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Subliminal's blog: "Subliminal Lies"

created on 03/10/2007  |  http://fubar.com/subliminal-lies/b63258

I pushed a button and elected him to office, and uh. He pushed a button and dropped the bomb. You pushed a

button and could watch it on the television. Those motherfuckers didn't last too long. I'm sick of hearing about the

have's and the have not's. Have some personal accountability.  The biggest problem with the way that we've

been things is. The more we let you have, the less that I'll be keeping for me. Well, I used to stand for something.

Now I'm on my hands and knees. Trading in my god for this one. He signs his name with a capital G. Don't give a

shit about the temperature in Guatemala. Don't really see what all the fuss is about. Ain't going to worry 'bout no

future generations, and uh. I'm sure somebody going to figure it out. Don't try to tell me that some power can

corrupt a person. You haven't had enough to know what it's like. You're only angry 'cause you wish you were in

my position. Now nod your head because you know that I'm right, alright. Well, I used to stand for something. But

forgot what that could be. There's a lot of me inside you. Maybe you're afraid to see. Well, I used to stand for

something. Now I'm on my hands and knees. Trading in my god for this one. And it signs his name with a capital G.

Well, I used to stand for something. But forgot what that could be. There's a lot of me inside you. Maybe you're

afraid to see. Well, I used to stand for something. Now I'm on my hands and knees. Trading in my god for this one.

And it sames his name with a capital G.


Rumour has it that there is a contract in the clause with Texas and the federal government, which is exciting, it's

interesting, but really, I suppose when it comes down to brass tacks, all land has said contract. Nonetheless,

rumour 'round the campfire is that Texas is setting in motion a secession. In a natural order, I agree with this. I think

they should, because I have no use for Texas, and the south as a whole for that matter. Hillbilly bastards still fixated

on the rebel flag.

Wait, let me back track for a moment. The reason they want to do this is because of Obama's tax plan, which

increases the taxes on THE RICH, more so than the middle and lower class amerikans that you and I are. The rich

bastards, the upper one percent NOT paying their fair share (Thanks to W's lovely tax-cuts for his rich oil buddies

[mind you, W has been in bed with "Big Oil" much of his life]) Okay, and what's in Texas? Well, by God, there's a

bunch of oil, and slick assholes cashing in on that oil by the shipload. IE, there are a bunch of rich motherfuckers

in that state. It's sad, but it's true.

And I'll say this, as a side note, the ONLY good things to come out of Texas are as follows: ZZ Top, Janis Joplin,

Stevie Ray Vaughn and Bill Hicks. Sadly, the only ones still alive are ZZ Top, so, only one of those matters for all

immediate purposes.

But, okay. Let's say Texas manages this greedy secession. I see it as good and ill. On the good side, it is liberating

the way for other states to follow suit, and I still maintain that this country is flawed, and that every state should be

it's own country, of sorts. It is, to an extent, that way, but thanks to W, that numbnuts (and the Democrats, don't get

me wrong, they're just as bad from the other direction), the Federal Government has way too much power.

Brief history factoid, I would say lesson, but I don't feel like teaching. It's just a fact. So fuck ya. Anyway, when this

all began, the Federal Government was designed to be utilised only in time of crisis, and I mean a real Crisis, not

this shit they've tried to tell you is a crisis. The Federal Government is an umbrella, nothing more. The states were

supposed to have the power, and our good old president was to be a figure head, much like the Queen of

England. No real power, but thanks to W's raping of the constitution (Which, I may get into later, the hypocrisy of it

all), The President has TOO MUCH POWER. I don't know about Obama. I have to confess I've not been paying that

close of attention, not close enough as I should be, that's for sure. But after 8 Years of screaming, I need a break.

Okay, seven years, but nonetheless. I'm taking a few months vacation, and letting him set up shop. That whole First

100 Days bullshit.

Okay, I'm getting off point. Fed's are not supposed to have the power that they now have. Stop. //

Right, so. It could end up that way, that is one possible outcome. That maybe, in an odd sort of way, things are

going to end up the way they were supposed to be. Right on for that, I can get behind that. It would be like the

European Union [look it up], and all would be kosher...

BUT! That'd be too slick and cool. That'd be slicker than shit from a gooses ass, dig? So, what's the other potential


WELL, what I fear is, more or less, it'll lead us into another Civil War situation. A new Revolutionary War, if you will.

Well, it would be a combination of the sorts. Because, secession conjurs images of the Civil War, of course, but

without the civil rights being a part of it, which knocks the Civil right out of it. Well, really, the word WAR knocks

CIVIL right out of it, but we're not getting into that but of irony. Right, we would be a nation at war, which raises a

few concerns.

A, as much bitching as I do about how things could be fixed, and how I would fix them (Yeah, I know, I'm not

doing much but sowing desent, BUT! that's the first step, dig? I'm not remaining quiet, I'm speaking my voice, in a

way, so piss off. It's more than most people do. And I do vote. I may not agree with who I vote for on all points [I

am a realist, fuckers], but I did vote for the lesser of two evils.)

Sorry, getting sidetracked again... but A, I don't want to be "a nation at war", it's very uncool, and it would fuck up

my plans. Not that I have any, but nonetheless. Uncool. B, it would be another pointless fucking war.

But, on the other hand, like I said, I think it'd be great, and probably what this country needs. And not just to knock

back the population a bit. It'd be fun to watch and participate in, but it still troubles me. It does. On a really base

level that's beyond words, so bite me.

Oh, and if I'm full of shit, cool. That makes me happy, I'll use it as my next story... if I ever get Silent Saturn and the

Hand of God finished, in all it's epic parts...

It just bothers me on principle that these greedy motherfuckers would even contemplate it. Now, I don't give a

good goddamn about Alaska and their secession movement. That would be good. NOTHING good has EVER

come about from Alaska, and as far as I'm concerned, only bad shit has come from there. Look at that imbecile

Palin, look no further. She is the face of that state, and not in touch with reality. But, I'll say this. Neither are the


ANYWAYS, I find it funny that the hillbilly Republicans are raising a fit because Obama is supposedly raping the

constitution. I do, I think it's an outright RIOT. Truly mad hilarious. But, you see - the thing is, W did FAR worse with the

constition. That man wiped his ass with it. It's a laundry list of things, but once again, I'm not in the mood to teach,

so look it up. Try Habeus Corpus for a start. Then move to illegal wire tapping. Or even detaining amerikan

citizens. Okay? Okay! Case - fucking - closed.

Now, we all know I talk mad shit (well, not really, as it has the benefit of being true!) about this neo-con

Republican Party. I do, I don't deny it, but I do say this. If the fucking religious right removed their twin fangs, I'd

probably be a Republican. Well, no. It's beyond help, okay? If I had to choose a party, it'd be Libertarian, but as

I've said before each of the last two elections, we're not in a time where we can make a political point, we have

to keep those greedy, religious scum fucks out of the White House.

But yes, the Dem's. I'm sorry, but y'all suck. Plain and simple. You're just the lesser of two evils right now, and as a

Libertarian will NEVER win, I'm stuck voting for you. So, why do the Dem's suck? They're too polite, too nice, too

unrealistic. They're the equivalent to school teachers, which as you know, I have no fucking respect for. They're

terrified of reality, so they never leave school, dig? Okay, so, the Dem's do all that they can to keep from pissing

off some special interest group, which annoys me on principle. They're whores. They are, they're preening

whores, who think they can keep everyone happy, well, they can't. And like the Republican Party, they're

alienating a lot of voters with their antics.

The point is, you're not going to make everyone happy, and please - you're LIBERAL people, quit trying to

CENSOR shit to protect the CHILDREN! Look, I like kids, on the whole. It's their parents that are the problem. If their

parents were ACTUAL parents, we wouldn't have this problem, but they can't be actual parents because, well,

they're afraid fucking CPS is going to be called, and they are going to be arrested. Children are not born with

respect, they are not born with the hardware to be competent. They have to be taught, and since the schools

aren't doing it, the parents have to, and if an unruly little bastard needs to be beaten once a year or so, then so be

it. I've gone on this for forever more than once, so go find that, and I'll stop that rant right now. Nonetheless, trying

to protect the minority by restricting what the majority of competent, rational adults is a problem.

Look, the V Chip is a bad idea, just read A Clockwork Orange, dig? No, I hate television, as you all know, but

look, I'll stand up for it until I'm blue in the face, because by limiting what I'm able to consume, simply because a

child may see it, is a problem. It's an infringement on my own personal rights. See, I have free will, and so do you.

So do these parents. And if these parents were actual parents, they'd either restrict their children their own damn

selve's from watching said programme, or they would sit them down, like a rational adult and explain to them,

rather simply: Timmy, it's not right to shoot someone. Sex is a natural act and it's okay, but not until you're a little

older. And those words? Those seven words you heard Mr Carlin say couldn't be said on television? Yeah, well, I

know Timmy, they're just words, but some people don't like those words for some reason, and you can't just walk

into Wally World and scream them at the top of your lungs? And there are other places you shouldn't use those

words, at least, not loud enough to be heard, like work. Or at church. I know, son, we don't go to church, because

- well, Son, we'll get into all that when you're a little older. Well, I know you're four now, maybe when you're five

or six I'll sit you down for that conversation.

Pretty simple, isn't it? I thought so, now look, quit trying to violate the rights and freedoms of competent, consenting

adults, and go fuck yourself. Oh, and Tipper Gore? You can suck my cock. Twice. You fucking Nazi cunt.

Look, the simple truth is, our government is completely fucked, I'm sorry. It is, you can argue it all you want, but it's

fucked and it's not going to get any better, not for a long goddamn time, and by then, well - the only way to fix it

will to break it all down. See: The Russian Nihilist Movement.

The only way for something so big and perverse to be fixed is by a total destruction. Think of it like a football team.

Y'know that phrase, It's a rebuilding year? When they fire the coaches, the cheer leaders, all the front office, and

the players? Yeah. That's what this country needs.

A Rebuilding Year.

So, I reckon that applies to any sport, but okay. No, look - this country is fucked, in a thousand different ways, but I

love this country, and I love the freedoms I used to have. I still have them, but I have to cover my ass and not get

caught, dig? It's only wrong if you get caught. But right. Here. There's no other country I could bitch and bitch, and

later try to fix it. Which, I'm trying to do right now. I'm trying to get you people to understand that dissent is your

NUMBER ONE AMERICAN RIGHT!! You're allowed to be angry, you're allowed to be pissed off. YOU ARE!! You're still

allowed to question and scream at the top of your lungs, that Obama, sexy as you are, you're going to fuck up. He

is. Deny it, and I'll call you a fucking moron, but I do admit, he's going to have to fuck up less than any of his

predecessors, because he is black. Yeah, folks. He won, which is mega-awesome, but there are still enough

redneck, racist motherfuckers in this planet. Just take a gander at the Republican Party and NRA conventions for


Yes, I am a member, and yes I shoot. I have shot since I was a wee child, and y'know? I've never spilled a drop

of blood, and I don't buy their bullshit. Why is this important? This is important because, I'm sorry but I can't get into

all that. It just is. If I'm right, and a revolution is coming, then yeah. Pretty self fucking explanatory.

Okay, so, yes. He's going to have to fuck up less, otherwise he'll be fucking hung. It sucks, but it's the truth of this

country, and it's fucking sad. Though, I have to say this - by comparison, he can't fuck up more than the moron

these fools rally behind. Sorry, W, but no one's fucked up as bad as you have. So, by comparison, we're already

doing better than we were six months ago, or even eight years ago before he really fucked up. At that point, he

was just what he needed to be, an idiot figurehead.

And, I know I go on about the secret Government that really runs things, but y'know? He scared me. Worse than

they, because he couldn't process a rational thought. There were some serious bugs in his software, sorry guys,

there was. W was a fucking moron. Sorry.

And I have something to say. I have a confession.

Nine times out of ten, I can forgive ignorance. (Ignorance is not the same as stupidity, my friends. With ignorance,

one doesn't know any better. Stupidity, on the other hand, one knows better but still does it. Case in point: Eight

years ago, People didn't know Bush, he got in on pure name recognition, which is funny, because Papa got

fucking run out of the White House, but nonetheless, there it is. But, the second time? You motherfuckers were


Okay, so, yes. He's going to have to fuck up less, otherwise he'll be fucking hung. It sucks, but it's the truth of this

country, and it's fucking sad. Though, I have to say this - by comparison, he can't fuck up more than the moron

these fools rally behind. Sorry, W, but no one's fucked up as bad as you have. So, by comparison, we're already

doing better than we were six months ago, or even eight years ago before he really fucked up. At that point, he

was just what he needed to be, an idiot figurehead.

And, I know I go on about the secret Government that really runs things, but y'know? He scared me. Worse than

they, because he couldn't process a rational thought. There were some serious bugs in his software, sorry guys,

there was. W was a fucking moron. Sorry.

And I have something to say. I have a confession.

Nine times out of ten, I can forgive ignorance. (Ignorance is not the same as stupidity, my friends. With ignorance,

one doesn't know any better. Stupidity, on the other hand, one knows better but still does it. Case in point: Eight

years ago, People didn't know Bush, he got in on pure name recognition, which is funny, because Papa got

fucking run out of the White House, but nonetheless, there it is. But, the second time? You motherfuckers were


Okay, so, what brings this up?

A confidential source informed me that an acquaintance was talking out of her ass, more or less. Basically,

opening her mouth about things of which she has no clue. Just ignorant Amerikan speech, right? Okay.

China is bad. Okay, why? I don't know, they just are. They're bloody commies!

Right, okay. Firstly, I was reminded of a Gore Vidal quote I listed last weekend, oddly enough...

[...]But the Americans don't know it because they have never been told about other countries. They just know

they're bad.

Secondly, I agree wth my confidential informant, that it works for them, that not the whole fucking world needs to

be a Democracy. We might want to give it a try here, but nonetheless. Look, it does work for China, just as being

ruled by a dictator son of a bitch worked for Iraq. I'm not a fan of Hussein, but look, he did it to his own people, we

should've stayed the fuck out of it. Why? Well, quite simply, it's not our fight. If they came and asked for help, I'd

say go help them.

Wow, this just dawned on me. While we're trying to spread Democracy, whatever that means, we start some shit

with Iraq - a broken nation with a marginal army and a few thousand dissident "terrorists" (Not Terrorizers, Mr

Bush), okay... But, we don't try China? Why? Because they have Billions of people who could kick our fucking ass?

Because you can NEVER hold onto AustralAsia in RISK? Because, we get our asses handed to is in Asia? Because

they... wait... They send us a lot of wares made by slave labour? OMG! Cheap goods! We can't put an end to that.

Sure, their religion is a little kooky, but hey - at least they're not blowing themselves up, they're only setting

themselves on fire! That's okay. Right. But hey, numbnuts, still - not a democracy.

Okay, off point again.

Look, Communism isn't all bad. Pure, true communism could work, just like a pure, true democracy, but sorry folks,

we'll never see neither.

Just because it wouldn't work for us, doesn't mean it won't work for them, and I'll tell you this. Do you see China

starting a bunch of shit with innocent people? So, they kill their own. They do, they kill the daughters. I'm not fond

of their policies. Actually, I am. Not on that, but there is one of China's ideas I can get behind, because it happens

to be my philosophy on life.

Leave me the fuck alone, and I'll leave you the fuck alone. Pretty simple. For the longest time, China did not trade,

they did not meddle. They kept to themselves, and they were peaceful. They actually took care of their own, and

while the civilians are broke as fuck, they're all broke as fuck. They do what they do, and it works for them. GOOD


Look, free-trade is actually kind of a bad thing. And I'm speaking this as a true amerikan, it's fucking up OUR

economy. Which does kinda blow. Look, they'll work for less so we can get it cheaper, but here we are with one

of the largest explosions in unemployment in history. Which is where things get sticky, and I'm shutting my trap right


It's just that, folks - Just because it's not Amerikan, it's okay. It is. It's alright. And that's what a lot of people seem to

apply to their whole lives.

Let's take Gay Marriage, as a for instance. We have a man and a woman, sure their bits fit together. But so does a

dick and an asshole, and as someone who has experimented, and as someone who enjoys anal sex, I see no

problem with that. It works. And of course, we all know that men are worthless fucks, so girl on girl action is

understandable. I get it. I understand this one thing that these christians don't seem to, since they're the biggest

proponents on the gay marriage ban.

PEOPLE ARE PEOPLE. Male, female, black, white, gay, straight, goatfuckers, child rapists, murderers, psychopaths,

religious zealots, my mom, your dad, there is one thing we all have in common, we're HUMAN, and y'know, we're

all capable of love. Especially the child fuckers (I'm looking at you, Cardinal Law!!)

Okay, we're people, and we're capable of love. Now, while I'm not a fan of Marriage on principle, I do

understand and comprehend that most people want it. They want to get married. So tell me this, what's the

difference between a man and a woman getting married and a pair of men, or a pair of women? Any? They love

one another, probably more than any man/woman couple.

Seriously, where was I going?

Right. We have these Christians, which is most of the nation, and most of the people behind the war in Iraq, and

these morons who sayy anything that isn't white isn't right (Fuck you, It's true!)... Look, just because it isn't right for

you doesn't make it wrong for anyone or everyone else. That's where I'm going with the whole thing. We're

humans, and we're all fucking different. We all have different tastes, and y'know?

I say this. Let's ban straight marriage while we're at it, it'll save on divorce. Which, of course, sends you to hell, and

I'm willing to bet, everyone who's alive has been or soon will be divorced. And as well all know, Divorce is a one

way ticket to hell...

Which I don't get. When Jesus was supposedly alive, DIVORCE wasn't even a thought. Hmm.... Interesting.

So, yes, while we're discussing this mythical Sanctity of Marriage, let's outlaw divorce. Oh, okay. Wait. Then

women would be stuck back in the kitchen with a fucking kid on each hip, barefoot, and getting punched in the

face on a nightly basis. Right, okay. I'm sure that's just what you beer guzzling rednecks want. A maid you don't

have to pay and can use as a punching bag, with no escape route. Gotcha. That's actually, in a sordid kind of

way, what they're fighting for. When they bring in the bible into this Gay Marriage debate.

For a couple of reasons, because they're hoping Divorce will get outlawed, A, and B, they're afraid they're going

to lose their women to other women who are capable of love and compassion in a way no man could ever


Further proof in my argument that 99% of all men should be executed. On site.

Okay, Susie HomeWrecker. Look, I know you want to pretend that marriage is only to happen between a man

and a woman, but why? Because of Leviticus? NEIN! Do you know why that was written? Because, at that time,

goatfucking was running rampant, and people wanted to marry these animals. Not really, but nonetheless.

People were fucking animals, this much is true, because it does say something about making it with an animal.

Which makes me smile. I'd love to picture some robed, bearded fucker banging a sheep.

But fuck... I'm getting sidetracked again, and now I'm getting confused.

OUTLAW MARRIAGE!! For all sexes, because it's unnatural! That's my political stance on that. I say, if we don't have

fair rights for all, remove the rights of all. It's only FAIR!! And maybe, once in our lives, life should be fair.

So here it is.

If Tom and Dick or Jane and Janis can't get married, neither can Adam and Eve. Fucking deal with it and shut the

fuck up.

This is a tired debate, and I'm sick of people fighting over it when there's much more important shit to be getting

on with, like what country of brownskinned people should we invade next?

Which really, I'm sorry Obama, thanks to W pissing the whole world off, we're probably going to be left with no

other option.

But check this out, if that's the case, I have a plan. And I know all you white bread motherfuckers will get behind it,

we just NUKE THE WHOLE PLANET!! Send it back to that time before children rode dinosaurs. (SEE the Creationist

Museum in KINtucky)...

That'll do the trick. Like I've said, the only way to fix this mess we've gotten ourselves in is by starting over, and

since I know we can't just remove the complete political structure and begin again, I say we just wipe out the

whole goddamned mess, and let our Dear old Gaia spawn a new species of animal that may be half-competent.

What do you think? I think it's an awesome idea. Hell, what've we got to lose? It's not like we've really done

anything that important or great. It seems the only thing people are good at is fucking other people. In every

context of the word.

Oh hell... We're all fucked, let's just do a massive ritual suicide kind of thing. At least that wouldn't leave Gaia

cleaning up the mess of nuclear fallout.

Gun - fire in the street. Where we used to meet. Echoes out a beat. And the bass goes - bomb. Right over my head. Step over the dead. Remember what you said, you know the part about life. Is just a waking dream. Well, I know what you mean. But that ain't how it seems. Right here, right now. How can this be real? I can barely feel - anymore. I am trying. To see. I am trying. To believe. This is not where. I should be. I am trying. To believe. Blood - hardens in the sand. Cold metal in my hand. Hope you understand the way that things are going to be. There's nowhere left to hide. 'Cause God is on our side. I keep telling myself. I am trying. To see. I am trying. To believe. This is not where. I should be. I am trying. To believe.

I should have listened to her. So hard to keep control. We kept on eating but our bloated bellies still not full. She gave us all she had but. We went and took some more. Can't seem to shut her legs. Our mother nature is a whore. I got my propaganda. I got revisionism. I got my violence in hi-def ultra-realism. All a part of this great nation. I got my fist, I got my plan. I got survivalism. Hypnotic sound of sirens. Echoing through the streets. The cocking of the rifles. The Marching of the feet. You see your world on fire. Don't try to act surprised. You'll do just what you told us. Lost our faith along the way and found ourselves believing the lies. I got my propaganda. I got revisionism. I got my violence in hi-def ultra-realism. All a part of this great nation. I got my fist, I got my plan. I got survivalism. All bruised and broken, bleeding. She asked to take my hand. I turned, just keep on walking. But you'd do the same from the circumstances, I'm sure you'll understand. I got my propaganda, I got revisionism. I got my violence in hi-def ultrarealism. All a part of this great nation. I got my fist, I got my plan. I got survivalism.

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