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What are you waiting for?

Was watching some videos today and this one came up. One of the lines really did speak to me .... never did like those people who come at you like.... they gotcha all figured out... and they have known you what? all of 10 minutes? Its the site they foumd you on, where your profile is, where you chat, what city you live in, the things you are into, or not into, or that you dont like something they said.... some people just dont get it, it all takes time.


"Mr. Know It All"

Mr. Know It All
Well ya think you know it all
But ya don't know a thing at all
Ain't it, ain't it something y'all
When somebody tells you something 'bout you
Think that they know you more than you do
So you take it down another pill to swallow

Mr. Bring Me Down
Well ya, ya like to bring me down, don't you?
But I ain't laying down, baby, I ain't goin' down
Can't nobody tell me how it's gonna be
Nobody's gonna make a fool out of me
Baby, you should know that I lead not follow

Oh you think that you know me, know me
That's why I'm leaving you lonely, lonely
'Cause baby you don't know a thing about me
You don't know a thing about me
You ain't got the right to tell me
When and where to go, no right to tell me
Acting like you own me lately
Yeah baby you don't know a thing about me
You don't know a thing about me

Mr. Play Your Games
Only got yourself to blame when you want me back again
But I ain't falling back again
'Cause I'm living my truth without your lies
Let's be clear baby this is goodbye
I ain't coming back tomorrow

Oh you think that you know me, know me
That's why I'm leaving you lonely, lonely
'Cause baby you don't know a thing about me
You don't know a thing about me
You ain't got the right to tell me
When and where to go, no right to tell me
Acting like you own me lately
Yeah baby you don't know a thing about me
You don't know a thing about me

So what you've got the world at your feet
And you know everything about everything
But you don't
You still think I'm coming back but baby you'll see yeah...

Oh you think that you know me, know me
That's why I'm leaving you lonely, lonely
'Cause baby you don't know a thing about me
You don't know a thing about me
You ain't got the right to tell me
When and where to go, no right to tell me
Acting like you own me lately
Yeah baby you don't know a thing about me
You don't know a thing about me

Mr. Know It All
Well ya think you know it all
But ya don't know a thing at all
Yeah baby you don't know a thing about me
You don't know a thing about me

MMA Fighter Charged In UNLV Grad's Death Sindelar, 25, Accused Of Beating Victim POSTED: 10:39 am PDT June 21, 2010 UPDATED: 4:23 pm PDT June 21, 2010 LAS VEGAS -- A former University of Nevada, Las Vegas, football player slipped into unconsciousness and died following a brawl with a mixed martial arts fighter at the Luxor resort. That’s according to an arrest report for 25-year-old Jason Sindelar, who was arrested Saturday morning and charged with killing 26-year-old DeMario Reynolds Sr. of Henderson. Reynolds’ fiancée, Iman Aubry, told police she saw Sindelar slap his girlfriend, Charmaine Kemp, at a party being held at a room in the hotel. When Aubry said Sindelar hit Kemp, she asked Reynolds to intervene. Witnesses told police that Sindelar and Reynolds were close friends, but the argument escalated into a fight inside a bathroom, with both men exchanging several punches. Eventually, the fight stopped, police said, and Sindelar left while Reynolds sat on a couch, trying to catch his breath. At that point Aubry and another witness said Sindelar returned to the room and started punching Reynolds until he fell unconscious. Paramedics were called, but Reynolds died after being transported to Desert Springs Hospital. The Clark County Coroner has not released the official cause of death. Sindelar was interviewed by detectives and, according to the arrest report, said Reynolds grabbed him by the throat and pulled him away from the argument with Kemp. He denied that any fight took place in the hotel room. A 2006 graduate of UNLV, Reynolds worked at Cathouse nightclub inside the Luxor. He has a 6-year-old son, Demario Jr., according to school records. In an interview with FOX5, Reynolds’ family said the fight started at an event hosted by Aubry, who operates the “Purrfect LV” website advertising “Las Vegas Swinger Parties.” A message on the website posted after the incident mentions Reynolds’ death and informs customers that upcoming events have been canceled through July. Tonight On FOX5 News At Five: Reynolds’ Family Reacts To Tragedy Sindelar is charged with murder and battery. His MMA career consists of one professional loss and four amateur victories, according to the fighting website MixedMartialArts.com. He has refused FOX5's request for an interview at the Clark County Detention Center. DeMario, you will be missed.

Why do women have sex?

So I came across this article this mornig on the ticker bar and it interested me immensely because I have my own theories about why women have sex. I have shared these with several of my closest male friends and in general, my male friends agree with me, while the pervs here and AFF and lavalife and even myspace and yahoo INSIST that women are as mechanical abnout sex as they are --> meandering through life, logging into the internet to communicate crass pick up lines and rub one out to porn while insisting men watch their cams.... LMAO the very very very rare few that do this..... are usually GUYS pretending to be girls online til the CAM comes on or "broadcast" some chics cam in lieu of their own; or they are attention whores that will do anything to insure they are the center of attention and so forth. So the article reads.....


Why Do Women Have Sex?

So a book was published a few weeks ago by two researchers who had surveyed more than a thousand women on the UT Austin campus.  It purports to answer the big question of – drumrolllll - why women have sex (that is also the book’s title).  84%, it was claimed, answered that they usually were just looking for a little peace and quiet and/or some help with household chores.  Some of the more depressing answers:

“I have sex to relieve the boredom because it’s easier than fighting. Plus it gives me something to do.”

“I slept with a couple of guys because I felt sorry for them.”

In one survey of students, nearly one in 10 women admitted to “having sex for presents”. Others said: “He bought me a nice dinner”, “he spent a lot of money on me early on”, “he showed me he had an extravagant lifestyle”.

Another “sexologist” recently weighed in on these answers with some of her own, after the jump.  Plus: a poll!  

So those answers made women look kind of bad, huh?  At least 10% gold-diggers and many more either manipulative or easily manipulated.  So Dr. Yvonne Fulbright, professional sex-haver and author of Touch Me There! A Hands-On Guide to Your Orgasmic Hot Spots (who knew that could fill a whole book?), decided to rebut with these reasons:

If you ask me, and lot of other women of all ages and backgrounds out there, the reason women have sex, they’ll tell you… They’re having sex to express affection, to get in tune with their sexual core and feel sexy, to make love, to feel close to another, to maintain a long-term relationship by keeping the passion alive, to relish a shared, special moment… and because they like sex when it feels good.

The impulse is definitely to disagree with the initial findings, isn’t it?  If you’re a woman, you want to believe that sex isn’t a chore or a means to an end, and if you’re a man, you want to believe that women aren’t simply tolerating your love skillz because they want a new iPod (or because they feel sorry for you, bummer).  But maybe that’s all true, I have no idea!  So I turn it over to you, women.  Why do you have sex?

My opinion is that some of this is right.

-There are many women that have sex to "get something out of it" because they arent deriving any physical pleasure from it (and this could be because their partner sucks  or because they themselves are not in touch with their own bodies to even know what it is they want, like, desire etc.)

- There are those out there that have sex (most of this group is insecure, or attention whores, or something psychologically wrong with them) does it for the "validation" sex supposedly gives. They no longer feel 'invisible' or 'undesirable' if a man wants to have sex with them. (little do they know that the majority of men seemingly can have sex with anything...  as they are just not that descriminant. Sex is the prime objective, where they get it is truly not of concern - as witnessed from the many pickup lines/instaf*ck invitations/NSA'FUN'/c*ck camming that the guys just on this site alone are putting out there...

- There are those that are seemingly as mechanical about sex and wanting to 'get a nut off' as the guys are. These girls usually have a disorder -- Sex Addicts, Nymphomaniacs etc. THESE are a guys dream cause they are girls that treat sex and the guys they are having it with just like the guys treat girls (the ones looking for NSA that is)

- There are the cougars .... (IMHO I think these women are somewhat midlife crisising. When you watch these shows about cougars and the young men that want someone like that, if you use even an ounce of psychology in the evaluation most instances the situation screams that this group is looking for some validation as well.... validation that they arent getting old and unattractive, that they are still desirable, that they still have what it takes) very predatory. Looking mostly for well younger men that are impressionable in order to mold them into what exactly they need.

- There are the rare few that like sex because they are in touch with themselves, they are descriminant about their partners and derive great pleasure from the encounters they have. There are VERY VERY few of these women in the world.

These are just some of my theories. I would have to be honest enough to say that I have been through everyone one of these "groups" and reasons for being sexual other than being someone who had sex to get gifts or being someone who has a disorder like sexual addiction or nymphomania. I have been the woman looking for validation, the one doing it because I felt like I owed it to the guy cause he spent alot of money on taking me out and I felt he expected something in return, I have been protrayed as the cougar but thats not it as described within this blog and I am the woman thats entirely in touch with myself and very descriminant with whom I pair with. I guess I feel its imparative to add this so that it doesnt seem as if I just made this stuff up... I have experienced a majority of it, and Im still experiencing. Its life... and I live it and learn.

Disclaimer** Im not man bashing here. there are just a majority of men than I have come across in my interactions that I feel behave in the manner in which I have described. I have not indicated at all that ALL men are this way and it wasnt intended to come across that way either.

Self Serving World

In retrospect of Kanye West's outburst at the MTV Video awards and Madonna's self serving "Im the grestest ever" speech; I find myself pondering the world today.

I'm in a quandry to some degree because I am not the sort of self serviing person that most of the rest of the world has turned into. So I am puzzled, and lost when surrounded by people like this, day in and day out. I can not escape the mantra's of others as they bombard me with themselves, subject me to their arrogance and smother me with their existance.

What gives anyone the right to be so self serving, so self absorbed as to not realize that the world around them would not exist without the rest of us? Their existance alone is not what allows the human race to endure. And celebrities..... what a crock. Most of them are not all that talented, just as most of the models arent without their flaws, and so on. It takes producers, directors, screen and songwiriters, musicians and the like, photographers and Paintshop Pro to create the facade that now worships itself.

If Madonna were to have never had a fan, would her own interest in herself alone have made her a star? Would Kanye West's ego have been enough to launch him to superstardom, if he had not one follower but himself (and his mom who liked the paychecks he got)?

It just seems that people might take a moment in the world of self worship that we live in these days to just sit back and do a little peoplewatching. To notice those around us, reach out to them to make them a little more of a connection rather than existing in the microcasm that is our "own little world" to realize that its not just "me, me,me" but US.


Just Plain RUDE!!

What is it with some people?

I mean, Im sitting here at work, using the internet as white noise to semi distract myself into getting my work done, and out of the blue, some really not so good looking fat man with way too much facial hair and pock marks messages me. And the first thing I read from him is "In what YEAR did you turn 37? Owwwww my eyes!!"

I sat here in shock for a few minutes thinking... wtf is this about. I mean... yeah Im 38 now. I dont tell anyone Im younger and you can seriouslyu kiss my a$$ if you think I look older. you are obviously just being a hater at that point..

then honestly I think to myself as well "What possesses people to be so.... Arrogant? Pompous? Rude? Classless? Pathetic? Mean?"

Is your life so miserable and pathetic that you have to get online and insult people you dont know, who cant drop kick your nuts into next week (which is what you truly deserve)?

Are you this full of yourself that you think you are the shit; while your pictures prove you to be maybe a class level less than the scum that lives on the bottom of rocks in stagnate ponds in the deep deep south in the dead of summer where even fish wont take a sh*t on you?

Seriously.... I do not know what is with these people that spend valuable time each day that they could be spreading good and love and light into the world, but instead choose to be pathetically miserable in their existance, angry with the world, lashing out and attempting to take the sun out of everyone elses life because Karma has seen fit that their existance is a waste and they shall spend eternity as nothings, feeling nothing but misery and being a boil on the a$$ of society.

If I were you, Boil..... Id start kissing Karma's a$$ in hopes of achieving some sort of semblance of forgiveness so that you can make things right with the world rather than making yourself more of a useless waste of good oxygen for the rest of us. Judt Sayin.....

Crazy/Psycho defined

I honestly giggle to myself everytime one of these "no drama" dudes comes up in my shoutbox wanting to converse and ends up leaving a trail of drama a mile wide.

First off.... any dude who goes on and on and on and on and on about how he hates drama..... is so full of sh*t its not even funny. Its those very dudes that are starting the sh*t and bringing it on themselves. I try my damndest to stay away from these guys cause "projection" is their main reason for existance in most cases (projection is where the person with the issues projects onto whomever they are interacting with, their issues as if they were not their own. It gets rather complicated as it is a very twisted rendition of reverse psychology to some degree).

With that said..... I find it even more humorous how guys define most chics as "Crazy" or "Psycho" (see my screen name - LOL) or "Insane".

Here are a few things that will indicate you are "Insane" in some guys books:

1. You are emotional (seems most guys just dont understand this so you must be insane if you get your feelings hurt or have emotions)

2. You have an opinion that is not typically agreeing with said opponents opinion. And to actually have an intelligent argument that supports your opinion makes you even more Psycho.

3. Thinking for yourself on any level definitely makes you insane.

This is a short list but it will certainly grow as I become more enlightened ;)

Well, I was chillin at the Palms Pool today, down at the end where the chill cabanas are and who comes and sits right beside me??? Rhianna. Man!! It was hella cool. We talked about her tatt (the stars on her neck). Her friend has a piercing like mine on her cheek bone and we talked about how ppl trip out all the time about the piercing and "how does it stay in?" giggles. I tried taking her picture when she wasnt looking but the Security arses were all over my camera like white on rice. I did get some of the entourage leaving cause the Security dude was in front and not looking, but we will see. the Camera ended up submerged in water. We will see if Best Buy takes it back (14 day return period).

Man what an awesome day. Im burnt to da crisp!!

Happy 4th of July 2009!!




Drama Free Life

Um, Please explain to me, if you are to actually be on the planet and interacting with others, having emotions, being attached, being detached, being involved in life as a participant rather than a spectator; are you suppose to live a "Drama free" existence??

You have to be kidding me right? Drama.... is an inextractable byproduct of breathing in most instances. Unless you are wandering lifeless throughout the energy that is the planet how can you interact with others and not have some sort of good/bad, yin/yang, friction/smoothness? this is all drama by the way. Drama is a byproduct of life.

So to put things in perspective; honestly.... if your goal in life is to be drama free; then we would have absolutely have NOTHING in common. I live for the interaction between people. The good and the bad. I prefer the good but we can't all get along all the time or this effin planet would be a different place to live.

Now to flip the coin a bit, living an anti negative energy existence would be something I would definitely sign up for. Negative energy being that "stuff" that some people go out of their way to produce. People that generally need to control, manipulate, twist and play with others for lack of a better hobby, etc. This is not drama, this is just unacceptable. It is just plain disrespectful to be such a asshat that would be so bored/asinine to need to create such a bad situation for everyone involved.

Maybe people will start to see the difference in the drama that is the webbing of life as we know it and that web that is woven by those that have nothing better to do.


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