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Wikkid's blog: "Spirituality"

created on 04/14/2009  |  http://fubar.com/spirituality/b290776

God is...

My religion is Love. Love your Self.... then you can love and honor all things and people as they are. Then you always know what to do because love is the only moral, truth, reality and energy we need.

-Bobby Eaton

The right religion is the one that compels you to love yourself and others more, to help others more and be more accepting. Does your religion and view of God work for you? Does it serve you well?

The right religion causes you to give up prejudice and brings you inner peace. It causes you to care about the world and all those who live in it. The right religion goes beyond branding people and beyond a book. The only true religion is LOVE and simply loving others. Love is the only truth. When you come from love, you can never be wrong, proved wrong or argued with, because you always know the right thing to do. Love is the only truth. How can you be wrong?

Our nature is love. It is fear that we have learned that blocks us from loving action. We are created in God's image which is to become love personified – which we are when we are born. When we can learn to accept it and get all fear out of the way, we will have peace, happiness, success and abundance

God is the Presence of Good and the Action of Love.

God is not a He or She or It.

God is not a personification but a unification – the unification of all that is good and all that is positive and all that is love. Nature and human nature are these things.

God does not think you are special, but thinks everyone and everything is perfect in every way just the way it is, therefore there is no need for the word special. No one is above another.

God loves you and accepts you just the way you are; there is no need to change in order to seek approval.

God is not our security. We get our security from the universal laws of self-love and self-acceptance. By doing so we accept that we are God also.

God is not mean or vengeful. To say God is, is to claim God is fallible in loving action and therefore not perfect.

God is not loving. To say God is loving implies that God can be something other than love. God cannot. God is Love and only capable of loving action.

God does not and will not punish you. You punish yourself enough with guilt, shame, judgment and living in fear, so God does not need to. We are not punished for our sins (mistakes made out of ignorance), we are punished by our sins.

God does not reward us based on goodness. Goodness is our reward.

God has no need to forgive. To forgive implies the ability to judge and learn to lose respect for and trust in someone. It implies being able to hold a grudge or resentment. Every choice you have ever made has been perfect for you to learn what you need to learn. God wants you to forgive yourself and those who trespass you, without blame, guilt or accepting abuse from others. If you don't forgive yourself, you will never learn and are doomed to repeat the same mistake. Being unable to forgive others is a reflection of being unable to forgive yourself. God has no need to forgive because you have free will and create your own karma. But you are not bound to it and can change it at any time.

God does not have a Plan. God is only here to serve and guide us as we are here to serve and guide each other. If God had a plan, you would not have free will and even murder, abortions, abuse and war would be part of God's plan. Using God, Eve, Satan or the Bible as a way to avoid accountability and using Jesus' Second Coming as the ultimate way to deal with guilt you have chosen to have and can choose to let go of, is to refuse to accept responsibility and to deny your own personal power and ability to choose your responses.

God does not judge. People judge. You do not have to change for God to accept you. (However, you may have to change for people to accept you, which may not always be the wise thing to do.)

God does not judge. It is a contradiction to be judgmental and loving. You cannot walk on both sides of the fence. God is love and capable of only loving action. God is not fear and is not capable of fear based actions. Any attribute associated with fear that we bestow upon God is an attribute of the human ego and is in contradiction to what God is. Judgment is based on fear. Judgment and love are two actions that cannot exist at the same time. If you cannot deal with others with love and compassion, you are judging them, and judgment is only a reflection of something that you don't like about yourself. God cannot do this.

God sees all existence as good and it cannot become bad or evil. Good and bad/evil, beautiful/ugly, etc are judgments and do not exist in the world. Yet, to communicate effectively we must make comparisons. Evil does not exist. There is no good and evil, only love and fear. Which do you want? To treat each other with love we must focus on what is positive, surpassing good and evil. Existence just is what it is. You are.... and God accepts you. You are... and the world welcomes you. You are... and Mother Earth welcomes you.

God does not allow or disallow suffering. Suffering is not a punishment or reward. It just is. All emotional pain comes from not facing reality exactly as it is and being stuck in your head to avoid living in the moment. Humans have always been up against natural forces and all other suffering is caused from the human ego – a self-image made up of only lies and fears. Fear being an illusion, and the ego being an identity made of only fears is also an illusion. Asking how or being conflicted with how God can allow suffering is a sign that you are feeling sorry for yourself because you are resisting reality exactly as it is and are choosing victim-hood. You are only trying to escape responsibility for choosing your own emotional responses and creating your own reality. You are resisting the reality that the state of humanity is a result of the actions of humans and humans alone. You are resisting their free will because you refuse to accept yours. You may want God to stop abuse or suffering, but that is because you refuse to take responsibility for your own life and actions, only projecting it onto to others.

Death is not sad and is not a punishment. It is not something we deserve or don't deserve. It just is what it is. From the day we are born, our body is heading towards a change of death in the end. Death is really an illusion - as fear is also an illusion. It is silly to fear it and foolish to seek it and look forward to it. Being sad over someone who dies or looses someone to a death, is not about them, but about your own fears of death and loss. When you are sad, you are essentially feeling sorry for yourself. The solution is to accept it, honor it and ultimately have compassion for it.

People have created a loving God who is judgmental, prejudice, murderous, misanthropic, mysogynistic, intolerant and manipulative for the justification of being this way themselves. If God is love, God cannot be those things. People have created a view of God in their image, while denying that they are God also because they were created in God's image.

We are created in God's image which is to become love personified – which we are. We are God also. Anyone who refuses to accept that they are God and a god with free will, also refuses or is incapable of accepting responsibility for their life – emotions, thoughts and actions – and for creating their own reality. Anyone who thinks they are not God or who tells me “you think you are God” instead of “you think we are God” not only has a false image of God but is only trying to make me look crazy instead of stating my words in verbatim because they are refusing to admit they are God.

God does not declare war and has nothing to be at war against - for all existence is “good”. Humans declare war and resist reality. Humans prophecy end times with tones of war, violence, belligerence and fear. Anyone who uses any deity or book to claim validity for war, to demonize and kill people because “my god is better than your god” or “to get them before they get us” has the intelligence of a jackass and needs to see a psychologist for delusional schizophrenia. When you prophecy war and wonder why its in your own backyard, you have something in common with a lobotomy – you're both a no-brainer. If you are stupid enough to invite war into your life, you deserve what you get.

God may not condone violence in music, movies or games – but condones violence in the prophecy of the Armageddon and is found in the OT ordering the murder of people, the raping and sexual slavery of women and the annihilation of entire cities. One example is when God orders King David and the Israelites to smite Alamak, destroy the city and take thousands of women as sex slaves. The Bible never says Do Not Own Slaves. In fact, God and Jesus give specific instructions on how to properly own, beat and have sex with slaves. According to the Bible ancient Jews and early Christians were slave masters. When you point the finger at others about violence, there are three pointing back at you. People usually are what they hate.

God does not condone abortion, but according to the OT prefers to order unborn babies be ripped out of the stomach of pregnant women while the women are alive and conscious and to have babies cut up into pieces.

God does not condone Satanists for drinking blood and eating flesh, but it's okay if you have a ritual like the Communion that is symbolic of vampirism and cannibalism. Trying to correct this statement with what your church has told you it is symbolic for is only a denial of the truth. If you think that is not causing psychological damage to your kids or yourself.... think again.

God does not want you putting yourself down, putting others down or using guilt and shame to control people or make yourself appear worthless, unworthy of love or to play small in the world. Claiming you are nothing without Christ is a choice to feel worthless. You actually hate God for abandoning you because you believe that as “His Creation” you are faulty and defective even though he doesn't make mistakes. Yet somehow we were capable of outsmarting God and becoming what he didn't intend for us to be. Oh wait, no, it was God's Plan like everything else. Oh wait, God regretted that plan and saved Noah while killing everyone else off, except the giants called Nephilim who also survived the flood that lasted 40 days and nights or was it 150, and was 30 ft (15 cubits) deep but managed to cover mountains. But who pays attention to all the details when that would ruin the stories as we are taught them. Anyway, I guess God created us, rejected and abandoned us, then killed us and finally after begotting a son (that was not Joseph's but somehow Jesus' bloodline can be traced back to Joseph or maybe it was David), whom he also planned to have killed because he just wasn't powerful enough to forgive us without shed blood.....Hmmmm... When you teach people to hate God for forsaking them they will sin freely without question. Give Jesus your heart so that you don't have one and will never get it back, unless you try just a little harder to be good, maybe you will, but for some reason you are never good enough while you are a live, so now you have to die to find out. IF you don't see how ridiculous this is by now....*shakes head in bewilderment*.

God so loved the world............that God has always accepted it as it is without judgment or regret.

Shame is quite arrogant if you think about it. You are telling God that you know your worth or the worth of someone else more than God does.

God has lots of things to say to you. But you have to quiet your mind to listen. Your message from God is very private and very unique to you. The voice of God is calm, loving and never asks or tells you to do something based on fear. Emotions and motives from fear are what cause abuse and “evil” in the world. Anger, sadness, depression, confusion, frustration, worry, boredom, guilt, shame, prejudice, resentment, jealousy, insecurities, neediness, hatred, anxiety, etc are all fear based emotions and actions.

God is more interested in you listening to God than talking to God. Too many people tell us to talk to God and that's okay, but people talk way too much and it's more important to listen. Anything that tells you to do anything that is not a loving action is not God speaking to you. People who claim God has told them to declare war, to murder or punish others are delusional and most end up in prison, unless you are George Bush who illegally declared a Holy War in the name of God to fight a Holy War in the name of Allah and inspired Christian voters in his second campaign to fear, and be prejudiced against gays/lesbians and Kerry voters. This does not sound like the type of man who has been transformed by the loving grace of God.

God wants you to be happy, successful, healthy and abundant in every way. It is not Godly to do without or to suffer. It is just the opposite. We are given incredible talents and abilities – each one of us. Not to use them is to slap God in the face.

God is not afraid of being questioned. Only people who live in fear and falsehood are afraid of their image of God being questioned because they know it's wrong. God smiles upon our efforts to understand God's nature and understand the universe we live in.

God is not afraid of things that “create doubt”. Being afraid of things that challenge your faith and “create doubt” only shows that you do not love truth and do not know truth. If you knew truth you would have no reason to be afraid or use bizarre explanations to make sense of your own contradictions. Pleading for respect of your beliefs because you don't want to examine yourself, while claiming that you love others regardless of their beliefs, when your religion by definition does not allow you to tolerate non-believers or love yourself, only shows your ignorance and lack of integrity.

God does not want you to fear life and love, only to focus on escaping reality with false hopes of an afterlife. Being afraid of life and people is to not love the gift of life God gave you and gave others. If you think life is that bad, 99% of people's reality is “...but I am scared.” Only by having the courage to examine yourself can you be free and realize your own personal power. Anyone who focuses on death and escaping mortality hates life and thus hates God and existence.

Anyone who claims to know what the afterlife is like is arrogant. There is no proof. There is no proof of reincarnation either, but the evidence supporting it is far more abundant while we have no evidence of a Hell. In the same line, those who claim to know Jesus' thoughts don't really know. All those who wrote about Jesus in the Gospels never claimed to have met or seen him and did not write about him until 50+ years after his death, yet magically they knew what he said in moments he was alone when no one was around to hear him.

God did not sacrifice a son to himself to pay for your sins. Torturing, killing and spilling the blood of anyone does not cleanse you of sins. This is sadism and a lie. Telling people God cannot love and accept them is sadism and a lie. Telling people God has rejected them is sadism and a lie. Telling people we outsmarted God's intentions but yet it is all in his Plan is a lie and a contradiction. Telling people that Jesus wants us to love everyone, but it's not cool to love these people or those people is sadism and a lie.

God did not sacrifice a son to himself to pay for your sins. Claiming we are capable of forgiveness and learning unconditional love without judgment but that God is fallible in loving action and incapable of forgiveness without spilled blood is contradicting, sadistic and a lie. This disproves the almighty power of God. This is an arrogant claim that implies that we are more powerful than God and killing someone is okay.

God does not want you to claim to be a wicked sinner in front of God and tons of people. What a stupid thing to say! Why would you do that? What you focus on is the reality you create and what you become. How stupid are you to label yourself anything other than a human who is learning to master unconditional love and who has to make mistakes to do so?

It does not matter if “God's Word” is inspired or not. What matters is – is it true? If it's true it doesn't need to be inspired. It can be proven with Scripture alone, thousands of times, that it is not true. There is no scientific or historic evidence to back up it's claims. Anyone who thinks otherwise does not understand science, history, Mesopotamian mythology or how the Bible came to be and most importantly is not reading the Bible literally, critically and literarily. Taking the Bible literally means acknowledging it's estimated 350,000 errors and contradictions, without using bizarre explanations to prove their validity and make sense of them, and admitting that they cannot be true.

We are told that Jesus loved everyone, but are arrogant enough to decide to be prejudiced and afraid of some people who we decide are not good enough to be loved by us. We pick and choose which people are worthy of love and acceptance, yet we condemn those whom we decide it's not cool for us to love. Any book or religion that teaches you to be prejudice and afraid is lying to you. You talk about Jesus' love and teaching but ignore everything he said.

Jesus was not perfect in the sense that he was infallible. He was human, and capable of human emotions like fear and anger. He did not show us the way to God, but the Way of God, which is love. He showed us how to surpass fear to learn unconditional love and compassion. Whether you believe he was real or not, it's safe to say that he had one of the highest levels of compassion. When he was nailed to the cross in his story, he said “Forgive them Father, for they know not what they do.” Our ego is based on fear and only knows lies and fear. It is extremely afraid of the truth and sees it as a threat. We need to ask forgiveness for the ego for it knows not what it does.

There are 3 different versions of the 10 Commandments in the Bible and the traditional ones we are taught did not exist during the time of Moses. They were of late origin during the account of King Josiah who discovered the “Laws of Moses”. Before that a copy had disappeared and noone knew where it was or if it was being followed. They really do not matter. Jesus edited the 10 Commandments down to 6 which were all about how you treat others, leaving out the first 4 which were about religious observance. He then edited them down to One Commandment which was “Love thy neighbor as thy self.” Yet no one focuses on this last instruction which made all the other laws obsolete. Why is no one demanding this Commandment be put in schools, instead of trying to have obsolete laws put up everywhere? Have you even read your own book? If you do not have love, you have nothing and all your works of performance love to seek God's approval have made you a subservient slave of bondage who lives in fear and has no integrity.

Teaching people God has rejected them and is incapable of loving them, is to train them to hate God and themselves which will cause them to sin freely without conscience or accountability. Being prejudice or declaring war in the name of God or a book is just two of many examples how people sin in the the name of God. Its often funny when Christianity talks about how people have made up all kinds of excuses to justify their own agendas without looking at its own agenda of war, prejudice, judgment, sadism, etc.

The theory of evolution led us to discover DNA testing and other science discoveries. Had Darwin renounced his own theory, this would not have happened. Evolution is creation. The changing of energy from one form to another is creation. Birth is creation. The idea that Adam and Eve were our first parents was naturally discredited 100 years ago when Darwin released the theory. This struck horror into the religious community. Many simply denied it and still deny it is true, while some fell into despair. Because if there never was Original Sin, the foundation for the House of God – which is Atonement – is built upon sand.

Atonement comes from admitting your mistakes, forgiving yourself, learning from it and moving on. We have all had moments of stupidity, mostly in front of others. There is no shame in that. There is a bit of shame of not admitting it and denying it in front of everyone. How embarrassing!

Spirituality is more important than religion institutions. Love is more important than chastisement. Acceptance is more important than judgment. Feeding people is more important than preaching to people. Yet there are thousands of people in 3rd world countries who live in war zones created by religious leaders who have no business in political positions, G. W. Bush is one of them; these people go hungry, never have their homes and schools rebuilt and get no aid, and that includes from the U.S. who have been a part of these wars.

G. W. Bush and churches who demonize Islamic and Muslim religions because of terrorists who are not at all true of the faiths have no idea what the religions are about and have no business using fear and tones of war and belligerence to control us and scare us.

War IS terrorism, in and of itself, and G. W. Bush is a Christian extremist terrorist. But not backing him up to go after the wrong country for weapons we gave them and could not find, but then we decided to liberate them from the leader our government befriended and helped put into power before the Gulf War....was unpatriotic.

Christianity judging the religions in the Middle East for fighting over “Holy Land” need to look closer at the religious political leaders not the people. The Roman church has also gone to war over Jerusalem in it's history and evangelists who prophecy war over “Holy Land” and making it out like we need to have allegiance to Jerusalem are arrogant sods. Why do you care about Jerusalem? Because of Christ? The image of Christ we are used to does not even look like a Jew from his time, and ignorantly calling a piece of land “sacred” because of some god needs to end when you are going to war over it. You don't want change. You don't want to face your fears and admit that you care more about arrogant beliefs than people or yourself. By supporting these religions and religiously driven political wars you are supporting and an accomplice to prejudice, sadism, war and murder. I guess the Commandments about not killing or having false idols only applies to everyone but yourself.

Religious leaders are not qualified to be political leaders, especially when using the religion to justify prejudice, revenge and war, calling it “patriotism” and not tolerating criticism calling it “unpatriotic”.

The United States was founded because our ancestors were leaving Britain to escape persecution from the government which was controlled by the Christian church. This is why the United States was not founded on any religion, especially Christianity and why our Constitution implies that our government is to not be unified with church. Our Pledge of Allegiance and monetary did not originally mention God and is not meant to respect any religion, especially Christianity, but is a name to include all religious beliefs under one nation.

Christianity prophecies a New World Order. This New World Order is one-government under the control of either a secret society or one religion, while using religion to control people and make you sub-serviant through the use of fear. If you think the extra security after 9/11 was to protect you, think again. You gave up civil liberties in support of a war on false pretense. The claims of the attacks of 9/11 do not add up. Somehow these terrorists with box cutters made it past security, while flying planes none of them knew how to, while our government failed to respond in less than 10 minutes like they do over a hundred times a year with the most powerful military and security in the world, and two towers collapse in free fall by scattered fire which goes against physics and no steel framed building in history has every fully collapsed by fires even when they were hotter and burned 17 times longer. Not to mention building 7 which had no plane fuel or impact and still managed to collapse as if by demolition explosives which many people claimed to hear during live news. There are more terrorists now than there was before 9/11, because the U.S. has been bombing them for 10 years and betrayed them.

Our Constitution forbids our government from making laws that respect or hinder the practice of any religion. The Bible cannot be banned from being read in school, nor can prayer be banned in school. This does NOT mean, however, that the Christian church has the right to put up the 10 Commandments in any public building, to demand the Bible or creation to be taught as history and science or to demand that all students pray to one God. We have freedom of speech and religion. You are arrogant if you think you have the right to tell people what God to pray to and what book to read.

Most Christians are not the few, you are part of the many. That is, those who do not love truth or others and think you are more special in God's eyes than others and have the right to judge others. You are like the same fundamentalists in the NT that were rich, powerful and arrogant whom Jesus called hypocrites. Being defensive is only a sign of denial that you agree.

Early Christians - before Rome converted to Christianity and created the Catholic Church - did not use a crucifix, worship the Crucifixion, and did not judge others. They were a community of people who were appalled by the Crucifixion and who helped all people without prejudice. It was the Catholic church who tortured and twisted the religion into the lies we know today and who imprisoned, tortured and killed people who did not believe in their way.

Ancient pagans (pre-Christian religion) knew their gods were not real. Jesus was a mystic god of the Gnostics whom the Catholic Church personified while claiming all other gods were false. People are what they hate. Jesus, the cross and any view of God that is not love is a false image of god.

There are 34 godman who have been called the Son of God since the time of the Egyptians, including Buddha and Krishna, who taught the same things Jesus did. Jesus' details derived from these stories and he has no valid historical record outside of the bible. This Biblical record is written by many unknown authors, not Apostles, who never claim to have meet or seen an earthly Jesus, making the accounts hearsay. These accounts give no clues to dwellings, artifacts, writings or carpentry from Jesus.

The Naïve Story, or Nativity Scene, is a story derived from selective details from Mark and Luke, whose details contradict each other or leave out information. Only one of the Gospels mentions a stable and a manger is never mentioned in either story, for example. The Naïve Story is a story that is not in the Bible, because no one ever wrote it. It was created by St. Francis of Assisi almost 1200 years after the Bible was put together.

Christmas, Easter, and every biblical story is not of Christian origin, but came from pagan religions. Nothing about Christianity is original or unique. Christmas and Easter are not about Jesus and putting him back into them is to put him where he was never meant to be.

Churches scare people away with condemnation instead of just loving them. They tell us there is only one path or book or name that is better than another and that is theirs. There are many paths to God.

Churches need to encourage (put the courage into) instead of discrouage (take the courage out of). Love is the ability to heal the world, but religion primarily fills it with guilt, fear, sadism and judgment.

When you find what allows you the most peace, love, contentment and happiness – you will have found God. Transcending fear through self-awareness and love so that fear does not block your ability to experience these natural capacities is the only way but there are many paths to take to this way. The only True Way is the Way of Love. No one source has the authority. No one book has all the answers. No one way of thinking is the authority either. All religions teach the basic same thing, love, and they all hold some views of value and some that are erroneous and need to be updated. Religions hardly update themselves or change their consciousness along with the secular world. There is not just one path, but many. The ones who claim there is only one path or book prove their own ignorance.

Spirituality teaches us to find our own path of enlightenment and success through naturally being love, happiness and compassion. Religions teach us what they think we need to do to achieve love, happiness compassion and success by using guilt, shame and fear to control people.

Spirituality is more important than religion institutions. Love is more important than chastisement. Acceptance is more important than judgment. Feeding people is more important than preaching to people, yet you let people starve while being concerned about your own arrogant and ridiculous religious agendas.

The right religion is the one that compels you to love yourself and others more, to help others more and be more accepting. Does your religion and view of God work for you? Does it serve you well?

The right religion causes you to give up prejudice and brings you inner peace. It causes you to care about the world and all those who live in it. The right religion goes beyond branding people and beyond a book. The only true religion is LOVE and simply loving others. Love is the only truth. When you come from love, you can never be wrong, proved wrong or argued with, because you always know the right thing to do. Love is the only truth. How can you be wrong?

Our nature is love. It is fear that we have learned that blocks us from loving action. We are created in God's image which is to become love personified – which we are when we are born. When we can learn to accept it and get all fear out of the way, we will have peace, happiness, success and abundance.

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