Over 16,547,398 people are on fubar.
What are you waiting for?


Want to do something extra special for someone? Get them fuBling! When you get fuBling for your friends, they will reeive a special animated icon that will be shown at the top of their profile. Also, you AND your friend will receive 1,000 fuBucks and Points each for evry fuBling you buy!! And don't forget the BLING-PACK :D give it as a gift or for yourself!
GET YOURS TODAY!!! click the image below to go directly to your fuBling page Photobucket


BABY J'S BLOG: hey everyone, STASH: in the next week or 2 i'll be moving the Stash to some new equipment. instead of trying to get all the old stuff onto the new gear, we're just going to start fresh. once we move to the new equipment, the old stash entries will be gone forever. if you have anything important in your Stash that you'd like to keep, go into your stash, edit the entry, cut & paste it and mail it to yourself. when the new stash is live, you can then cut & paste the old items into the new stash and you'll be set. in addition to running on new equipment, i'm going to tweak some of the settings on the Stash's so that we can add more features to it later. one of these changes will be reducing the number of total stash entries you can have on your account. it will be a small number, probably around 15 to 25. the idea is to keep the important/good stuff in it and let the random crap go away. i'll also be making some tweaks to the points involved in the Stash and i'll post the details on this later. MUMM's the current global mumm's are in a sad state-- i've let them go for awhile, but i've had enough. the attacks and the stupid crap being done in there for points needs to end. what i'm leaning towards rite now is making it cost even more fubucks to post a global mumm. in addition, it will COST a lot of fubucks to post a comment on a global mumm. the fubucks spent to comment on the mumm will be split between the person who posted the mumm and fubar. voting on a mumm will still reward both the poster and the voter. update: i've removed all points from voting on mumms after reading the feedback to this blog posting. i don't think it will have the desired effect, but i'm up for trying it. ;) also, the main reason for the mumm changes is to stop the ATTACKING and TROLLING of other members. i see people who sit in there all fucking day, every day, and that's all they do. *this* is what we're trying to reduce. if that's how you got your fun or entertainment, you're in for a rude awakening, cause the shit isn't flying anymore. it's not just going to be bouncers patrolling the mumms-- i'm going to get back to doing it and i won't be revoking comment/posting privledges, i'll be removing accounts. i don't care if you're a VIP , been on the site for 2 years, or what. this bullshit is ending. stay tuned.... -mike ps: you can now select your 'favorite' fuBling, and it'll show up first in all areas on the site for 7 days. werd.

Referring Friends

We think it's great you want to bring your friends and family to fubar! But if you want to receive the credit for it...all 14K fubucks...make sure your referrals are joining correctly: First, here is how the points are awarded: · You will get 1,000 fuBucks and points when your friend joins · You will get 1,000 fuBucks and points every day your invite uses fubar (up to 5 days; non-consecutive) · You will get 8,000 fuBucks and points when he or she posts an approved salute! In order to make sure you get credit, your invitee needs to make sure that when they register, they see your profile icon on the registration page as who referred them. If your profile icon is not there, or if someone else's is, they will not credit you. So make sure to let them know to look out for this (hint: if they follow your link or email invite link, it should show you automatically). If you can see your referral on your referral page, then they joined successfully, and you will receive the points as stated above. We do not track your fuBucks/points, so it is up for you to track your own point rewards as they come to you. If you do not see your referral on your join page, then it's likely that they did not join successfully under your invite, and their user error will not send you credit. This could have happened because they signed up on the same computer as you sent them the link or email from, they were previously a fubar member, or they did not make sure your profile icon was stated as the inviter. You also will not receive the referral points/fuBucks if you are frozen at level 5 or level 10 due to level up requirements at the time they joined. Happy Inviting!! Share that FU Lovin!! Cheers, fubar Admin ================================================= To stay informed, check this link on a regular basis. http://fubar.com/help.php


How to Verify Your Email! To verify your email, you need to go to your profile edit page located under the 'My' link on the gray header bar under 'Profile' (http://www.fubar.com/profile.php) and click on the verify email link next to your signup email. An email from fubar will be generated to your signup address account (ie-your Yahoo, AOL, Gmail account, etc) where you will be prompted to follow the verification process. If you cannot find the email, please be sure to check in your spam and bulk filters as the email can get trapped in there. If you have trouble entering the token onto the verify email page, please try it through a different browser as some browsers, dependent on your system, do not take the verify token.


Our very close and good friend STANG has just lost her mother. Ethel was battling cancer that overtook her entire body. She donated her body to science in order to help them hopefully come 1 step closer to a cure. Please stop by her page and leave her a note saying you are keepin her and her family in your thoughts and prayers. Stangs momma was a fantastic woman and this world is not better off without her.

@ fubar


Have a very FUBAR Christmas
'Twas the night before Christmas', when all through the site,
Not a member was stirring, things didn’t seem right;
The Stilletto Girls hung their stockings with care,
In hopes that Baby J soon would be there;
The bombers were nestled all snug in their beds,
While visions of bouncers danced in their heads;
With Stang in her 'thong, and JD in his cap,
Someone heard Scrapper yell Good Lord and Oh snap,
When from our speakers there arose such a clatter,
We sprang from our beds to see what was the matter.
Away to the monitor we flew like a flash,
Oh it’s just Achilles updating his stash.
So to the mumms did many of us go
Nothing but whining from a Fubar point ho,
When, what to our wondering eyes came along,
A miniture sleigh pulled by eight girls in a thong,
With a little drunk driver, so lively and gay,
We knew in a moment it must be Baby J.
More rapid than eagles his members they came,
And he whistled, and shouted, and called them by name:
"Now, Sketel! now, Juicy! now, Geek and Kinky!
On, Cuervo! on Phantom! on, Amnesia! on, Sassy and Ravi!
Go to newbie profiles you heard him call!
Now rate away! rate away! rate away all!"
"Quicker than referrals appear on our screens,
Members are becoming Fu-Kings and Fu-Queens
A gift from Baby J, for all users galore,
A bank full of bucks, They never had before
He was dressed in rags, from his head to his foot,
And his jeans were all tarnished with ashes and soot;
Sitting on the street holding a sign,
I need money and members Baby J did whine.
His eyes -- how they teared with a vacant stare!
Looking pathetic in a state of dispair!
His droll little mouth quivered and shook,
The stump of a pipe he held tight in his teeth,
And the smoke it encircled his head like a wreath;
What is he smoking so many would ask,
As he takes a swig from a Heinekin pint glass.
He sprang to his feet, to his staff gave a whistle,
And away they all flew like the down of a thistle.
But I heard him exclaim, as he drove out of sight,

call me feature

This is a great new feature fubar is now providing for its users. It allows you to leave voice messages for other fubar members without giving out your real phone number. Every member of fubar is set up to receive voice messages from other fubar members using Jangl. If you want to call someone and leave a voice message, Jangl makes that simple as well, using your Jangl account. To call someone and leave a voice message, click on “Call Me”. This link is located on every member profile, immediately below the member name. Next, verify the phone number from which you will be calling. You must use the phone number of the phone you will be calling from. (Jangl gives you the option to store phone numbers in your Jangl account.) Jangl will have you set up a pin number to use to log into your Jangl account. Make sure you read the Jangl terms of service and check the box that you agree to them. Complete these quick and easy steps and you are ready to make a call to anyone that has a fu-mail address. Each friend you call, you will be prompted for your Jangl account pin number. Remember, you do not need to set up an account to receive Jangl voice messages, only to make Jangl calls. (You receive Jangl voice messages right in your fu-mail.) FAQs 1) Is it free to call someone? Yes; however, if you are using a mobile phone you will be using your cell phone minutes if you are calling during peak hours. If you have questions on when your peak hours are, please contact your mobile service provider. 2) Will someone get my phone number if I call them? No, the phone number that you provide to Jangl is private. Jangl gives you a number to use to call a friend and provides a different number to your friend to use to return your message. 3) I want to call someone that is long distance or lives overseas. Will I get a long distance charge if I call them? No, the numbers that Jangl provides you with are local numbers. This is a great way to keep in touch with loved ones that are out of state or overseas. Every Jangl call is a local call. Awesome!! 4) I want to talk to someone on fubar using Jangl. I don’t want to leave a message, I just want to talk on the phone. Is that possible? Yes; however, you will have to go into your Jangl account settings and set up that option. Your personal phone number will always stay private, even with “Jangl-ing” another user’s phone directly. The numbers being used to make the calls are provided by Jangl. Your real numbers are stored and protected by Jangl. Both users must have their Jangl accounts set to use this “direct to phone” feature. If you choose not to have Jangl set up this way, all messages will go to your fu-mail. (This is the default setting.) 5) I'm not interested in this. Is there a way to take it off my profile? No, the “Call Me” link can’t be removed. But just like any other great fubar feature, if you don’t want to use it, don’t! 6) I got a voice message and don't want to get another one from this person. What do I do? Simple. After you listen to your voice message, you have the option to block that user from sending you any future Jangl messages. If you have more questions about the new Call Me feature, click on Help on your homepage. Any bouncer will be more than happy to answer any questions you might have.

salutes n stuff

What is a fubar Salute? A salute is a candid photo of yourself proving to the world that you're the real person behind your fubar profile. Your face should be clearly visible, along with a clear HAND WRITTEN note with the following three things: 1. Your SCREEN NAME, 2, Your Member ID number , (which is located in the end of your URL address; www.fubar.com/user/22) 3. AND, the words: fubar.com or fubar *Photoshopped or any “type” print set will NOT be accepted. *Grainy and barely legible salutes will NOT be accepted. *Salutes placed in a PRIVATE album will NOT be accepted. If you would like, the following items will be accepted as a complimentary add on to your Salute: You may wear your fubar,LostCherry or cherryTAP t-shirt, and show your fubar.com Home Page (which has to be clear) as part of your background. Please include the above three items to ENSURE your salute is verified. All Salutes are approved by the fubar bouncers. Using fake or bogus photos will result in your account being removed. NSFW, Nudes, privately marked, or exposed photos are NOT acceptable. We will reject any salute that looks suspect or is questionable. Please do not take this personal. If your Salute is rejected, please simply submit a new salute following the above guidelines. If you see a salute that looks FAKE, please report to a bouncer or SCRAPPER. Sometimes, FAKE salutes slip through the cracks. We will audit any salute that is deemed FAKE and take appropriate action immediately. We are a community regulated site and appreciate your feedback. If your salute is deleted you will be asked to re-submit a new salute. If you submit multiple FAKE salutes, your account will be removed. Please do not take it personal if your salute was rejected, our goal is to ensure that verified members are legitimate people. If you have any questions, please contact a bouncer or Scrapper. Thanks


Fello "FU's": I get daily emails from people telling me about our NSFW policy. Most of the time, I go to the page and their is NO salute and a bunch of photos that any one with half a brain would flag NSFW. We respect everyone's freedom of expression here, and we do NOT like to delete people. However, we do have boundaries and will take action when necessary. Please read the following information about NSFW material on FUBAR. 1. FUBAR is not an amateur porn site. Please flag ALL NSFW content. Read our welcome message and our Terms of Service. It clearly states that we will delete you if you upload NSFW content to public areas (Photos, Mumms, Blogs, Stash, Comments, Bulletins, etc.) 2. If we find an excessive amount of NSFW photos of yours showing up in our mod queue that you purposely did not flag, your account will be DELETED. Read our Terms of Service. If you have been here longer than a month, you should know the drill. We do not want to babysit people. 3. If you throw up an Adult photo as your avatar, you will be deleted. There is NO reason for this. If you see someone doing this, please alert me or a bouncer. 4. If you see a random NSFW photo come up in the Top Photos of the Hour, please don't post it in a bulletin and cry conspiracy. Flag it NSFW! We are a community regulated site. Do your part and help us keep this place cleaned up. 5. If you are maliciously flagging photos to be a prick, you will be DELETED. I don't want to scare people from flagging, but some of you go out of your way to to try and hate on members you don't like. 6. If you post NSFW videos, photos or any NSFW content on your public profile you will be DELETED. You know this is not acceptable. Please do not do it. 7. If you are one of those comment spammers who thinks it's cool to post NSFW videos and banners with explicit sexual acts, you will be deleted, or your comment feature disabled. 8. If you post racist material that is meant to harass or intimidate another member, you will be deleted. As I said before, we do NOT like to delete people. However, we do have our policy. You are free to disagree with us, but our policy is not going to change. We do not delete people who disagree with us or speak publicly about it. Please read our FUBAR terms of Service Our goal is to keep our public areas clean. If you have any questions about this, please contact Scrapper or a Bouncer by using the help link in the toolbar. I will review any material that you feel was wrongly flagged NSFW. We want you to have fun here but not at the expense of others. Please respect our community and help keep this place cool.


Layouts using this tutorial are very basic. This will change the background, the opaque to transparent and the font color. The values you need to change are the URL / FONT / COLOR / SIZE. For color either use web-safe colors or the hexadecimal value for a color. After choosing and putting in the URL, SIZE and COLOR choice, go here http://www.fubar.com/create_skin.php erase EVERYTHING that comes up when creating a skin and replace with this code. **DO THIS ACTION 2 TIMES. IT WILL NOT WORK OTHERWISE. YOU MUST GO BACK IN EDIT, SELECT ALL, PASTE, SAVE. To see an example of this code in action check this skin out... http://fubar.com/user.php?u=28962&preview_skin=438842 copy code below: body{background-image:url(URL)!important;background-attachment:fixed!important;background-repeat:repeat!important;} table,th,tr,td,p{background-color:transparent!important;background:transparent!important;color:COLOR!important;font-weight:bold;} body, tbody, table, th, tr, td, p, div, em, font, text, strong, span, a, u, b, i, input, textarea {font-size:SIZE!important; color:COLOR!important; font-family:FONT !important; font-weight:bold !important; }
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