no gunshot residue was found on her hands, she, along with fellow Movement member Sundiata Acoli, were charged with ..aiding and abetting.. the murder of both Zayd Shakur, her dear companion, and a state trooper. Assata was convicted in a questionable trial and sentenced to life plus 33 years in prison. Ever-changing testimonies, disregarded medical evidence supporting Assata..s innocence, and one-sided media coverage made the trial a mockery of justice. Assata Shakur managed to escape her unjust sentencing in 1979 and was granted political asylum in Cuba in 1986. And last year, on May 2, 2005 the United States government and state of New Jersey increased a bounty to capture Assata Shakur to an outrageous $1 million, also labeling her a domestic terrorist. Revered and supported by legislators, academics, writers, artists, attorneys, and communities worldwide, Assata Shakur is known and celebrated as compassionate, revolutionary, mothering, intellectual, creative.. but absolutely no terrorist. Launching in New York on November 2, 2006, the yearlong ..Happy Birthday Assata Campaign.. will kickoff with a card signing event at SEIU 1199 hall, 310 West 43rd Street, and will feature a statement from notable writer and editor, Susan Taylor, rapper/actor Mos Def, Sonia Sanchez, and a screening of Cuban filmmaker Gloria Rolando..s ..Eyes of the Rainbow.. about Ms. Shakur..s life in Cuba. Campaign events will also take place in Bahia, Brazil; Atlanta; San Francisco; Chicago; Detroit; Boston; and Philadelphia and build up for Ms. Shakur..s 60th birthday celebration on July 16, 2007. >Happy Birthday Assata Campaign Launch Pics!!!

The Hands Off Assata Campaign is a coming together of organizations and individuals who are outraged by the heightened attempts by Department of Justice and the State of New Jersey to illegally force a return of Assata Shakur from Cuba to the United States. Assata Shakur is a bona fide political exile living in the island nation of Cuba. She was persecuted for her political beliefs and tortured while in prison. We support the international human rights and Geneva conventions, which enabled her to seek and secure political asylum in Cuba, and we support the right of the Cuban people to grant it to her. We are shocked by the actions of New Jersey and the US Department of Justice, who has issued a $1 million dollar bounty on head of Assata Shakur. Doing such a thing is tantamount to a call to "soldiers of fortune" to kidnap and kill Ms. Shakur and for them to engage in international espionage against the sovereign nation of Cuba. We are shocked by the issuing on May 2nd, 2005 of a $1million bounty/reward on head of Assata Shakur and the adding of her name to the terrorist watch list. Given that there is no binding extradition treaty between Cuba and the United States, such a request is outside the context of international law. Moreover, to say that bounty hunters should view her as 120 pounds of money smacks of the tracking down of runaway slaves and vigilante violence, which is clearly immoral, unethical and anti-human. Thus, we call on the State of New Jersey & the US Government to rescind the bounty, to remove Ms. Shakur from the terrorist watch list, to respect international law, and to end the hostility towards the tiny nation of Cuba by normalizing relations with the Island and ending the US economic blockade. Assata Shakur: Sister, Woman, Exile, Mother, Grand mother ASSATA SHAKUR is an African woman. She is a social justice activist, a poet, a mother and a grandmother. She has lived in Cuba since the early 1980s. During the heady days of the 1960s and 1970s, she found herself a victim of both racial profiling and political targeting. After being spotted on the New Jersey turnpike on May 2, 1973, (DWB) driving while Black, it was discovered that she and her two companions were known members of the Black Panther Party and the Black Liberation Army. Like Martin Luther King, Jr. Malcolm X, Leonard Peltier and many members of the Civil Rights and American Indian Movements, Assata and her companions had been watched, their phones tapped, their families monitored, their organizations infiltrated, and widespread disinformation campaigns waged against them. They were like many activists of the day targets of the FBI's Counter Intelligence Program (COINTELPRO). In fact, Assata was wanted, not for anything she had actually done, but for a variety of crimes that government and state officials were trying to pin on her. This was common in the 1970s: discredit the voice of activists by painting them as criminals, trumping up indictments, tying them up in courts and if possible jailing them. In the mid 1970s, The Church Committee of the Senate Select Committee to Study Government Operations and the Domestic Intelligence Subcommittee, headed by Senator Walter Mondale, provided incontrovertible documentation of a government sponsored conspiracy against the civil and human rights of all sorts of political activists. THUS ON THAT DAY IN MAY, Assata was a marked woman. And after police stopped them, a shoot out occurred. When the smoke cleared one police officer, and one of Assata's companions, Zayd Shakur lay dead. Assata, shot in the back and dragged from the car, lay wounded. Only belatedly taken to the hospital, Assata was then chained to her bed, tortured and questioned while injured. In fact, she never received adequate medical attention even though she had a broken clavicle and a paralyzed arm. Nonetheless, she was quickly jailed, prosecuted and incarcerated over the next few years for the series of trumped up cases. Interestingly, in five separate trials, and with majority white juries, charges were dismissed because of lack of evidence or she was acquitted of all charges ranging from bank robbery to murder. As the manager of one bank said at trial - she is just not the one who robbed my bank. Only in the final trial in 1977, where she was charged with the Turnpike killings, was she found guilty. This even though forensic evidence taken that day showed that she had not fired a weapon. She was sentenced to life + 33 years in prison. In 1979, and after nearly six years behind bars, she escaped from Clinton Correctional Facility for Women in New Jersey and some time later emerged in Cuba where she applied for and received political asylum. Since being in Cuba, she has continued her college education, published an autobiography, and writes on global issues facing women, youth, and people of color. DURING THE 1990S, rightist politicians and police bodies - this time in conjunction with conservative members of the Cuban-American community - reinvigorated their attempts to pursue Assata Shakur. They did this even though Assata has not tried to re-enter the United States and is, according to international law, a political exile who should be left alone. Linking "fear of crime" rhetoric with anti-Cuban sentiment, New Jersey governor Christine Todd-Whitman issued a bounty which was $100,000, on the head of Assata Shakur. She even went as far as to announce her bounty on Radio Marti, the US government radio station which beams anti-Castro propaganda into the Caribbean. To do such a thing put Assata in danger because it is tantamount to encouraging any opportunists to kidnap and/or kill her for pay. In addition, in 1998, Congressmen Franks and Menendez from New Jersey and Ros-Lehtinen and Diaz-Balart of Florida introduced and got passed - House Resolution 254 - which calls for the Cuban government to extradite Assata Shakur as a condition to normalizing US-Cuba relations. Interestingly, while Assata and Cuba are portrayed as "criminal", a terrorist bombing campaign - thought to be sponsored by ultra-rightist forces in the United States - has been launched against Cuba, killing and injuring Cuban citizens and foreign tourists alike. Endorsers (in formation): Black Radical Congress, Global Exchange, Jericho, Malcolm X Grassroots Movement, National Conference of Black Lawyers, IfCO/Pastors for Peace, Venceremos Brigade, Women's International League for Peace and Freedom, Crossroads, Jericho, New Afrikan Peoples Organization, National Alliance Against Racist and Political Repression, California Coalition for Women Prisoners, Prisoners Of Conscience Committee, New Black Pather Party, The Talking Drum Collective, FTP Movement, The Uhuru Movement, African People's Socialist Party, Black August Organizing Committee, SF Bay View Newspaper, Native Youth Movement, Departure Magazine What can you do? 1. Add your organization's name to HOA's list of endorsers and sign the petition: http://www.petitiononline.com/assata/petition.html 2. Contact your Congressperson. Demand that he/she rescind House Resolution ..254 and ask them to support congressional hearings on COINTELPRO. You can use a Congressional email service to look up yuour rep's email: http://www.house.gov/writerep 3. Call or write to New Jersey State Police Superintendent, Rick Fuentes New Jersey State Police, P.O. Box 7068, West Trenton, NJ 08628. 609-882-2000 and the State Attorney General, 609-984-6500; http://www.nj.gov/lps/contactus.htm, and demand that that they rescind the bounty and remove Ms. Skakur from the terrorist watch list. 4. Plan a showing of the film Eyes of the Rainbow (1997). This film portrays the life and current struggles of Assata Shakur. Contact HOA for this: hoacampaign@yahoo.com 5. Keep visiting www.handsoffassata.org for current HOA-Campaign Info. 6. Organize a The Hands Off Assata Shakur Campaign Rally and Teach In in your respective cities and towns 7. Send contributions: HOA, 1573 N. Milwaukee PMB..404, Chicago, IL. 60622 8. Any questions, contact us at hoacampaign@yahoo.com or call 866-244-4708.
Las Vegas/Toronto - Incarcerated Freedom Fighter Dr. Mutulu Shakur has released a CD entitled "A 2Pac Tribute: Dare 2 Struggle", commemorating the life and times of his son Tupac Amaru Shakur. Tupac is the best-selling rap musician of all time and arguably the most influential artist in the genre. Dr. Mutulu Shakur has been imprisoned in US penitentiaries the past 19 years for activities in support of the Black Liberation Movement. "A 2Pac Tribute: Dare 2 Struggle" is the first ever compilation to feature incarcerated rappers alongside hip-hop heavyweights. Such a project was actually conceived by Tupac and his brother Mopreme during their prison meetings with Mutulu, when they wrote the 'Thug Code' constitution to help decrease gang violence. Their peace-making efforts were cut short when Tupac was killed in Las Vegas on September 13, 1996. The tribute CD features a 16-page booklet which includes a printing of the 'Thug Code. Half the albums proceeds will be used towards Dr. Mutulu Shakur's inner city health and education initiatives, as an attempt to pick up where his sons efforts left off. "A 2Pac Tribute: Dare 2 Struggle" also breaks new ground in the growing urban publishing industry, by including an exclusive preview chapter of Dr. Mutulu Shakur's new historical fiction novel about Tupac entitled "N 2 Da Gutter." The album features new music by Tupac's family, including Mopreme, Nzingha and the Outlawz, alongside contemporary musician admirers TQ, Slick, Imaan Faith, and T-Jay, among others. The tribute CD is Executive Produced by Dr. Mutulu Shakur and Canadian hip-hop activist Raoul Juneja (a.k.a. Deejay Ra). It is being released by KENT Entertainment and their rap imprint FIRST KUT (Las Vegas), in association with Juneja's Lyrical Knockout Entertainment (Toronto). For more details about A 2Pac Tribute: Dare 2 Struggle or Dr. Mutulu Shakur visit his www.DareToStruggle.org and www.MutuluShakur.com web sites. To order visit: http://www.firstkutrecords.com/releases/tupactribute/info.php

Who Is Mutulu Shakur?

Biography of Dr. Mutulu Shakur Date of Birth: August 8, 1950 Nationality: New Afrikan Incarcerated at: Coleman, FL Dr. Mutulu Shakur is a New Afrikan (Black) man whose primary work has been in the area of health. He is a doctor of acupuncture and was a co-founder and director of two institutions devoted to improving health care in the Black community. Mutulu Shakur was born on August 8, 1950, in Baltimore, Maryland as Jeral Wayne Williams. At age 7 he moved to Jamaica, Queens, New York City with his mother and younger sister. Shakur's political and social consciousness began to develop early in his life. His mother suffered not only from being Black and female, but was also blind. These elements constituted Shakur's first confrontation with the state, while assisting his mother to negotiate through the maze that made up the social service system. Through this experience Shakur learned that the system did not operate in the interests of Black people and that Black people must control the institutions that affect their lives. Since the age 16, Dr. Shakur has been a part of the New Afrikan Independence Movement. As a part of this movement Dr. Shakur has been a target of the illegal Counterintelligence Program carried out by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (COINTELPRO). This was a secret police strategy used in the U.S. starting in the 1960's to destroy/neutralize progressive and revolutionary organizations. It is believed that Dr. Shakur's resistance to this program led to his arrest and trial. During the late sixties Dr. Shakur was also politically active and worked with the Revolutionary Action Movement (RAM), a Black Nationalist group which struggled for Black self-determination and socialist change in America. He was also a member of the Provisional Government of the Republic of New Afrika which endorsed the founding of an independent New Afrikan (Black) Republic and the establishment of an independent Black state in the southern U.S. Dr Shakur also worked very closely with the Black Panther Party supporting his brother Lummumba Shakur and Zayid. In 1970 Dr. Shakur was employed by the Lincoln Detox (detoxification) Community (addiction treatment) Program as a political education instructor. His role evolved to include counseling and treatment of withdrawal symptoms with acupuncture. Dr. Shakur became certified and licensed to practice acupuncture in the State of California in 1976. Eventually he became the Program's Assistant Director and remained associated with the program until 1978. From 1978 to 1982, Dr. Shakur was the Co-Founder and Co-Director of the Black Acupuncture Advisory Association of North America (BAAANA) and the Harlem Institute of Acupuncture. Where, at Lincoln, Dr. Shakur had managed a detox program recognized as the largest and most effective of its kind by the National Institute of Drug Abuse, National Acupuncture Research Society and the World Academic Society of Acupuncture, at BAAANA he continued his remarkable work and also treated thousands of poor and elderly patients who would otherwise have no access to treatment of this type. Many community leaders, political activists, lawyers and doctors were served by BAAANA and over one hundred medical students were trained in the discipline of acupuncture. By the late 1970's Dr. Shakur's work in acupuncture and drug detoxification was both nationally and internationally known and he was invited to address members of the medical community around the world. Dr. Shakur lectured on his work at many medical conferences, and was invited to the People's Republic of China. In addition in his work for the Charles Cobb Commission for Racial Justice for the National Council of Churches he developed their anti-drug program. Dr. Shakur has furthermore been a dedicated worker and champion in the struggle against political imprisonment and political convictions of Black Activists in America. He was the founding member of the National Committee to Free Political Prisoners. He has been a leader in the struggle against the illegal U.S. and local American law enforcement programs designed to destroy the Black movement in America and has worked to expose and to stop the secret American war against its Black colony. Through his political work, Dr. Shakur has been associated with the Committee to Defend Herman Ferguson, a Black activist and educator charged with conspiracy in the RAM conspiracy case of the 1960's; the National Task Force for COINTELPRO Litigation and Research, which researched and initiated suits against the FBI and American law enforcement agencies for criminal acts, spying and counter-insurgency warfare tactics; and the National Conference of Black Lawyers. He has also endorsed support for the legal defense of political prisoners and prisoners of war, including Imari Obadele, Ph.D., Rev. Ben Chavis, Geronimo (Pratt) Ji Jaga of the Black Panther Party, and Assata Shakur and Sundiata Acoli of the Black Liberation Army. In March 1982, Dr. Shakur and 10 others were indicted by a federal grand jury under a set of U.S. conspiracy laws called "Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organization" (RICO) laws. These conspiracy laws were ostensibly developed to aid the government in its prosecution of organized crime figures; however, they have been used with varying degrees of success against revolutionary organizations. Dr. Shakur was charged with conspiracy and participation in a clandestine paramilitary unit that carried out actual and attempted expropriations from several banks. Eight incidents were alleged to have occurred between December 1976 to October 1981. In addition he was charged with participation in the 1979 prison escape of Assata Shakur, who is now in exile in Cuba. (the question of Dr. Shakur being charged with participation when in fact they alleged he masterminded her escape creates the true fact of cointelpro). After 5 years underground, Dr. Shakur was arrested on February 12, 1986. Dr. Shakur is the father of six children. His son Tupac was assassinated in 1996. He has solid evidence that it was a continuation of COINTELPRO. The FBI, the Federal Bureau of Prisons and law enforcement made every effort to keep him separated from his son Tupac.

To : U.S. Government


Calling for an immediate release of freedom fighter Dr. Mutulu Shakur, adoptive father of best-selling rap musician of all time Tupac Amaru Shakur. Dr. Mutulu Shakur has been imprisoned in U.S. penitentiaries the past 19 years for activities in support of the Black Liberation Movement.

For case updates please visit his MutuluShakur.com web site.

2pacs Last 24 hours

toAtlanta to settle problems with some relatives instead. Suge got him to change his plans though. Tupac told Kidada that morning there was a heavy-weight bout that night at the MGM Grand , and weeks before hed promised Suge hed go to it with him.He also said he didnt want to go, but hed given Suge his word. He said she could come along, not to the fight, hedidnt want her with that roudy bunch, but to the party Suge was having afterward at a club he owned downtown, and if she were beside him it would be ok. When they got back his house in Calabasas, Kidada started packing. When she reached for his bullet proof vest that he always wore. Tupac said, "No,Itll be too hot." Then they left. They stopped at a gas station and Tupac bought five magazines about guns. He read them until they reached the Luxor Hotel. Tupac went to Suges mansion southeast of downtown. They partied for awhile. Tupac made a video of him calling Keisha and another girl.Then he went to the MGM Grand to watch the Mike Tyson/BruceSeldon fight. He was mad because Suge showed up at the last minute. He sat in section 4, row E, seat 2. Tupac said, "Did you see Tyson do it to him? Tyson did it to him! Did yallsee that? We bad like that. Come out of prison and now we running shit." He went backstage and hugged Mike. At 8:45 P.M.,Travon Lane (Tray) was walking near the hotels Grand Gardenwith Death Rows crew. Tray pointed out Orlando to Tupac.Tupac ran down the hallway until he met up with Orlando. Tupac asked, "You from the South?" It escalated into a fightand Tupac started beating the shit out of him. Later the rest of the Deathrow crew arrived and helped him beat him up. There wasonly one bodyguard with the crew, and he had to pull Tupac out of it twice. They knocked Orlando down and began kicking and punching him. A security camera recorded the incident on tape.The fight was stopped by hotel security, and Orlando was held for questioning by the police, then was allowed to leave after he declined to press charges. As left he gave his signed $1000 tickets stub into the fight to a guy. He said, "Here you go, boy. Enjoy this." Tupac left at 8:55, to go back to the hotel. Tupac went up to Hammers car and told me about the incident that had just happen. Hammer asked him some questions about it and he said it was all squashed and not to worry about it. While he was getting in his car he was bragging about how Tyson took him out in 50 punches and all he had to do was three punches and the dude was on the ground. Tupacsbodyguard said he had trouble getting him to wear his vest, and he wouldnt wear it very often. He didnt wear it at all the whole night. Since they were in Las Vegas they legally couldnt carry guns, but guns were brought anyways. They were in a hurry leaving the fight though, and the bodyguard forgot his gun in his car. When he got to the hotel he told Kidada, "Some nigga started a fight with me for nothin. Somethings up, you stay here." He was also upset because he couldnt find the Outlaws, who were supposed to be at the fight. He changed clothes then went back toSuges house. They got ready for party at Club 662, where 2Pac was going to perform. Tupac had wanted to drive his Hummer,but Suge said that they had things to discuss and got Tupac to ride with him. Two hours later, Suge in his black, tinted-window96 BMW 750 sedan left the mansion with Tupac in the passenger seat, and the 10-car entourage behind them. They were listening to The Don Killuminati The 7 Day Theory very low in the BMW. At 10:55, Tupac rolled down the window and a photographer took their picture at a red light. At 11:00, they were stopped on Las Vegas Blvd. by Metro bicycle cops for playing his car stereo too loud and for not having license plates, which were in the trunk on his rented car. He was not cited and was released a few minutes later. At a red light, on Flamingo Road, near the intersection of Koval Lane, in front of the Maxim Hotel two girls distracted Tupac and Suge on the drivers side, and at11:15, a white, four-door, late-model, Cadillac with California plates pulled up. Tupac had been standing up through the sunroof. Two of the four men inside the car got out and fired thirteen rounds into the passenger side of the car, from a Glock .40 caliber handgun. He tried to get into the backseat, but Suge pulled him down, and a bullet bounced off of his right hip bone and hit is lung. He was also hit in his right hand and chest.Suge was barely hit by a bullet, and suffered a minor head wound.Immediately after the shooting, the Cadillac went south on Koval. Suge made a U-turn from the left lane of Flamingo and sped West toward Las Vegas Blvd., away from the nearest hospital. Suge said that he told Tupac hed get him to a hospital, and Tupac said, "I need a hospital? Youre the one shot in thehead." Patrol officers on an unrelated call at the Maxim Hotel had heard the gunshots and called for back-up. Two other officers followed the BMW, which took a left on Las Vegas Blvd. South, and police reached the car when it was caught in traffic at the intersection of Las Vegas Blvd. and Harmon Ave. The officers called an ambulance. The BMW was covered with blood and pieces of gold, from Tupacs jewelry, on the inside, and had two flat tires. They brought Tupac out of the car and layed him down on the stretcher. He kept saying, "I cantbreathe, I cant breathe." The ambulance took Tupac andSuge to the University of Nevada Medical Center. Sgt. Kevin Manning was assigned as leading investigator, and Cathy Scott was named lead reporter for the shooting. When the police questioned the bodyguard they continously asked if he had shot back, and when he said no they asked who had shot back. The bodyguard thought it was Suges friends which were mostly bloodmembers. Yafeu Fula had been in the car behind the BMW with bodyguards. He told the police that he could do a photo lineup and gave them his number. A man told Compton police that at Club662, he heard Tray say that the shooter was Orlandos uncle Dwayne Keith Davis (Keefee D). Tupac lost 22 oz of blood on the way to the hospital. As he was being carried to the emergencyroom he said, "Im dying." Tupac was admitted and listed in critical condition. His injuries included a gunshot wound to his right chest with a massive hemothorax and a gunshotwound to the right thigh with the bullet palpable within the abdomen. He also had a gunshot wound to a right finger with afracture. The preoperative diagnosis was a gunshot wound to the chest and abdomen and post-operative bleeding. Just before midnight he was taken to UMCs Trauma Center. He was wheeled into the recovery area and was resuscitated according to advanced trauma life support protocol and a full trauma activation was called. He was placed on life support machines. Two liters of blood that had hemorrhaged into his chest cavity were removed.His pulse was very thready and initially he had a minimal bloodpressure, which rapidly declined. He was taken immediately to the operating room for operative intervention and further resuscitation. He underwent surgery which consisted of ligation of bleeding, and a surgeon removed a bullet from his pelvic area which was done at midnight and finished at 2:35am on the 8th. The BMW remained in the impound lot at Ewing Bros. Auto Body and Towing lot in North Las Vegas its right front and rear endsdamaged. Police found no guns inside the car, just a cigar case and a Motorola cell phone. He underwent another operation that started at 6:25 p.m. and lasted an hour. It was exploratory surgery, and his punctured right lung was removed to stop internal bleeding. He was back in his room at 7:45. American Express said that Suge had rented 21 Las Vegas hotel rooms at $50 each for last night. Tupac was put in a medicinally induced command on life support to take pressure off his body. Three Blood sects met at Lueders Park, and talked about retaliation against the Southside Crips for the attack on Tupac. At 2:58 p.m., on East Alondra a man who Las Vegas police said may have been in the Cadillac was shot in the back on the 9th. At 8 P.M., 20 of Tupacs friends ran across the street from the traumacenters lobby to a car whose driver police had stopped to talk to. Sgt. Cindi West said that they had pulled up to see what was going on and a guy misunderstood and wouldnt cooperate.The people came out not knowing what was going on and got in the way and were pushing some of the officers. The police handcuffed four men who were later released. Two men were found with butts of marijuana cigarettes, but werent arrested. He opened his eyes once, while Kidada was putting Don McLeans"Vincent" into a player next to his bed. She asked himif he heard her and to move his feet. He did. She asked if he knew she loved him. He nodded. Then he went into a coma. On the10th, Blackstreets album, Another Level came out. "NoDiggity," sounds like "Toss It Up." 2Pac had the song done with Aaron Hall before Dre did it, and "Toss ItUp" is actually a remix of the original song, because Dre copied it. Aaron Hall, ex-partner of Teddy Riley was the original writer. "Dont Leave Me" sounds like "IAint Mad At Cha." 2Pacs concert in Oakland was cancelled. His next concert will be in Oakland if city officials will agree to it. On the 11th, Bobby Finch, a Southside Crip who Compton cops said may have also been in the Cadillac, was gunned down on South Mayo at 9:05am. Suge and three lawyers spoke with METRO police for an hour and left them with nothing in the way of leads towards suspects or motives. In Compton, Orlandoscousin Jerry Bonds drove the white Cadillac into an autoshop on White and Alondra with another guy at 3 P.M.. On the 12th Tupac was supposed to have gone to court for sentencing on weapons charges for carrying a concealed gun when he attacked Allen Hughes On Friday the 13th, doctors tried to resuscitate Tupac several times, then Afeni said not to try again. When Tupac took his last breath Gloria Jean praised his body and could bear witness to who it was. He died at 4:03 (4 + 0 + 3 = 7) p.m. at the Intensive Care Unit. He was pronounced dead by Dr. Lovett of respiratory failure and cardiopulmonary arrest. The bodyguard had been at Suges house, and Suge was mad at him and blaming him for not having his gun with him. He was coming towards him in a threatening way when the phone rang, and he found out Tupac died. Suge told the bodyguard that it didnt matter now because hes gone, and his voice was cracking up like he was going to cry. Afeni made a positive identification of Tupacs body at 5. A mortuary van took his body to the ClarkCounty Coroners office at 5:10. They did an autopsy. It determined that Tupac didnt have any illegal drugs in hisbody, but was heavily sedated. The autopsy report is on file at the office, but is not deemed by Nevada state law to be public.There were ballistics tests, but the results have not been made public. They took six pictures of him which were put on file at the office. Two general assignment detectives took Polaroid pictures of Tupac at the morgue for a police training book, but later were removed from the book and destroyed. They sent his blood to Long Beach Genetics, who did the DNA testing to find the probability of Afeni and Billy 99.97% parentage. Two more Bloods were shot and killed by an assailant who fled on foot. He was cremated. On the 14th, Afeni spread some of his ashes on a hillin L.A. and some on her garden, which has now flourished.Tupacs family held a private funeral for him in Las Vegas.On the 15th, he was mourned during a memorial service at The House of the Lord Pentecostal Church in Brooklyn, where he was still listed as a member of the congregation. Police had thought that the man at the MGM Grand could have been a suspect, but was ruled out because security was still holding him when Tupac had left the building. Because Tupac didnt have a will, Afeni had to file court papers as the only living heir and that she was the administer of his estate. Death Row emptied the apartment and took the furniture which Tupac was charged over $100,000 for. Cathy got an autopsy photo of Tupac dissected on a table at the morgue. It is not an official coroner or police photo, and was offered $100,000 for it from The National Enquirer.
Makaveli: The Don Killuminati, the title Tupac Shakur used for his album the 7 day theory, which has for long remained a mystery in meaning. Here is what this is all about. The don, in italian terms, is like the leader or head man. People have thought of the killuminati as of another way of spelling calumniate. Calumniate means to make false or slanderous statements. This was not the meaning of the title, instead Tupac was refering to the Illuminati in his title. Kill + illuminati meaning against the illuminati. So Tupac was refering to himself as the leader against the illuminati. Well what is the illuminati? You have probably heard alot of rappers mention it, even Puff Daddy. The Illuminati is The New World Order - they want to create a worldwide government, are into deep-seated racism, etc... look it up on a search engine, it gets real deep. Spending time at Rikers (prison) he would have most definately heard about this stuff. All the above was confirmed - Tupac himself said it in an interview.
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