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Siska's blog: "Contract"

created on 09/25/2006  |  http://fubar.com/contract/b6649

Chapter six (all chapters unedited)

Chapter 6 Luke and Chris reached the Halem resturant and went in to find a table. As they waited for the waiter, Chris began to tell him what happened after they left the inn. Luke had listened to her with great interest. He knew she still carried the markings on her body but not so much as when he knew her three years ago. The markings on her had disappeared all except for her upper arms now. 3 years ago..... After Siska left Van and went back to check up on Chris, she received a shock when she arrived in the room. Chris was no longer there but the doctor was. The doctor layed against the wall with his skin pealing off and the back of his head cracked open. Blood lined the walls around him but no sword marks appeared on his body. "Christina, what have you done?" Siska walked into the bathroom to notice the swords were still intact and still clean. "Where did you go?" Siska grabbed the swords and ran out of the inn leaving some money on the front desk before running out the door. "Sorry for the mess!" she yelled back at the person behind the desk. The lady only watched with a shocked look as Siska ran out the door. Siska had walked the town for about two hours until she found where Chris had ran too. A boy about sixteen said he saw a girl in a red long coat run to the river. As soon as Siska reached the river east of town, she stopped in her tracks and called out to the girl in the water "CHRISTINA GABRIEL!!? WHAT HAVE YOU DONE!!?!" "They won't come off. I want them off." Chris cried as her arms were bleeding and so was her body. To Siska, it looked like Chris had tried to peel the markings off her body but with no results. Pieces of skin layed below Siskas' feet as she began her walk into the water and over to Chris. "Why Christina? Why did you do this to yourself? Do you really want to die so badly?" "I want the marks gone!" she cried. "I regret it. I regret it all." She turned to face Siska and lay her head against Siska's chest. "He's dead. I didn't mean for it to happen." "I know you didn't. Shhh, it will be ok." Siska wrapped her arms around Chris and pulled her naked body even closer. "We must not stay in this water long with your body bleeding like it is. How are you moving anyway? Are your ribs not hurting?" Siska started to guide Chris out of the water. "I am fine." Both women got out of the water and sat on the bank to talk while Siska put the coat over Chris' shoulder to cover her body. Both did not know that they were being watched by the people who had been after Chris from the very start. "Tell the men to stand down." The man sitting among various monitors ordered. He gazed at the monitor that showed birds eye view of the two women among the river. "Sir?" "I've contacted the Religion Military on the matter. It seems the man aiding the subject is more interesting than we thought. They're willing will to apprehend the woman for us, in return we keep them informed and share the intel we attain about that man. They've flown a retrieval team yesterday and they'll arrive in the area within an hour. No need to get our own hands dirty while there's someone else willing to do it for us." "That seems very gracious of them, sir. May I ask why that is?" "The Religion Military uses the state-of-the-art weaponry. However, none of them are anywhere duplicating the power of the elves. Once we attain the swords and the women, they'll be our first clients." "I see. But what of the man?" "They indicated he was a priority criminal. But considering how supportive they turned after we had mentioned him, I can tell they fear him for some reason." "Fear him?" "As we support the RM, find all you can about that man. And make sure the RM isn't aware of it." "Yes sir." Van sat on a cliff, overlooking the town. Ever since he left church that night he had been standing there gazing at it for nearly two hours, ambivalent of sleep. It was 7 a.m. now and the sky was beginning to get brighter. Kuro awoke next to him. He yawned and sat next to him upright, surprised that that he didn't seem to sleep at all. "Meow." "Oh… Morning." "Meooow?" "I'm okay." "Meow?" "Oh yeah… I didn't tell you what that priest said did I?" Kuro nodded his head. Van sighed depressingly. "You may wanna brace yourself… It's not good--" He stopped, and gazed at something at in the distance. He noticed eight white bikes and a white hummer in the middle of them entering the town from the main road. Van's eyes widened as he recognized them. The RM!?! What the hell are they doing all the way over here!? "Meow!" "Damn right. Let's get the Hell outta here!" Van ran up to the bike and started to rev it up. Though Kuro didn't hop up at his shoulder as usual, but only gave him a concerning look from the grown. "What?" "Meow…!" "Oh Shit! Right!" Van quickly grabbed the radio in the bag of bike, placed it on his ear and turned it on. "Chris! Siska! You there?!" No one answered. Nothing but static. Chris! Siska! Come in!!" As he was yelling he waved Kuro to hop on. He did as he told and Van immediately started driving down the hill. "Chris, are you there!! Come in dammit!" Back at the lake, Siska helped walk Chris to the bike when she stopped, sniffing the air. "What is it" Chris asked noticing, but dazed. Siska smiled at her. "Wait one moment for a second, okay?" The two men behind the bushes watching her paused and wondered why the two had stopped… Then suddenly Siska appeared a foot in front of them and grabbed their heads, smashing them into the ground, knocking them both out. "I hate peeping toms…" She squinted. Wiping off the mess she went to Chris and hurried her to the bike. "C'mon, let's get out of here." As they neared the bike, Siska heard a voice mixed with static from the head-set radio in the bag. "…ska! …there?!" Siska adjusted the frequency. The voice got clear. "Chris, are you there!! Come in dammit!!" Siska put on the radio. "Van? Is that you?' "SISKA!!" Siska squinted. "HEY! Stop yelling. You almost blew my ear of--" "GET OUT OF THE TOWN NOW!!" Chris looked confused as Siska talked annoyingly in the mic, "What the hell are you talking about? We can't do that right now. Chris is in bad shape, I need to take her to a--" It was at that moment that Chris also heard the loud sound of cycles. She looked down the road and saw white bikes ae, Siska heard a voice mixed with static from the head-set radio in the bag. "…ska! …there?!" Siska adjusted the frequency. The voice got clear. "Chris, are you there!! Come in dammit!!" Siska put on the radio. "Van? Is that you?' "SISKA!!" Siska squinted. "HEY! Stop yelling. You almost blew my ear of--" "GET OUT OF THE TOWN NOW!!" Chris looked confused as Siska talked annoyingly in the mic, "What the hell are you talking about? We can't do that right now. Chris is in bad shape, I need to take her to a--" It was at that moment that Chris also heard the loud sound of cycles. She looked down the road and saw white bikes and a large vehicle heading toward them. "THE RM IS IN THE TOWN!! GET OUT!!" Siska gritted her teeth. "…Too late." She answered him. She hurried Chris on the bike and revved up the motor and jetted down the road. "SHIT!" Van slid down sideways down the rest of the cliff, arriving down at the main road below and sped on. "Where you guys at?" "We're near the river, at the bridge. We're going to take the southern exit out of town." "Dammit! You guys are too far. Try to hold off, I'll get to you guys as fast as I can." Van twisted the throttle and sped off at top speed. Easier said than done. Siska sweated. She looked behind her, all the white bikes were now in front of the Hummer. They spread out orderly and quickly in an even line. Chris was hugging on to her back. Her eyes were closed and looked pale. "Christina, are you okay?" "Yeah… What's going on?" Siska grunted. Chris was no where in shape for fighting and they were outnumbered. "Hold on Christina!" She accelerated the bike. "Secondary target in site sir. Your orders ma'am?" "The target is to be apprehended." Ordered the Female officer in the lead bike. "Wide formation. Primary usage are Guardian Angels. No one is to use fire-arms without my order. Vehicle team, cover our rear. Understood?" All seven bikers and the two men in the vehicle responded in unison. "Yes, ma'am!" All eight bikers then drew white, silver swords similar to Van's and sped toward the bike. Siska looked behind her as the bikes began to catch up fast. Those are some fast bikes… Nitrous fueled… Our only chance is to out-manuever them. She looked forward and gunned the motor. "HOLD ON!" She steered the bike right onto the main highway, exiting the town. As soon as she did she steered left, crossing to the other street and onto the other 1-way road… Against traffic. Siska weeved left and right, avoiding all the oncoming vehicles that skidded and honked her way by. "Shit! That bitch is crazy!" One of privates shouted. "Bike team Alpha, proceed onto the road as the target. Vehicle team and Bike team Zulu, remain on the current road and attempt to block off the target ahead before she reaches the tunnel system." "Yes, ma'am!" Four of the bikes then crossed over the bare road and onto the other street, while the remaining four bikes and the white hummer continued down the road. Behind them, a short distance away, another bike was catching up with them. Van looked ahead as four of the bikes broke off and headed onto the other road against traffic, while the remaining vehicles stayed on ahead. The four remaining bikes rode on along all sides of the vehicle. "Hey, Siska!" "I'm kinda busy right now!!" Siska said annoyed. Though Van didn't blame her since he witnessed her dodging traffic like some crazy fool on 'Wildest Police Chases." "Wait a bit longer. I'm gonna try to lighten the load." "Well whatever your doing, hurry the hell up. You're the only one who can fight at the moment!" "What the hell you talkin about? Can't Chris blow them away or something?! And how bout you?" "She's too weak at the moment and I can't use her swords or fight on a bike." Van's face tensed. "Great…" He sped forward reaching the bike behind the hummer. Cautiously, he slowly crept behind the bike, drew his sword, and stabbed the bike in the rear tire. The rider lost control and he and his bike toppled over, rolling. "Man down! Man down!" "What happened?" "The Primary target here! He's taken out one member of Zulu." "What's the soldier's status?" "Only disabled ma'am. He's okay." "…" "Your order's ma'am?" "Attempt to apprehend the primary target. Be advised, do NOT use lethal force. Alpha team and I will continue our pursuit on the secondary target." "Roger!" The female officer smiled. Play nice Van… Van weeved left and right as the three remaining bikers slashed their blades at him. As he was parrying from one from on his left, one on his right managed to quickly sneak up to his blind spot, slashing his rear tire. Van struggled to regain control, however his bike was already beginning slow due to the lose of traction. He was starting to drift behind. Van gritted his teeth. "Dammit!" "Sargent-Major!" Van looked beside him and saw one of the bikers driving alongside him. "I'll say this only once. Stop now!" Van smiled at his luck. "Hey private! Didn't they teach you slash now, talk later?" Van then rear fisted the man, knocking him off his bike. He then quickly jumped off his own and climbed onto the unmanned one now riding along side him. As his old one fell and crumpled to the ground next to him, he gunned the shiny, new, white one and was rewarded with a burst of speed that whipped his face. "MUCH BETTER!" Kuro held on to dear life. "Meow…!!" With the new one, van quickly caught up to the rear of the hummer. He quickly used his sword and broke open the rear window. He yelled to Kuro. "You're up!" The two soldiers in Hummer, hearing the broken glass, looked behind them to see what had happened… Then out of now where a black cat appeared in the middle of them. They just stared at it as it meowed… "Vehicle team. This is Zulu. We're lagging behind. Speed up." There was no response. "Vehicle team. Respond---" The Hummer suddenly began to zig-zag left and right. It knocked down both the bikers on each of its side. The biker in front quickly accelerated avoiding it. "Vehicle team!! What the hell are you doing!?" The radio responded with frightened screams and what seemed to be loud roars of a mountain lion… Then as the man saw the Hummer drive off the road, a white bike emerged from view behind it and accelerated toward him. The soldier quickly unsheathed his blade. "Ma'am! We've lost contact with Zulu and the Vehicle." The officer smiled under her helm. "Go back and aid them. See if they're okay. I'll stay with the target." "And the priority target?" "Check the others first. Ignore him till then." "What?! But the orders were to--" "GO NOW!" "Y-Yes, ma'am!" The three bikers quickly turned about and headed toward the opposite direction. The officer on the bike continued her chase on Siska and Chris. Dodging the oncoming traffic. Siska looked behind her, now seeing one lone biker on her tail. She frowned as she wondered what had happened to the others. "Van! Three of the bikers behind us just disappeared. What's going on?" Van parried another slash from the lead soldier's blade. "Call later! Me busy!" Van slashed with his own sword, and the two blades pushed on each other as they sped alongside, going over ninety miles per hour. "You damn traitor!" He soldier grunted. He pushed away and swiped at him again. "HEY! I didn't betray anyone!" Van yelled, parrying the slash. He punched the biker in face with the hilt, making a crack in the soldier helmet shield. It caused the soldier to back off for a moment, but then in an angry rage, he steered toward Van again, as if in an attempt to ram him. Though Van quickly assumed it and hit his brakes. He shifted back, avoiding the blow. As he did, he slashed the soldiers rear tire. By the sudden instability, the man steered too much to the left and went offroad, crashing to the ground. "Sorry, private…" Van looked to his right. Kuro had caught up and was now running alongside him. "Oh hey! Welcome back!" Kuro jumped up, reverted back to his smaller form, and latched on to his shoulder. "Have fun?" "Meow!" Van looked forward, and saw three bikes heading right toward him. "OH CRAP!!" Van quickly held up his blade, preparing for the attack… However, the three bikes just sped on, passing right over him. "…Heh?" o_o "…Nyah?" o_o "Ma'am! We've passed the priority target, he's headed in your direction." "Good," Complied the Female officer. "Be advised I'll be in radio black-out once I'm within the tunnel." "Ma'am, we won't be able to follow you through out the tunnel network!" "Just help the others. Leave these bastards to--!" Static began to develop. "Ma'am, your breaking up!" There was no reply, only static. Inside the tunnel, Siska looked behind her as the lone biker approached. She steered to right and back onto the ongoing traffic road which were separated by large pillars. She sneaked through quickly, avoiding a pillar just barely that shattered the mirror on her left handle bar. The officer smirked an amusement. Not bad. A little too slow though… Siska looked behind her, the pursuer easily weaved in, and accelerated quickly. Already closing the gap. "Damn!" Siska couldn't afford a fight. Not with Christina weak behind her. She just twisted the throttle and accelerated. However, after a few seconds, the Paladin already caught up beside her. "Pull over!" She commanded. Siska didn't say anything, but only gave her a nasty look and steered left, ramming her. The Paladin yelled out annoyingly, "HEY!" Siska continued to speed up. "Fine, have it your way." The officer than grabbed a pistol-like device from the side of her bike and took aim at Siska's rear wheel. A white, glowing mass shot out and a white, gummy mass stuck onto Siska's bike and hardened. The rear tire locked instantly. Unable to move and skidding out of control, Siska steered onto a wide area of the road, between traffic. She eventually lost balance and both Siska and Christina fell onto the ground. They lied there, unmoving for awhile till Siska managed to push herself out. She shook her head to shake off the shock and looked up to see Christina unconscious, the coat was still covering her barely. She looked fiercely at the paladin who stopped beside them. "So…" The female Paladin began. "Are you going to play nice?" Siska gave a ferocious roar as the hair on her body began to get longer and her body began to rise and change, turning into her werewolf form. On her bike, the Paladin just tilted her head amused. "I see…. So your going to play rough, eh?" Siska sprinted forward, attempting to tackle the Paladin on her bike. However, she quickly back-flipped out of the way causing Siska to simply fly over the edge of the bike. As Siska hit the ground, she immediately dashed and attempted another tackle at her. The Paladin countered again by leaping on her shoulder and kicking her behind the head. Siska hit the ground hard on her head as the Paladin landed harmlessly down on her feet. "Any more?" The female paladin asked politely. Siska shook the dirt off her head irritated and sprinted at the Paladin. She swiped viciously at her with her long arms and claws. The Paladin began dodging each and every one of them, bobbing and sidestepping causing Siska to slash nothing but air. Eventually the female paladin found an opening, making a few kicks to Siska's torso and ending with a round kick to her head, knocking her to the ground. "Okay, that's enough girl." She aimed the pistol at her and fired, covering Siska with white gummy material. "Stay." Siska growled and struggled, but the gum kept her down. "Well that was fun…" She walked toward Siska. "Now tell me. How is it that you know--?" "HEY!" The Paladin looked behind and as Van suddenly appeared, heading right forward her with his bike. She quickly jumped out of the way as Van skidded sideways to stop. "Leave the Bitch alone." Van ordered, looking seriously at her. Kuro hopped off his shoulder and transformed into his larger self, snarling at her. "Wow!! Look at you! I was just talking about you." She looked over and shrugged at the glued werewolf. "She a friend of yours?" "What of it?" "Hey, it's just my job to look out who you hang with and all." She said brining her arms up. Van raised an eyebrow at her. There was something about her speech that sounded so familiar. "Who are you…?" Van asked. "What!? You don't recognize me by my voice? How cruel!" The female paladin removed the bikers helmet from her head. Long red, fiery hair fell out. Van jaw dropped as he instantly recognized her face. "….Oh crap." The women smiled at him as she put a hand on her hip. "Damn right, Van-van…"
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