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Lets GET D.U.R.T.Y!~

We reach that point when ~ Its Eitha You rise above, Or continue to be INVISABLE~! Time to get D.U.R.T.Y~ and what exactly is that... what does it mean.. shit.. it can mean what you make it.. to me it changes on my situations and moods... some days when I wanna ~Be Durty~ it stands for.. Devislish~ Unforgettable~ Revolutionary~ Tempting~ and Yummy!~ other days when I feel simple and sweet~ its when Im Delightfull, Useful, Relaxed, Tasty, And yup.. Young! there are many ways you can define DURTY.... it should be based on who you are... Most Days I am Dazziling, Unique, Remarkable, Thrilling, and... Yummy... lol.. But WHEN you reach That Point... AND shit Has jus GOTTEN to ya... ITS time to break out that DURTY, which for me is... Devious, Unnatural, Radical, Twisted... yet still Yummy!~ lol.... As I said before, deception plays a part in love, and finding who you are within.. So I say.. FUCK the double standard~ Fellas, You go head n run the game, leavin no place for a lady up in it.. well that time is getting SHUT down~ ya'll aint that good at it neway.. you just find them WEAK bitches, that been stepped on so much that they've decided to lay down and except it... You need to go n fuck wit a real female, One Of THE D.U.R.T.Y bitches.... step the game up a bit and make it a challenge.. see where you end up... Many a times, I sit and listen as my gurl crys out her beautiful eyes over some fake ass LAME KAT that thought he was the shit.. AND Once or twice, that gurls been me!!!~~~ ~ I aint sayn I been hurt to the point that Im a man hater.. Oh no. dont get that shit twisted... Im sayn I was brought Into the light..... two can play that game,... and I aint sayn gurls are innocent cuz they aint, I kno that.. they can be just as durty but dont get caught as easily... "so flip this if you a simple fella, gettn stepped on...." But we got dat double standard.. ya'll know.. like Ive said pleathera of times.. Ladies~ go and get yours!!~~ In this love "game" its eitha hurt or be hurt, Play or be Played, Or Love and receive Love~ the last one isnt always found and when it is it aint that easy to keep, .. but them other two, its a guarenttee you will find em,.. or they will find you.. and when they do.. its up to you how the ending will play out... Be smart... and keep a head of it,.. dont go n get caught up over fast words, sweet gestures... you know that shit will only last a couple of months, BE DURTY...and if the Kat doing shit only when he needs somethin.. get your head outta your ass, and start handlen business... Get DURTY~ your ass bound to get played.. I aint sayn dont hold that man down.. but gurl, if you holding his ASS UP.. and he JUS straight LEANING on yo ass... move out the way and let him FALL... If he aint holding you down as you do for him,... Move his ass to the left and step to the right baby gurl... get ya head on straight.. FIND YOUR DURTY... or you gonna have GULLABLE stamped on ya forehead.. you first.. dont revolve your world around NO MAN, Or An Idea Of One.. Its a new year a new time.. Women be doing it big,... So Ladies, Lets make it our time to shine.. Dont get it twisted,... Love Is Pure Bliss... when its right.. its a Pleasureable thing... It aint about winning or loosing or who does it best... its about sharing and compromising and the feeling left in your chest!~ But Many People have forgotten that.. making love this big test... Love is no longer love.. but a challenge, a game.. to see who can rise above,... Ladies... Take the GOLD from there asses Please.. and put them in there place.. Find Your Durty Side... Whats it mean to you??? Much love.. !

Da Bitch Theory!~

"BITCHES" Now, the topic of today is.................. BITCHES! Yup you know them schisty, nasty types.... lyn, trifflen types, that yes, as my earlier blog states... Is in fact a Hoe... Now, to get down to the buisness.... What my freinds, do you think a bitch is.... ? a dog.. only by dictionary... no no my friends a bitch.. well she is so much more... and there are different types of bitches... Am I a Bitch... Oh yes... but I am by far.. a good bitch, down bitch, basic bitch.. you get the drift.... now... I will lay out, some basic bitch material... the types, how they come to be the bitch they are,.. and the rest will follow suit... so, sit back and learn... Now the "basic" bitch... well she is your confidont.. your muse... a bitch that you know.. when you need something, will Basically be there, but has limitaions,... she is quite, doesnt cause trouble, and a honest person... kinda like the "dog" Then comes your "Ride or Die",aka "Down" Bitches... now, these are first and foremost.. your "basic" bitches, but with Flava... they are NOT quite, Nor are they shi... No No, these are the gurls you roll with, throw your kids birthday partys with, do just about everything with, they always have your back, speak the truth, no matter if it hurts.. beat your ass when needed, then pick you up, and grab a bite to eat... These are your Sisters! They eye down the trifflen bitches, Beat down the scanky bitches, and sit in jail right along with you... They are your heart! After.. We have the "Good bitches".. now these I base off of only a relationship... ya know.. the "good" bitch, always holdin her man down, no matta how trifflen his ass has been, she holds herself with respect, plays a good game, doesnt let no "bitch" knock her off her stool... and doesnt take shit... she's a loyal bitch, one to the end.. she aint stupid, she smarter than her man,. and no matter how it may seem.. she aint hurtn.. no no she is gettn hers... how ever it may be.. she's the "good" bitch, "good" at everything... We can not forget my "Independent" Bitches. The ones that are your basic, and down, yet hold there own, struggle there way thru, and never turn away no matter the situation... they handle business, best as they can, dont bs, They are your.. Reborn females.. at one time, they might have been your "monapoly" bitch, or that gullable female.. but they outta no where, and a little vacation, turned there shit around, and came up strong.... The most respectfull bitches, our hard working, single motha bitches.. thats whats up... Then as we all know... there are the lowest of low.. Bitches.. that in fact have so many names.. we will just call them the Monapoly Bitches, and name a few,.. in the monapoly bitches.. we have.. the "Trifflen" the "Scanky" the "Weak" Etc.. You get the basic idea... now.. for me.. these "gurls" n yes they are gurls, cuz no "real" woman, would be so disrespectful.. not to themselves or any otha female.. Now as I was sayn.. these Monapoly Bitches.. most of em lie... Bout where there from.. who they know.. they try to be what they are not... FAKE! From there heads to there toes.. to the way they talk... And boy do they try to fit in.. Alot of these "gurls" chase the "dick" the "money" ya know.. the "dreams" of high class, which the trailor trash small town gurl, knows nada about,.. but pretends to know.. all learned outta a magazine. This type of bitch, she will try to steel any man, sleep wit any dick that shows her the slightest attention,.. show any part of her body, in a public area, wear the tightest clothes, even if she aint got the body, and dry hump any man that walks past, not to metion drull or spit up on herself... these girls spit game they aint got, buy shit they cant afford, and live at home with there mothers.. lol... yet they spit that they are INDEPENDENT bitches... Our trifflen, skanky, weak, bitches.. well they, are as they think.. in player mode.. which its not.. all they do is fill boys heads up with nonsense just to get a ride in there car, or to get in with there crowd, they are manipulative and untrustworthy.. they will try to be your best friend, just to know where your man is and what he is doing, all to "holla" at him while your away.,. They are never there when you are in need, turn there back when it inconvienences them, but show right back up when the shit will benefit them, yes they are your aquantences.. Club bitches.. party bitches, or what ever you wanna call em, but they aint tru, cuz you wont mean shit to them.... There is soo much more on this subject.. but we do not have all day... PLEASE FEEL FREE To Type In A Bitch I Might Have Left Out... Or Elaborate On One Written, Give Your Opinions People.... Now Am I hating? Hell NO.. I love my bitches.. all the way... I am however disgusted by the Monapoly bitches out there in the world, ruining it for the rest of us females... All my bitches are real, And I watch my fake bitches.. yes, we all have em in the gourp, they pretend they ya friend, say they got your back, but have they ever? humm, Nope.. And you keep them bitches at a distance, give a fake smile if ya gotta, but dont trust em.. the old saying, keep your friends close, but your enimies closer.. that applys sometimes.... in most occasions.. just be carefull.... dont make the wrong mistakes.. if you got more than a handfull of "gurls" cut a few, cuz they aint real... someones fake as hell in that group, or hangin on for the ride.. any way, much luv.. Peace..

Classification of a HOE

Not all of us BITCHES out there are evil... But we do take our revenge and run with it... dont we ladies.... some of us, can dig a mugs back out just as hard as they think they can... lol.. am I right? We can be jus as manipulative, scandoulus, and so damn sweet as them, we play just as long and just as hard, difference is we use the RIGHT head in the game, and dont always get CAUGHT up In it.. Unlike some... thay call them selves players... yet what do we get......... Oh Yea Baby, we get nothing but the lable.... no props from otha kats or kits, no one ups.... just the infamous label.... Otha bitches call us bitch... hoe... what ever.... cuz they hate on your ability to play just as well, and the men, well lets be honest.... they tell there friends, oh yes, because lets face it... you sprung em, and they just mad that you did,... whinny little haters.... so to there boys... its always.. "yea I fucked that bitch" and in reality, there mind is sayin..... "ya... SHE FUCKED the SHIT outta me, made my toes curl, I Think IM IN LOVE... but she dog me"... so... haters go on n hate, and bitches, keep the game straight.... and THE DISCUSSION CONTINUES...WHAT IS A "HOE"? A girl who is seeing more than one guy is not a HOE to me... guys do that shit ALL THE MOTHA FUCKIN TIME... and they are PIMPS. Why is it a double standard for us? A girl who sleeps with a guy on the first date, not a HOE to me... Haven't you EVER met anyone who you were just SUPER attracted to, had really good chemistry with, and just couldn't keep your hands off? Come on, EVER??? I mean, HOPEFULLY you don't make a habit out of it and you don't fuck EVERY dude on the first date, but for real...shit happens. A girl who LOVES sex... NOT A HOE to me. What is wrong with a girl with a healthy sexual appetite??? I'm a firm believer that most girls are JUST AS HORNY as guys are BUT are afraid to admit it because that would label them as a slut. We are suppose to be timid and shy when it comes to talking about sex, wanting sex, asking for sex from our partner? FUCK THAT SHIT!!! Get yours girls! NOW... what I DO think is HOE type behavior... And OLD definition of a HOE is a woman who gets money for sex... but that is not all I think of when I hear the word. The type of female that comes to my mind first when I hear the word is... A girl that KNOWS a dude has a girlfriend and that he is IN LOVE with her or they have something really cool... just startn n shit.. but she will do ANYTHING to get him to fuck around with her. It's like a game, or competition for her...Then after she is successful at getting him to be sexual with her (because it is not HARD to get even a GOOD man to do) she will then proceed to do anything to get him to leave his girlfriend for HER. THAT is the worst type of hoe to me... The next type of hoe I hate is... the girl who finds a nice guy, and makes him think that she really likes him...then once he's hooked starts using him for money when she knows damn well that she never liked him in the first place. Then once the money runs out or he goes through some hard times and can't keep helping her out...she drops him like it's nothing and breaks his heart. Then he swears that he will never be so nice to another female again and will NEVER give another girl money or help her out financially, let alone do anything but FUCK bitches from now on... EVER! STOP RUINING THE GOOD MEN FOR EVERYBODY ELSE .... HOE! ;) Or how about the type of girl who just craves attention... who just wants a guy to like her because it's entertaining, but would NEVER give him a chance because she just doesn't like him like that. Women wanna complain that there are no good men left but some women are CREATING MONSTERS by the way they treat them. And when you DO find a good man, it's hard to KEEP them because all these HOES out here are always out to ruin other women's relationships. Men wouldn't cheat so much if there weren't a plethera of desperate, horny, scandalous, scanky ass HOEs out there who don't CARE if they have a woman or not, right? Men can have sex and not get emotionally attached...women on the other hand... not SO easy... can be done but just not as likely. A man hits it just right and some women mistake that body high afterwards for LOVE! ;) Men, fuck you, and it's nothing... "umm, thanks for letting me stick my dick in you...I'm gonna go now, gotta get home to the wife and tell her how much I love HER" and they do...they LOVE their girl...you were just a piece of "Strange" pussy that men crave every once in a while after they get use to their girls' pussy... don't get attached and think they are gonna leave their woman for THAT! Silly HOE! It's not gonna happen ;) So ladies... it's all about treating other people with respect. First of all RESPECT yourself.. don't try to get with a guy that is taken and think that he will leave his woman for you...he doesn't give a shit about you and he goes home to his woman every night...you're just gonna get hurt. Second of all, respect the other woman...the one who deals with all his shit on a constant basis, who takes care of him, who is there for him all the time. GET YOUR OWN MAN that you can act like that with. And last but not least... if we treated our MEN with a lil more respect and didn't USE them, take advantage of them, and just treat them down right dirty... then maybe not so many guys would be woman haters and dogs. It's a vicious cycle and we all have the power to change that a lil bit by just treating everyone how you would want to be treated. On the other hand... Gurl, if you been played, heartbroken, and are out for some revenge,... gurl find your self a player, not a good man..... and fuck his world up... get him so hi sprung on that pussy and tear his ass down, and do it gracefully, for every independent heartbroken female, that man has ever touched..... get it how you live..... Much Luv.. 1
oPeN tHe mOuTh BiTcH Current mood: Im pleased LOL Here I go AgAiN~~ Some ppl are so fuckn fake in this world~~So damn blind that they cant see ova there pile of shit~~ Fake females always want wa you got~~N fake fellas, try to be something there not~ Why? Why the fuck do ppl try to impress, dress, and act like they betta then the rest? I mean for reals! Get ova yourself~~ Im sure this sounds like anotha dose of hateraide, ba trus, this isn't haten, Im jus fed up wit ppl that think eryone else owe them something~~When they the ones owen eryone else.. Ya know! We got our fake bitches~~ you know who i mean~~the ones that act all innocent n shit~~like they lil school gurls, hard to get, yet the bitch spread her legs to any dark dick that moves~~You got them ones that act yo friend, ba are really tryn to holla at yo man~~ always wana kick it at yo spot...the gurly gurls that fuck wit all types of heads~~the scadalous, schisty, nasty broads that cant hold there liquor and always be gettin there asses whooped cuz they dont know when to quit... There are those tru females out there, that you know have your back and really are your down ass gurls.. I dont even gotta say names cuz those bitches know who they are and they my heart~~You know i cant leave out the fellas~~Balla wana bees, yea they out here, even in this lil ass town~~ you know the type.. Got a gurl at home, but still try n run game, like ppl dont know wa up~~lol~~the ones that druel ova half naked females~~cant keep dicks in there pants! got "friends" under low key, always thinkin they got something up on the dude next to em.. lol... come on dawg~~ ya aint that slick... not erry female out here is stupid~~ yes there are quite a few, ba we smart bitches see your game a mile away~~ we jus play along cuz its fun, and we are betta at it then you think~~ You think you got shit under control, ba trus boo, there is always a female one step ahead doing the same shit you doin.. so dont trip, when the bitch hands you your dick~~ but of course there are those good fellas, that are hard to find, tru, speak they mind types, that aint gotta bs no one, jus act themselves and are real as hell. so agian, i have spoken, is it outta hate? Nope, pure enjoyment, laughter, just shit i think funny as hell.. its the world we live in.. n these ppl actually exist, so which one are you.. the tru ride or die female, there for your ppl no matta the cost? or the scantly clad young female, that erryones had a run in, and ppl cant trust? are you the tru no bs fella, that aint gotta lie, or the cheatn smelly type fella?? u b the judge.. Rememba only god can judge, ba bitches will speak there mind! Much Luv People~~Muahz~~

tHe HaTe BuG!~

~~I think I just had a dose of HATERAIDE~~ I just wanted to share some seriously overrated thoughts, that lately are just driving me up the damn wall... Questions, I know this may sound extreamly stupid.. but i just gotta ask... Who and when did ppl decide it was ok.. to wear your socks to your thighs, over your calf, with your damn basketball shorts?? I know, this may be a thing for ball players.. but seriously, wheres the leg??? And if you aint out playn ball... do you have to wear that shit to the grocery store?? Maybe i dont understand it, but damn it drives me absolutly insane, when boo wheres that shit.. i dont even wana go out in public when he dresses like that~~its embarassing, well at least to me it is~~ And hello~~ parents, why let your 13 year old daughter, where a skirt, that shows her ass~~ I mean, damn~~ what?? how you gonna let your lil gurl, where that shit, shorter than my damn underware, and expect some sick old man, that just got out of prison for umm, rape and kidnapping, to just walk by her not getting a sick thought in that sick head of his.... dont get me wrong.. maybe i am haten a lil, cuz the lil bitch got a body like a goddess, at 13, and her tits and ass are as big as mine at 13, and she know she cute, at 13~~ But, she aint grown yet~dont forget that shit and slap em back down to there age~~~its common sense parents.. dress em right.. dont buy that shit for them.. Protect em, they can dress hoochie when they hit 21~~ lol, they all do when bar age rolls around~~lol~~ I could go on all day, bout random shit that just seems to piss me off~~ Like some of the fellas!!~ you know who you are when i say to you~~ Stay the fuck home for once in your damn life!! Is the bar and after partries really that damn important that you just can't breath wit out em?? Do you think your that damn sexy that you just gotta be out, in case some schisty lil ho wants to holla, she's drunk fool, of course she gonna holla, you all look good when the bitch got some liquor in her.. not to mention flash a lil cash and a nice car, that bitch will ride that dick for a penny~~ come on now~~ you aint that damn special~~ they come as fast as they go, but that real bitch that backs your ass up on a reg~~ will leave your ass, It irristates the fu** outta me, that some men, got a good thang at home but just gotta be out at the club errydamn day of the week?? Am i a hater~~ Ya damn right i am~~ yea, i can see going out once n a while, chillen with your peeps an what not~~ But seriously, grab your dick, throw it ova your shoulder, and take that shit home~~ ya know, kick it at da crib~~ grab yo hommies if you got any~~ and chill~~ But nah~~ youd rather be at the club~~lol~~ by your damn self~~ for real~` standing there, jus watching bitches~~ lol~~ and thats no joke ppl~~ this man i know~~ actually does this shit~~ goes out alone and watches~~ lol~~ and another thing~~ Bitch boy~~ if you just gotta go out, fine~~ but why the fuck you gonna stay out ALL DAMN NIGHT~~ supposidly staying the night at your boys house~~ when you got a god damn home in town~??? Huh?? you really think a bitch is that stupid~~ come the fu** on with your dumb ass self~~ find anotha line to feed dat female that you think believes your bitch ass, cuz trus boo, she really dont~~ she smarter than you think, she play her shit a whole lot betta~ some of these kats are dumb wit this shit it irritates me~~ am i haten hell no, im Laughen at there ass, cuz they just keep fuckin up all over some bar ho!~~~ But i betta stop now, cuz i could go in a whole notha direction~~ cuz today~~My ass drank HATERAIDE~~ and im feeling fiesty at the mouth~~Its friday Bitches~~ Time to coak a bitch~ Get a bitch~~ and act a bitch~~ Muahhzzzz Loves


As we grow up, we learn that even the one person that wasn't supposed ever let you down probably will. You will have your heart broken probably more than once and it's harder every time. You'll break hearts too, so remember how it felt when yours was broken. You'll fight with your best friend. You'll blame a new love for things an old one did. You'll cry because time is passing too fast,and you'll eventually lose someone you love. So take too many pictures, laugh too much, and love like you've never been hurt because every sixty seconds you spend upset is a minute of happiness you'll never get back. Don't be afraid that your life will end, be afraid that it will never begin.
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