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Did you know... ...that these images are offensive? Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Though they may seem cute, fluffy or sexy and make you go "AWWWW".....they are offensive. They make me cringe, shudder and shake! Do you know why? I hope so. AND, if not, I hope you read on. Let me start by saying I am a PATRIOT! I am the Granddaughter of a Decorated WWII Veteran (RiP Pa), the Daughter of a Vietnam Veteran, the niece to many Uncles that served our Great Nation, the Ex Wife of an Operation Desert Storm Veteran, and ...I'll say it again...A PATRIOT! There is a game currently in play here on FU with an image of an infant swaddled in our Flag. Being me, of course I had to express how disturbed I was by the image to the Hostess. She is a friend of mine here on FU so no drama is to come of this blog. It is simply somewhere for people to vent or discuss if you wish your opinion on the subject. OUR FLAG IS NOT EVER TO BE LAID UPON THE GROUND, FLOOR or SWADDLED AROUND ANYONE! Unless it's your casket and you are in it! There is such a thing as Flag Etiquette folks and it is disregarded far too often. I may bend on a lot of things in the morals department *winks* BUT, I will not BEND ON THIS! She has graciously offered to provide an "alternate image" and will give people the option to choose. If you are participating in this game, or send these flags to me....Please, CHOOSE THE RIGHT and choose the alternate image of OUR FLAG, waving proudly as it should! So, you can read on if you aren't familiar with flag etiquette. Here's some info from a couple of different sites. xoxo Bobbi-Jo Flag Etiquette STANDARDS of RESPECT The Flag Code, which formalizes and unifies the traditional ways in which we give respect to the flag, also contains specific instructions on how the flag is not to be used. They are: The flag should never be dipped to any person or thing. It is flown upside down only as a distress signal. The flag should not be used as a drapery, or for covering a speakers desk, draping a platform, or for any decoration in general. Bunting of blue, white and red stripes is available for these purposes. The blue stripe of the bunting should be on the top. The flag should never be used for any advertising purpose. It should not be embroidered, printed or otherwise impressed on such articles as cushions, handkerchiefs, napkins, boxes, or anything intended to be discarded after temporary use. Advertising signs should not be attached to the staff or halyard The flag should not be used as part of a costume or athletic uniform, except that a flag patch may be used on the uniform of military personnel, fireman, policeman and members of patriotic organizations. The flag should never have placed on it, or attached to it, any mark, insignia, letter, word, number, figure, or drawing of any kind. The flag should never be used as a receptacle for receiving, holding, carrying, or delivering anything. When the flag is lowered, no part of it should touch the ground or any other object; it should be received by waiting hands and arms. To store the flag it should be folded neatly and ceremoniously. The flag should be cleaned and mended when necessary. When a flag is so worn it is no longer fit to serve as a symbol of our country, it should be destroyed by burning in a dignified manner. From another site on the proper way to display OUR COUNTRIES FLAG! Some basics.... With three big Flag holidays coming up in short order, those being Memorial Day, Flag Day on June 14 and Independence Day on July 4, many Americans will be unfurling their flags in a show of patriotism on these days. But did you know there is such a thing as flag etiquette? A specific way your Flag should be displayed? Read on so you don't inadvertently get caught in a flag faux pas! First and foremost, the Flag should be displayed in a proper fashion, either up a flag pole or in such a way that the Flag does not touch anything, allowing it to flow freely. The Flag is never meant to touch the ground. It is to be raised briskly, but when lowered, it is to be lowered slowly and reverently. Once lowered, ensuring that the Flag does not touch the ground, it is to be folded in a neat fashion (generally like a paper football) for storage until raised again. As a general rule, you should fly your Flag during daylight hours. It should be taken down at night, unless you have a spotlight on it. If flown concurrently with another flag, for instance a State flag, Old Glory is to receive top billing. She must be flown higher than any other flags displayed with her. The other flags should not be larger than her and she is always the first to be raised and last to be lowered, and you should salute her on her on her ascent and descent. She must always be flown or displayed to her own right, a place of honor. The exception to this rule is when displayed with the flag of another country. In that case, the flags are to be flown on separate flag poles, with none higher than the others. They must also be the about the same size. It is a breach of protocol to fly one flag higher than the other in a time of peace. If you must hang her on a wall, Old Glory should be displayed such that the Union (stars) is at the top. Never hang her bar side up, or upside down, as those are symbols of distress. When hung on a pole that juts out horizontally, such as on a balcony, or front of a building, the Union should be at the peak of the pole unless the Flag is to be flown at half-staff.

Flag Etiquette

If you don't know this folks, please practice it. Flag Etiquette STANDARDS of RESPECT The Flag Code, which formalizes and unifies the traditional ways in which we give respect to the flag, also contains specific instructions on how the flag is not to be used. They are: The flag should never be dipped to any person or thing. It is flown upside down only as a distress signal. The flag should not be used as a drapery, or for covering a speakers desk, draping a platform, or for any decoration in general. Bunting of blue, white and red stripes is available for these purposes. The blue stripe of the bunting should be on the top. The flag should never be used for any advertising purpose. It should not be embroidered, printed or otherwise impressed on such articles as cushions, handkerchiefs, napkins, boxes, or anything intended to be discarded after temporary use. Advertising signs should not be attached to the staff or halyard The flag should not be used as part of a costume or athletic uniform, except that a flag patch may be used on the uniform of military personnel, fireman, policeman and members of patriotic organizations. The flag should never have placed on it, or attached to it, any mark, insignia, letter, word, number, figure, or drawing of any kind. The flag should never be used as a receptacle for receiving, holding, carrying, or delivering anything. When the flag is lowered, no part of it should touch the ground or any other object; it should be received by waiting hands and arms. To store the flag it should be folded neatly and ceremoniously. The flag should be cleaned and mended when necessary. When a flag is so worn it is no longer fit to serve as a symbol of our country, it should be destroyed by burning in a dignified manner. From another site on the proper way to display OUR COUNTRIES FLAG! Some basics.... With three big Flag holidays coming up in short order, those being Memorial Day, Flag Day on June 14 and Independence Day on July 4, many Americans will be unfurling their flags in a show of patriotism on these days. But did you know there is such a thing as flag etiquette? A specific way your Flag should be displayed? Read on so you don't inadvertently get caught in a flag faux pas! First and foremost, the Flag should be displayed in a proper fashion, either up a flag pole or in such a way that the Flag does not touch anything, allowing it to flow freely. The Flag is never meant to touch the ground. It is to be raised briskly, but when lowered, it is to be lowered slowly and reverently. Once lowered, ensuring that the Flag does not touch the ground, it is to be folded in a neat fashion (generally like a paper football) for storage until raised again. As a general rule, you should fly your Flag during daylight hours. It should be taken down at night, unless you have a spotlight on it. If flown concurrently with another flag, for instance a State flag, Old Glory is to receive top billing. She must be flown higher than any other flags displayed with her. The other flags should not be larger than her and she is always the first to be raised and last to be lowered, and you should salute her on her on her ascent and descent. She must always be flown or displayed to her own right, a place of honor. The exception to this rule is when displayed with the flag of another country. In that case, the flags are to be flown on separate flag poles, with none higher than the others. They must also be the about the same size. It is a breach of protocol to fly one flag higher than the other in a time of peace. If you must hang her on a wall, Old Glory should be displayed such that the Union (stars) is at the top. Never hang her bar side up, or upside down, as those are symbols of distress. When hung on a pole that juts out horizontally, such as on a balcony, or front of a building, the Union should be at the peak of the pole unless the Flag is to be flown at half-staff.


...it's ok for a 40 something year old MAN to punch my 10 year BOY twice in the gut and get away with it? Tell me why this man wasn't arrested on the spot and isn't charged with assault? WTF is wrong with our justice system? I wonder if the cops responsed have sons. I wonder what they would do if someone put their hands on their son. If I go over and punch him twice I would surely go to jail! WTF IS WRONG WITH PEOPLE! I am so angry, hurt, and I feel so helpless! No wonder more children don't tell people when bad things have happened to them. THEY CAN'T GET HELP! No wonder more women don't leave their abusive husbands! I am livid! Somebody talk me the HELL DOWN!
For everyone waiting for a salute... I was working on them...had them colored...about to get cute to take pics and my 10 year old son was assaulted by an adult neighbor.... The guy is drunk off his ass and he punched my son twice. Waiting on the cops. Sorry for the wait. YOU WILL GET THEM! There is 300 pics in the folder obviously I make em. But, my kids come first and I gotta handle this. Be back later.

Life...Barely. An Update.

I suppose everyone wants to know what the hell is going on. Everyone that I actually talk to regularly anyway. (And maybe some others in particular.) I don't want a lot of shouts or further discussion about any of this really. Time to close this door and look forward but I know there's a lot of confusion out there and I don't want to leave anyone hanging either. So, Chris and I were perfect. Things were great. Ya'll knew this. I couldn't have been happier. Chris knew A LOT of things about my personal life that I haven't necessarily shared here much. HOMICIDAL HUSBAND, some drug abuse years ago...NOT ANYMORE IN THE SLIGHTEST LET'S NOT GO THERE, and the biggest...I am and have been semi active in the adult industry. (Come on now, look at that face and that rack and pretend you didn't know!) Chris being the amazing man that he is was very accepting. He loved me, I loved him. Things were gravy. Let me make it very clear...he didn't find these things out about me as we went along. He knew everything up front and before we became a couple. I am an open book, maybe not always here....but to the people involved in my real life YOU BETTER BELIEVE IT! You know when something starts to eat at you...and you just aren't sure if you can handle it anymore? Well, my "lifestyle" as he put it...was one of those things. (Of course it didn't help he had catty bitches in his ear everyday talking smack about me.) BLAH! Get a life of your own is all I can say. Anyway, he thought it best to call us quits...the way he went about it was completely inappropriate...he knows that now...and told me "I'm lying to myself and you when I tell you I love you." I don't "do" liars. Figuratively or literally! So, that was it. No please, please, no don't go from me. It was over. He blocked me, I blocked him. That simple. Of course like many scumbags out there...ED (DJ TWIZTID) was there to swoop in and be the man Chris wasn't. Phrases like, "I have loved you since I met you", "I knew he wasn't the one for you and I was", "He lost the best thing that ever happened to him".... YADA YADA USING PSYCHO YADA YADA! But, of course after just being crushed by the man I truly saw myself growing old with...I soaked it up like a sponge. BUT, like the smarty pants I am always keeping my 3rd eye in line! But, this is just FU so we went all cutesy pootsy with it and became a "couple." I may need specs to see but my 3rd eye has 20/20 vision and I was consistently seeing the red flags. I am not going to list the things I was picking up on here cause I don't want the other slimeballs out there to get a little "How to cheat better" refresher course out of my blog. But, if you are in anyway involved in an online relationship that is about to go REAL LIFE and don't feel things are right...I would definitely listen to your gut and intuition! Ed asked me to move to Kansas with him to live in his big ol house he has all to himself and see where life takes us. I absolutely hate it here and have been wanting a change so figured ...EH, sure, let's try and if it's not what it is...then I'll start over there cause OMG, the cost of living is HELLA cheap and the thought of my kids growing up in a smaller town TOTALLY appeals to me. So, the plan was to move to Kansas on June 6th. (Ed went so far as to send me a Uhaul confirmation he made.) So, days pass. FU HAPPENS, and BOOM it's my night to Disciple. I had spent the day plugging away at my "points to go" as did my friends. I decide to put up my last Happy Hour credit at 10pm my time (Ty Blueskyhere) to see if we couldn't knock it out. I had about 550,000 k to go. I happen to scroll over Chris' (Tappinit's) blast and see he has a status set for me. Something like she's almost Disciple, go get her. So, I knew at that point he was willing to help and I needed all the help I could get. So, I unblocked him and shouted him to see if he had unblocked me and sure enough he had. I said, "For that status your are unblocked, now go rate my crap!" And he did. Time was winding down and it didn't look like I was going to make it so he started Blingin' my butter and we came so close! My Happy Hour ended and I had 32k to go. UGH! Mine was the last Happy Hour of the day so I figured it would sit until morning. Thank you to my awesome friend Tapper for the Bling that finished it off so ...YAY...Disciple. Right now...Disciple seems completely insignificant. The events over the last month have completely put into perspective for me how childish people here are. (Not all, not what I am saying...but many.) My self esteem is completely in tact. I don't need to log into Fubar to have it stroked. I love me. Please don't ask me how it feels to be Disciple. It would be like asking me how it felt to be the Thimble when I played a game of Monopoly. I am just a pawn here. NOW, I do value...more than you could possibly know...the real friends I have made here. Anyway, that's getting all emotional and a little off the informative and factual. So getting back. So, Chris and I were talking again. I had no idea it was going to turn into a 4 and a 1/2 hour phone call about EVERYTHING! I am happy to inform you that the "I am lying to myself and you when I tell you I love you" line was a LIE! Not that I am glad he lied...BUT, it crushed me when he told me that. I think most of you know how much I truly love him. It was good to hear how he knew he made a mistake, how much he misses me, how he loves me, and how he is MISERABLE! Yes, I said it. I am glad he is miserable. Do I want him to stay miserable...of course not. I love him, he loves me. Many of you are asking can Chris and I fix us. For all you catty bitches that were glad to see this fail...there are 10x more that wanted to see this work. "Ken and Barbie", "Cutest couple ever", "Meant to be"... just some of the things we each hear on a daily basis. I miss him, I miss his children, I miss US! Did I pretend I didn't, ....well of course...how else do you function? So anyway....we talked about Ed, Kansas, and the move. I told him things weren't right. That I knew something was up. We talked, and talked, and talked and eventually... at 5:30 am decided we needed to sleep! I crashed and he didn't. He got up and started digging. I had given him the info I had. Name, Address, etc. Well I woke up to find out he had found via public records in Butler County, Kansas the deed to Ed's house. WITH HIS WIFES NAME ON IT! Now, we didn't panic at this point. We only decided it was time to find out more. I started digging as Chris was on the road for work and uncovered a SHITLOAD of stuff. I managed to make contact with his wife and her and I spent nearly the entire afternoon and evening on the phone. He has been married for four years, has 3 children, no income and 1 bag of personal effects to call his own! LOSER! I introduced Chris to Julie (Ed's wife) on the phone and we all had an illunimating conversation. When Chris hung up...Julie said, "There has to be hope for you two." (She had been told a little of the backstory. lol) SO ED IS OVER! HIS WIFE HAS CONTROL OF HIS FUBAR! There's a blog with some great comments if you would like to go check it out. (DJ TWIZTID) I hope and pray that she kicks him out for good as she sounds like an amazing person and certainly doesn't deserve a using scumbag like that in her life. Chris said he made a huge mistake letting me go. (BUT WE KNEW THAT RIGHT. *wink*) It was good to hear how much he loved me and good to hear he's had many sleepless nights. I do and have too. For all those that have shouted and said now you two can make it right....I dunno whether that will happen...ya'll will have to wait and see. WOW! Are you still absorbing? That was a lot out of me this morning but it probably answers a lot of questions. xoxo PebblesinAZ

It can happen to ANYONE!

This bulletin is going around about spousal abuse and domestic violence and I felt compelled to share a little of my story with you. I am not going to get into details because well, there's just too much. BUT IT CAN HAPPEN TO ANYONE AND HAS HAPPENED TO ME. I spent ten years married to a MANIAC. He sought help from time to time so like a "good wife" I stuck around. This was last February, 2007. He is currently incarcerated for trying to kill me that night. attack I am not asking you to repost this bulletin or to have pity on me. You don't have to "awwww" or tell me how sorry you are. But if you know someone who is a victim, stand by their side and support them. Let them know how important they are to you and how much more they deserve for themselves. They won't get help til they are ready but it will help to know there are people that care. xoxo PebblesinAZ Think its OK to boss a girl around? Slap her around a few times and teach her a lesson? Photobucket She's just a dumb "bitch" a "slut". Photobucket No! Shes human being, a girl that deserves to be loved and respected. Not used and thrown out like a piece of trash. Photobucket A "man" should NEVER hit a woman. Photobucket And should never force his girl to have sex with him, thats not something you do to the person you supposedly love. Photobucket So if you're against Spousal Abuse please repost this! And if you don't you're not going to die or be raped by a toaster, you're just cold at heart. And if your a guy thats man enough to repost this GOOD for you. Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket
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