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Siska's blog: "Contract"

created on 09/25/2006  |  http://fubar.com/contract/b6649

Chapter two

Chapter 2 As Christina continued to type on her computer with the headphone still on, a small brown dog suddenly lept onto her lap and peeked at monitor between her hands. Christina smiled. "Oh? What am I writing?" The dog barked, wagging its small tail. "Well take a look." Chris gestured. The dog took a moment too look at the monitor. It immediately growled and sorta slumped, as if recognizing something discomforting. "Yeah yeah." Chris laughed. "It wasnt exactly one of the most comfortable moments of my life either." 3 years ago As Van looked at girl beneath him he only managed a small, "Yo." Chris immediately freaked, screaming loudly and backing up. Van jerked in surprised and covered his ears. "GEEEZ! Whats your~!" "WHAT DID YOU DO WITH MY BROWNIE!" Chris suddenly demanded. "Uh, Brownie?" "Wheres my Brownie!!?" "I-I-I dont know!" Van said confused and panicky. " I never took any cooking classes." Chris looked at him weirdly. "NO!" She shook her head. "Not Brownie! Brownie, my dog! WHAT DID YOU DO WITH MY DOG!?" "Dog? OH! You mean this thing?" Van turned, revealing to her the bound up dog at the end of the stick he had over his shoulder. Brownie whined and twitched as she hung helpless by his bound legs and mouth. Chris freaked. "BROWNIE!! GIVE HER TO ME, NOW!!" "Okay! Geez." To her surprise he actually held up the dog to her. Not taking any chances, she quickly snatched her wrapped dog at the end of the stick and immediately untied her pet. "Oh my poor thing. Are you okay?" Brownie whined. Hrrrrrmmmmmmm! ;_; Chris looked fiercely at the Paladin. "You monster!" "Eh?" "How could you that to my Dog!?" "Cause she bit my Brownie," Van answered. Pointing to his rear. Chris didnt understand. Kuro made a pitied look, shaking his head Chris then saw the blade Van was holding. Her eyes widened. "Thats my sword! Give it to me!" This time the Paladin rejected. "No way!" he said, a little to defensively and childish. "Gimme mine first." He nodded at the sword in her left hand. "No way! You first!" "But you have two already!" "So would you! Look, just lay mine on the ground and I'll lay yours on the ground..seperated from each other." Chris pulled her robe tighter around her as she eyed Van while he put her sword down and she did the same...slowly. After laying his sword on the ground, she grabbed hers and backed away. Holding the sword at arms length and pointed at him, ask "Why are you here? Are you one of those men back there, the ones that tried to take me? "I have no idea what your talking about, I'm just wanting my sword back that your mangy mutt took from me!" He watched as she continued to back away. "She made a mistake. And about your butt, i'm sorry. She was only protecting me from you Paladin." Brownie stood in front of her master as she growled and barked at the man and his cat. Chris looked up to the sky as she felt one tiny drop hit her ear. Her hand went up to her ear almost instantly and she forgot she wasn't wearing her usual bandanna on her head to cover her ears. She had almost forgotten that she was only wrapped in a towel with her robe covering her and the towel. She looked down at Brownie and Brownie nodded in understanding as Chris turned and started running. "Hey, wait!!" Van yelled as he tried to take a step forward but the dog only barked and snapped her teeth at his advancing warning that she would bite elsewhere if he followed her. Then the dog ran off. Grunting at the dogs delay, Van grunted and went on running after Chris. "HEY! Hold up!! Kuro, cmon!" The two then followed after her across the clearing, back into woods. Even though Chris was a good distance away from them, she could tell that the Paladin was still on her trail, closing in fast. After about ten minutes of running, and being in the thickest part of the woods, she finally stopped and turned to face him. Brownie was in front of her, growling and barking. "Why are you following me, Paladin?!" As Van caught up he leaned on his sword , panted, looked down at Kuro and said, "Damn How did I get so outta shape?" Kuro meowed. "I asked you a question!" Chris snapped. "Why do you follow me?" "Cause I cant let you go this way." Van answered, still outta breath. Chris face tensed. "OH, So you ARE after me?" Van looked at her stunned, seeing that she was suddenly getting violent. "WAH? NO! I--" "You will not take me!" The blades glowed in her hands. "IM NOT GOING ANYWHERE!" She then swung the blades in front on her in one, downward swipe creating two waves of energy, one blue one red. They tore the ground as they headed straight for Van. "HOLY CRAP!" Van held his own blade in front on him as to shield himself. One hand gripping the pommel and the palm of his other behind the broad side of the blade, the narrow blade laid before him vertically as the waves came. As they finally struck target, the waves suddenly spread away as a curved barrier of white from the sword protected its user from harm. A shocking wave of sound and air rushed as the waves were deflected, disturbing the nearby ground except where Van and Kuro stood. When the dust cleared. Van looked down and Kuro, smiling nervously. "Piss your pants?" Kuro meowed. "I know I did," Van replied. Chris clenched her teeth in exhaustion as she saw the man and his pet unharmed. Paladin indeed She put her hand to her chest. It was then that she noticed her breathing became harder and she was beginning to get faint. Damn! Im still havent recovered fully yet, and that spell already took most out of me. Seeing that she was at a bad standing, she only backed away from him. Her dog did was doing her best to bark and guard, but she knew her dog wouldnt stand one chance. "Stay away Or Ill.. Kill" She was so entirely out of breath she couldnt even finish her sentence. Even Van could notice she was at the point of collapsing. "Hey You okay? You really dont look so good," he said concerned. "Keep away!" She continued to back away. "No really! You REALLY dont look so good. Listen I can help, you just need to-" He stopped. His eyes widened as if he just realized something. "WAIT! DONT MOVE!" "Im not Going anywhere" She said delirious. Van was practically begging, his hands in front of him in prayer. "Pretty please? Please dont move?" "People like you. Killed my Mother I wont ever--" SNAP! Chris suddenly felt something clasp her ankle Then before she knew it, her entire body went upside down and she lifted into the air. The shock cause her to drop her blades. They fell, piercing the ground and standing upright. Van looked up at her in depression. "Sigh I told you not to move" Chris moaned in exhaustion as she hung upside down, twenty-feet above the ground. This was just too much. Brownie below her barked at her in panic Then she turned to Van and Kuro, and growled at them as to blame them for this. Van raised an eyebrow at her. "Hey, dont look at me mutt." Van said annoyed. "I was chasing you guys to try to warn you that this place is full of hunter traps. But you wouldnt listen." Browning just sorta stared at him for awhile in silence She went to barking up in panic at Chris. Van just shook his head and looked up at Chris. "HEY! You awake?!" Chris just moaned. "Try to reach up and grab the rope! You gotta pull yourself up!" Delirious, Chris tried to do so but she was just too exhausted. She only managed to stretch her arm out, her upper body didnt bend one bit. Seeing this, Van closed his eyes in defeat. "Okay, never mind," He called. "Ill just get you down." He looked down at Kuro. "Kuro, get her down." Kuro looked at him wide-eyed. "MEOW!?!" "Whats with that look? Cats climb trees, right?" "MEOW~!" Van looked at him in disbelief. "You got nothing to worry about. All cats land on their feet." He said assured. This time Kuro just stared at him, like a frightened kitten. With that Van dropped his head and sighed. "You little black pussy Fine Ill go." With that he went to the trunk of the tree and started to climb. She hung up there swinging back and forth while the towel slowly started slipping away with her robe. Her eyes began to flutter shut as she uttered one word. "Mother...." After that one word, the whole world with it's sounds, went blank. Where she was it was dark and cold and up ahead she could see light and a fuzzy form. Chris kept walking and then out of thin air, children and adults of human and elves were gathered together. Has she looked on, she saw six cloaked people walking her direction. The children and grown-ups started to run from them while a number of human males and elves stood ground against the intruders. "You are not welcome here!" One of the males said. One of the hooded people took a huge bag off his shoulder and threw it on the ground while another kneeled and unzipped the bag showing a woman still alive in there. "Where is the child who belongs to this slut?" No one answered as a ten year old child looked on out of a darkened window of a house nearby the scene. She wanted to scream out but a hand was put over her mouth. " Please, Christina. There is nothing we can do for your mother now. You would get yourself killed along with the people protecting you. Please be still for everyones sake." The child struggled while streams of tears ran down her face. She tried to struggle more and scream as she saw a blade came down on her mother. Chris screamed as she rose from her laying spot. Her breathing was labored as she focused in on her surrondings. Brownie laid at her feet and rose her head to look at her master. The dog only whined a little as she got up and walked over to nudge Chris's hand. "Where am I?" Over in a chair slept the Paladin while the cat slept on the floor. Chris decided that she would take this change to escape. When she moved her legs over to the side of the bed and tried to stand up, she fell with a cry. A piercing pain went through her left thigh. The sudden sound cause Van to stir and awaken, seeing her on the ground. "Oh. Hey, your awake." He said, getting up and rubbing his eye. "Umm, you may not wanna move a lot. You kinda dislocated your leg while you hung there." He yawned. Chris looked up at him suspiciously, still not trusting him. Then she noticed that his left arm was in a sling. "Umm." "Yeah?" Van asked. "What happened to your arm?" Van looked at his slung arm unnoticing. "Oh this? Well uh" Van lied above the branch that held the rope binding to Chris leg. His eyes were also closed due to the fact that the towel and robe had suddenly slipped from Chris body. Though it WAS tempting too look, Kuro had informed him the dog would take a viewing fee outta his own body if he had so much as taken a peek. "Okay Kuro." Van called, eyes closed. "Im gonna crawl to the end of the branch. As she lowers to you, slash the rope, alright?" Kuro meowed. Van crawled forward along the branch, keeping balance. As he reached the tip, the entire branch bent forward due to the added weight. Chris body lowered to ground level. "Okay Kuro. That should be low enough. Go ahead." Kuro then took a stance, pranced up, and slash the rope with his claws. Chris unconscious body then fell to the ground. However. What Van failed to predict was that once Chris added weight was detached from the branch, Van was now lying on a naturally made catapult from the unstressed branch. After the branch recoiled in unforeseen speed, Van found himself flying across the forest, screaming in a high-pitched voice. The two animals flinched as he fell with a loud crunching sound. "Not exactly one of the most comfortable moments of my life." Van said squinting. "But Hell, it couldve been worse. A boulder broke my fall." Chris tried to stand up and get back on the bed. "A boulder? Your an idiot....." She sighed as she turned around and looked at him as she got into the bed. "A boulder would of killed you." Chris looked throughout the room and then back at Van. "Why would a Paladin be all the way out here anyway. Hunting elves like all the others maybe or trying to get the biggest price of all? Is that why you helped me down the tree." "Why would I want to hunt an elf? There is no gain in it anymore right Kuro?" Kuro looked up at Van and shook his head as if to tell Van he just said the wrong thing. "So you did hunt elves? Who sent you to get me huh? Someone who wants to make me a slave I bet. Where are my swords?" Christina looked around for her weapons as Brownie went over to stand next to Van and Kuro. "What are you doing Brownie?" She asked as the dog looked up to Van. "Are these the swords youre asking for." Raising the swords to show her, he threw them her way. "How about I go fix us something to eat. I bet your hungry after using all that energy of yours." After grabbing her swords, she looked over to Brownie which whimpered a little and then looked up at Van who was walking off. "Why are you being nice to me Paladin? You are human, a hunter." "Rest," is all he said as he walked out the room while Kuro and Brownie stayed near the bed. Van looked back to see his cat leap up onto the bed as he closed the door behind him. Chris was silent and confused. This wasnt the way a Paladin acted (Especially the way he talked). She knew Paladins were known to hunt Elves and nonhumans due to their system and Faith. Why was this one so undisturbed? There must be something going-- She stopped as she noticed the cat was staring at her. "Meow." It sounded like a hello. Chris didnt really know how to act to the Paladins pet. Nevertheless she simply replied, "Uh, Hi." "Meow." It went again. This time Chris could help but smile a little. "Youre cute. Whats your name, hmm?" To her surprise, the cat went over to the wall up against the bed and started to make quick, short scratches on it. It spelled out four letters in striped lines. "Kuro?" Kuro meowed. It sounded like a yup. Chris couldnt help but laugh impressed. "Well arent you the smart! Not even Brownie could do that." Brownie barked and whimpered. "Awww, dont say that my pet. I still you love." The dog just squinted and growled. As Chris laughed again, she went and pet Kuros cute little head Then her eyes widened. As soon as she touched him, she felt a sudden burst of dark power enter her mind that made her whole body shiver. She quickly pulled her hand back in shock as though she just burnt it. Kuro looked at her in wonder. "W-What are you?!" Kuro went over to the wall once more. This time he made five letters (and the word written in this fashion made it more horrifying than cute). D E M O N Chris jaw dropped. "Y-youre a--?!" Kuro meowed. It sounded like a yup. Chris face twitched in disbelief. She had heard of Demons existing, but she had never seen one with her own eyes. Though, there was something puzzling. How could he live and exist so easily in this world? Demons could only live in areas in with high malice such as their own world or certain places on the Earth. On top of that, what was a Paladin doing with a Demon as a pet?! Compared to the Elves, Demons were not even allowed to be slaved by Paladins. Theyd be killed on spot! Chris was back in confusion. "Whats going on?" She said to herself. Kuro meowed. It sounded like a Huh?" Chris stared at Kuro for a minute to think about the whole thing when all three lifted their heads upon Van's entrance to the room. "What?" was his only comment to all three as he walked in the room with a tray of food and set it down on a table beside the bed. He did the most unexpected thing. He shooed the animals off the bed and pulled the covers straight off. "Hey!!" Chris yelled in surprise. He grabbed her right leg and told her to be still. "I need to pop your leg in place." Chris turned her head and stared at the animals as a pop was heard throughout the room. She shut her eyes tight as the pain shot straight through her as tears started to roll down her face. Even the animals had to cringe at the sound. Van put the covers back on her and walked over to his chair with some food in his hands. "You should really eat, you know." She grabbed an apple from the tray and threw it straight at the Palidin. "Why haven't you used me yet or taken me away to the slave traders?! She almost screamed. Van caught the apple without looking causing him to drop the rest of his food. The animals both swamped in where the food was dropped and started to eat causing a small smile to grow on Chris's face. "Your not a normal Paladin are you?" She looked up at him as she picked up another apple. "Don't throw that. I'm holding in my temper as it is." he said in a warning tone as he stood up and crossed over to her bed. Putting one hand on either side of her bed, he leaned down where their noses almost touched. Chris could only watch him as she leaned farther back in her bed. "Who said I would use you for myself?" he said as he reached up and pushed some of her hair behind her ear. 'Such beautiful eyes' she thought before she kicked herself. "And stop calling me Paladin. My name is Van. Van Fenrir. And thats Kuro." Kuro only meowed as Van tilted his head in the cat's direction. "You have nothing to fear from us or me for that matter." "Yo...you..you're to close." all she could do was stutter. Van realized she was right. "Oh. Er.. Sorry." He backed off. "I'm Christ... Christina Gabriel. And my dog's name is Brownie." Brownie barked. "Ya I know," he said taking a piece of meat off the table. "You told me your dogs name already remember?" He threw it to Brownie who caught and ate it which really surprised Chris who knew her dog didnt take food from anyone but her. "But still. Pleased to meet you Christina." He held up her hand to her. Timidly, Chris slowly brought her hand up and grasped Vans softly. As soon as she did, Van shook. He shook it gently, not quickly or too strong at all, as if he wanted her to know him at her own pace. They just shook for ten seconds, her looking at his eyes. Strangely, she didnt feel scared or threatened at all. Just unusually calm "Gee.. You really arent a people person arent you?" Van asked, realizing the long shake. Kuro meowed at him. "Ah shut up." he said to him. Chris frowned. "What did he say?" she pointed. "He said Neither are y- Er. Forget it." He shook his head, realizing he was an idiot. "Its not important." he said embarrassed. Chris suddenly found herself laughing at him. Idiot as he was, it was still funny. "Are you really a Paladin? You really dont act like one." She giggled. "No." Van answered. "At least not anymore." "What do you mean?" she asked. "Ahh Ill explain it to you later. Its a long story," he shrugged. "For now, what do you say we eat?" He smiled. "I'm not really hungry....just tired. Using nature to kill someone really takes a toll on me but I have enough to heal you." "Heal me?" "Your arm is badly bruised and I thought broken but seeing that you had it down on the bed straight, I guess it wasn't hurt as bad as I thought. Sit on the side of the bed." Van set down on the side of her bed and watched what she was doing. "What are you doing?" She put both hands cupped on the upper round part of his arm as blue light shined in her hands and the ruins down her arms began to give off a light glow. "I'm helping the healing process in your arm." Immediately Van felt the pain in his arm subside. "Ohhhh! Wow, thanks! Its not a bother is it?" "I have time besides, Brownie doesn't usually take kindly to people especially humans. So I take it she considers you special. Could I have some clothes or something other then this robe and towel?" She took away her hands and the glow of her hands and ruins died down. "Sure.. Ill go look around." Van then got up and headed for the door, but before he went outside he asked, "You called for your mother earlier. Where is she now.?" Chris looked down at her hands. "Dead by the hands of humans....hunters actually. There are people in this world who believe different species shouldn't mate together and when they hear that they had, well......you get the picture. I saw my mother die." Chris paused for a second before continuing. "After that, me and my father lived together, alone, up in these woods. He's gone now also. Now I have nothing since those hunters burned down my house." Van just stared at her silently for a moment. Then he smiled, "Youre lucky." Offended, Chris yelled angrily, "Lucky!? What do you mean Paladin? Parents of a half-breed are better dead and never to see their own child!? That their deaths were--" "To have parents that accepted and loved you despite what was in your blood," Van interjected. "And to protect and stay by you just because you were their child. Ive hardly seen any parents willing to give up a price for that, especially for a half-breed as yourself. Wish I had a Mom and Dad that were willing to do that for me Or even have ones to begin with." Chris was speechless, surprised by the words by a person who was affiliated with a same people that murdered her mother. Before she could even reply, Van had already left and closed the door behind him.
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