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Back from banishment....

So Jags is back finally again, hopefully by switching carriers, for good. Truly miss this place and those people who are really friends and family here to me. It was great to log back on after being gone for 3 months to still be thought of and cared about. Just a goodness that I appreciate in my life. Which again as those who know me, is a life of chaos most weeks; insanity and chaos. Take today: Wake up early after the start of the invasion last night: Dad's family is up for summer, thought this one was going to be free, but alas they didn't want to stay in Florida. Head out early to work, not wanting any more awkward situations. My dad and I have a kibotched relationship, long story. At work a few hours, called at 8am; Lizzie just getting home after 13 hours at her company (a mixed blessing, but needed). Proceed to work 12 myself, but unlike my sweet girl, I get no overtime after 8 hours. Salary man hang noose, with the golden cuffs attached. Come home upset after 3 calls going to voicemail. Not our normal voicemail, but the new computer one which only answers if we're on the phone already. Open the door to find a calamity. No not that sorta calamity sheesh..... Dvd tower's crashed, Anime abounds helter skelter across the floor. A fish tank for the daring escape artist lies broken asunder, no longer captivity for this nibbling terror: Alia.
Alia the escape artiste
This new critter came to us, because a friend of Lizzie's had a nice rainbow colored habitrail contraption all for the taking, without said critter. Of course, there are no empty cages in the Gaudet Managerie. But Alia decided that it was a good idea to eat her way to freedom through a hole in the roof, all paws a dangling; gnawing, gnawing. So again she has a chance at freedom; deftly evades two cat's. One of which has somehow came home with a Degu, some parent I am sure is upset. And perhaps remembering what a tasty morsel that was, and this one just looks smaller right? Must be good eats! So that's what I walk into: pure chaos. Come to find out Alia or the fallen fishtank (had to encase her in glass, that damnable nibbler) severed the charger cord for the telephone. No one was able to call today, and Lizzie wondered how she had such a good day of sleep? :D Well takes us about an hour to trap the little bugger in the closet and put her back into her cage. She's very angry, as it's been me twice who has put her back in captivity. Lizzie changes everybody, I cook two steaks on the grill, then Lizzie's out the door for another long shift.... Two ships pass.
TAG - YOU'RE IT! So the rules of this little game are, once you've been tagged you have to write a blog with 6 weird things/habits about yourself. In the end you need to list 6 other people to tag and list their names. Don't forget to leave a comment saying "You've been tagged" in their comments on their page and tell them to read your blog..." ================================================ Well this is my second go at this one, now being tagged by EJ from Loey. But I won't cheat and copy my earlier answers in one of my first blogs. 1. I have a peculiar sense of texture, when it comes to foods; certain food just feels a certain way and mix two of the wrong textures and I won't eat it, would rather starve, mayhaps even. 2. I have fits of Feng-shui madness at random moments, like cleaning a room and putting things in perfect angles with the right colors in the right corners; and yet other days can't seem to figure out how to do laundry.... hmm? 3. I absolutely hate the color yellow. Always have, and yet have no clue why. I won't wear anything yellow unless its mandatory due to work. I don't even like to look at yellow things, it's weird I know. 4. I don't fold my t-shirts, I instead roll them up into tubes, and will actual unfold a folded shirt and roll it up instead. 5. I'm deathly allergic to pinole nuts which cause me to go into shock, yet I can eat most other nuts except of course Cashews which make me do the same thing, damn you Kung Poa Chicken! 6. I don't keep pennies, if given them at the cash register if I even use cash as I am more opt to debit card everything, I leave the pennies. If I have to take them, ie: drive thru D&D run, then the next time I go through, all the pennies go back, even if I have to give 15 of them as long as all the pennies are gone; I know its me hating on the penny, but why in this day and age and cost is a penny a logic level of currency? Most prices are rolled up to the .#9 level regardless?? Call me crazy, I'm already certified. I continue the madness by tagging, Native Princess, Chains301 aka Adam (as he's on holiday and defenseless-what are brother's for?), Lizzylocks (as this is a tag from another tag, and therefore not a tag back, but a retagging), Mrs. aka Debbie, and Hooligan X. No Tag Backs!
Going back through older blogs,journals etc scattered throughout the net and found this old one, originally ripped from Lizzylocks' older net persona Ladygloomcookie and it was good for fun the last time I tried it. Perhaps I'll get a few takers here on CT. Give me a comment that your interested and want to play and then: 1. I’ll respond with something random about you 2. I’ll challenge you to try something 3. I’ll pick a color that I associate with you 4. I’ll tell you something I like about you 5. I’ll tell you my first/clearest memory of you 6. I’ll tell you what animal you remind me of 7. I’ll ask you something I’ve always wanted to ask you 8. If I do this for you, you must post this on yours. Yes, people, the blog police will get you unless you do (hence the rubber hoses) Remember if I do you, you do 8. you no play nice, I no play with you no more :P Cheers!
Who -- you? The easygoing, dreamiest sign of the zodiac demanding that people be accountable for their actions -- including yourself? Go on with your bad self. You've got what it takes to make everybody toe the line. =============================================== Didn't get the memo since I took a day off on Friday to come into Monday staff meeting with my VP boss and crew to be thrown under the bus by a co-worker for something that happened while I was out of the office and was their damage? For me to take the rap the day our boss heads to China for a week....because you've already lied to try to save your ass, go screw buddy....ARGH I hate my job. the higher you go, the stupider, yeah that's right, stupider people's political drama gets. Why can't you just go: here's the facts, I screwed up, here's how I can make it better, and here's how it won't happen again. But in the black suit brigade there are no piscean dreamers like myself that just want people to do their job, save as much money for the company as possible, and be happy and make your people happy and productive.....its just too much to ask for in the A mentality team, us lower right quadrant people have a hard time, or at least I do, holding others accountable, as I'll typically fix it and move on, not worrying about the accolades, my results demonstrate around any ones show boating, or pandering.....but gads it burns my biscuit to have to school fellow teammates who get too big in their heads.....everyone's replaceable in the corper machine, even me, even my boss....you only hold the seat as long as you show the results.....as we say, you rise to your level of incompetency.....I don't need to go any further, as I'm really happy at the work I do.....and since I don't like the politics I guess I've risen to my level of incompetency....cuz I won't lie or fake my way around my job, I'm fully accountable even if it's not my fault, because I'm the fixer, I make bad things better..... If you read this, one I'm sorry, I'm just venting over a shitty day at work, but two, thanks, cuz I know sometimes you read my stuff and like it, so when I post this mental garbage it's just that, rubbish....but thanks for clicking over hear.... On a personal family ish note....logged into my mail today, to find a letter from my estranged dad who lives in FL....his adopted son, my quasi brother of -19 something years younger, was nearly killed today: victem in a car accident. He had to have the majority of his organs removed, mutliple broken bones, punctured lung....needless to say awful....so me bitchin about work, doubly damning....luckily he is stabilized, doctors' think it will be 2 months until he will be able to leave the hospital....never know what life will bring....it's too short for complaining....and it's too short to drink cheap beer...and it's definitely too short to worry about work and not family first.....
So where the hell has IX been for these past several months....regretably my psychotic abnormal self has been asleep trying to force time to fly until me and my lovely girl lizzylocks can get a week where she's allowed to use vacation - not until fall :( to run away to mexico and get married....I know things have been rough, we're both working mad hours, taking turns for each other on their respective half day, so we can cover the work day 22 hours a day, passing ships in the morning if we're lucky (a really special treat is lizzy's suprise the past day getting home early and her making breakfast, been feeling down, was a great pickup) realize I've been depressed; just ignoring it.....so decided to do things to change that....been making the bed every morning so she can come home and forget it all and snuggle under a hundred blankets like she loves to do (all year round)....Post divorce monetary concerns make me have stomach issues....but thankfully every week we keep getting better and are working our tails off.... realize like now I'm typing in stream of consciousness....all too fast a pace, hard to follow, no rythmn.....as if I wanted people to read my rambling, but this is what's coming out so, here we go.....wanted to log back on get back in touch with people who supported me as hard as lizzy does. Let down hard by my family....forgot my birthday....day late nonsense. Made up for in typical fashion with money. Granted I need. We want to get a house to share with the kids, and hopefully someday have them live with us....she makes a great step mom.....and sometimes I know its hard, past things bring up wounds between worlds....long stories just between us.....needless to say, anyone who truly knows lizzy and I, are probably suprised we're both not dead yet.....and that's one of the reasons I'm trying to live my life in spite of others looking for us to fail. I'm, scratch that....I'm way rambling.... So now for something back on tangent....My days have been filled with new computer operating system blues.....can't talk much about work, secret and stuff....ooooh.....but needless to say I've been working nearly 10 hours a day with an hour total comute to boot, and I don't get paid overtime, and I'd work more if I could, but I can't function on a computer or in my job for more than 10 hours without wanting to be someone I'm not....ie: angry manager dude who chews on peoples heads. Work Life and IX Life do not ever co-exist. Not just in that he has two different sides one he acts like at work and one he acts like at home....nope, if they knew how crazy I really was....I wouldn't be doing what I do, just happens I'm good at it....I like algorithms and such....gads who cares....no voice, just spew... Work, blah blah blah, who wants to hear it right?? Poor IX, go cry to your momma, oh wait she'd have to stop being a circus seal first....{scratches head} yeah you read that.... SO girls awesome, job's hell but worth it, debt still an albatros, but improving, running away to a mayan pyramid to be married atop, things still keep slipping lock-click into place by design, and time flies so IX can greet spring and be reborn.....Ah, I think my Id is showing.... I promise, I'll write something better....try to stick to the beer blogs, those I'm better at :) Which reminds me....where's that camera....

Schadenfreude Evolving

schadenfreude ..SHOD-n-froy-duh.., noun:
A malicious satisfaction obtained from the misfortunes of others.

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

Perhaps it's just me.....but "CherryTap" seems to be a breeding ground for voyuers, stalkers, and other ilk of general creepiness.....

Why else would I have hundreds of hits with only a few people I'd consider  actual friends.....why after only joining a few weeks ago would I have >90 views on ten blog posts (1 of which is only viewable to 1 person).  Its's not like I'm out there calling people over to look at my stuff....I'm not that interesting, I like what I like and it gives me a chance to write, which I don't do enough of. And maybe, just maybe a few folks like what I do and comment but that seems few and far between perhaps 1 comment per 10 views (just feel like if you look you should comment or at least rate)....

I'm sure there are plenty of people who feel they need the attention and adoration ...Not to mention some people's obsession with feeling self important to have so many adoring "fans" who wait on their updates longingly.....pouncing on every fresh post or comment....needing to be sure they appear on your page daily....or worse yet putting out some soft pink flesh to let someone self gratify themselves over :P

But seriously now: who has >200 friends??  truly??  Sure they can be people you talk to on-line, but I don't know how anyone with a real job or life has time to consider 200 people actual friends and keep correspondence....Or are these just people you don't mind invading your space whenever they feel like it??  and having deranged thoughts about being a part of your life....maybe some people like the thought that they give people agida or envy, I just don't know....

Also am I the only one who finds it creepy that "CherryTap" lets a stalker know when you've been on last, if you're online, and who you associate with such that they can also stalk you via your friends and how you leave messages to them.....unless you code it but then how will one get readers?

Many time I find when I leave people comments, my own page gets hit multiple times because nosy people want to see what's new on my end, have I posted anything that they can enjoy, mock, or what else I don't know, it's all just a bit odd to me....since most times they don't even rate/comment/or fan/friend request....please do not lurk in the shadows....

Perhaps its just a new form of schadenfreude, in which not only is satisfaction gained from others misery, but also in subvertively or even actively inciting another to agitation....and I'm talking more subtle than outright "flaming"......add that with a steady  blend of stalking and a dash of voyeurism and you've got yourself  the latest fetish....got nothing to do....go check up on someone else's friends maybe they've got something worth viddie'ing....need something to entertain you that night, bring on the CherryTap hookas! and Pimps they're happy to show you the goods....

For me, I blog on a rare occassion to share things with friends or to leave myself reminders of stuff that I find interesting or don't want to forget......if somebody wants to read it, or view it.....I've got the ability to control it, if I choose....

But at the same time, I don't like the idea of making things completely private....since I've found family members who have moved away, or even been found by old classmates or people who actually have something in common or want to contribute in a real and healthy way....

But for those out there just peeking in, and got no biz being in mine other than being nosy.......I'd tell you to bugger off....

Heck even as I am writing this blog 2 people have viewed my page and neither are on my friend's list and they left nothing to say why they bothered to visit.....

What's up with that??



Six Weird Things about IX


So the rules of this little game are, once you've been tagged you have to write a blog with 6 weird things/habits about yourself. In the end you need to list 6 other people to tag and list their names. Don't forget to leave a comment saying "You've been tagged" in their comments and tell them to read your blog..."

I've had a hard time puzzling out 6 weird things about me, but here goes....

1.  I like sadistically hot/spicy food especially home-grown hot peppers: habenero, scotch bonnet, Thai Dragons you name it....most people (even those who already know I'm crazy) think I eat insane levels of hotness such that your ass will spew burning fiery death the next morning.....ah nothing like a cleansing colonic of doom :)

2.   I have a "thing" about good foot care....I'm a pisces, it sorta comes with the territory....and not just my own either.....although I've been known to be a bit more agressive than most people's liking because of #3 below....

3.  I have an abnormally high tolerance for pain, often times people have to point out to me when I've hurt myself, i.e: "uhm do you know you're bleeding dude?"  While its good for endurance, it makes me a little less sensitive, but hey I think I've been told enough how callous I can be....

4.  I am obsessed with Pokemon TCG....those little foil packs are like crack to me....often times I need to be reminded I have spent far too many monies on them, but there's always that special EX card I could be missing.....gotta catch'em all....or something I don't know....but I'm scratching for a fix of some new Holon Phantom.

5.  It's all about the T-shirt.....I've got a collection that most people find obsessive, and I've been known to buy Anime in the collector's editions just to get the t-shirts....and someone thinks I fold them wrong, rolling them up in tubes....but then again she's got a lightswitch problem....

6.  I like toothpicks, and can usually be yelled at for them winding up in the washing machine after leaving them in random pockets.....but one never knows when they need a small pointy stick, they're so useful for many things....

I continue the madness by tagging, lizzylocks, villegirl, another innocent girl tainted by throatfuck!, hwitebeaver,dj black rose,I'm not mean your just a sissy

Now I may be a xenophobe and not part of this modern go-go world, full of instant gratification even at another's expense, but truly now: What ever happened to being polite, courteous, and having good manners?? What has spurned this blog are two fold: Had a recent holiday shopping jaunt to the grocery store and other outlets to try to prep for the past thanksgiving ritual. While in the grocery store, had everyone from an elderly couple smash my cart and actually glower at me for what I have no idea, to others who huffed and puffed while I went about purchasing my goods, but obviously not fast enough for their liking to which I say bugger off, just because you are all rush rush rush, gotta get out, doesn't mean I am going to be all riled up on my day off. To come to the dramatic ending of getting to the cashier, who would rather have spit upon me I believe. So after being rung out I turned to her and wished her a happy holiday and a short day and was looked at like I was some retarded alien who had no idea what I was talking about and that I should go off and die from whatever rock I had crawled under. So I tried to further this research and found that with every store I went into that day, very much the same nonsense: everyone too busy to care about their fellow human and not once did I have a cashier say thanks and have a nice holiday, it was always me or my girl doing the well-wishing... I thought this was the holiday season where all good earthlings believed in brotherly love and thanksgiving and celebrating the joy of life?? So that's the courtesy bit, now onto etiquette: Maybe I'm just new to CherryTap and this is the way things are here, but before you get all hey sexy I can make you cumm for hours, don't you think you should have atleast introduced yourself, determined what you have in common with a person, and made an attempt to be a friend before being an ass? To the people who I've met and gotten to know please feel excluded from this list, it's just my lack of understanding where peoples manners and etiquette have gone. CT is full of people willing to flaunt whatever they have for physical assets, whatever happened to being an honest and good person who sincerely was looking for folks to talk with. I know I had my girl join and within 30 minutes of setting up her page she had over 17 friends requests with random "hey your cute wanna fuck?" jerks to 79 comments etc. How are girls not expected to go, "wow this is crazy I don't think this place is for me"?? Now if you're an attention whore then I'm sure this post will upset you or atleast make you believe I'm a loser, to which feel free to have your opinion. As I have mine. I'm on board with the "NSFW" push that BabyJesus is urging since I didn't come here to stare at some unknown pair of breast or bobbing penis. I came to meet folks who were outgoing and could once I got to know let me into their world, but to not respect one self enough to not let everyone think them vulgar/or slutish is just poor etiquette. I'm not trying to be anti-bringin sexy back, because I am also for freedom of speech etc, but CT has an excellent system to allow you to keep that level of exposure to those you trust, no need to give it away to anyone who would care to stalk your page, just to have some self gratification time with your pics.... Maybe I'm off base, granted my views are often non-standard, but think the silly humans should begin to question what happened to manners, courtesy and etiquette? Are they dead? Should everyone just say "fuck it" and move on to the next excess or fast fashion?? Feel free to comment or rip this blog apart, hopefully you'll comment if you take the time to read....that should be yet another CT etiquette 101 request....if you visit, at least rate or comment, don't just lurk....that's just creepy. Cheers!
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