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kristoffs nsfw photography's blog: "photoshoot journal"

created on 12/10/2006  |  http://fubar.com/photoshoot-journal/b32989  |  1 followers
so as i havent blogged in a few days... here's my past few drunken blundering days in a recap...

friday I was supposed to go meet up with a friend in new philadelphia to catch Hostle 2 and just drink too much jager until i fell down and she made fun of me for being a cheap date...

however as that didnt happen I called up Jamie Mayhem (not the same Mayhem from the Chaoschicks site with the mohawk... who's first name is also jamie actually heh) and we ended up meeting at spitfire...

I got there early and was instantly harassed by some chick that tattoos from her house and was trying to get me to call her about getting some ink done... not really into her delivery or conversation I kind of just sat there trying to seem disinterested but she wasn't having it and asking me all sorts of questions and being too flirty/pervy for my tastes...

i never learn that i shouldn't tell people i shoot porn in thinking its a fuck off response and they'll leave me alone... never works... just either brings up reallllllly creepy conversation or someone that wont leave me alone...

anyway jamie shows up and rescues me from this chick and we go bs for a bit.... we found dollar bill bailey and went to talk to him...

seems that $bill and Jamie were both shooting part of a video called the horror convention massacre 2... so as they already knew each other (she was naked in the video getting killed while shooting a shower scene with another chick and $bill was just being himself and rolling around with naked chicks) it was a fun harassment to watch from afar...

so anyway as $bill is drunk and harassing her i just sit there and laugh as this is pretty normal for him and its amusing and harmless all at the same time...

anyway the night goes on and jamie and i keep chatting and watching other odd drunken chaos from afar and then we split rolling back to my spot for a bunch of drunken cuddling and makeout time...

on the way back to my spot $bill calls me and says something like "tell jamie she's left me no choice but for me to go home and fuck my wife" in a drunken stupor... I can only imagine the hell that ensued when he got home hahaah...

hours later its 7am and we finally fall out for a few hours...
saturday after we both finally get motivated to get out of bed at like 2pm i clean for a while and try to make it out to the extreme pudding wrestling at peabodys...

well my bed won in a battle between me and staying awake so i crashed out until about 10pm totally missing the EPW event that i had tried to hit up...

I saw a post from Samantha about her and crew at the garage so I hit that up somewhere around midnight... i ran into jesschaos and stacey and hung with them most of the time as I didnt see Samantha until way later and she was hammered and not in the best of moods due to some reason or another... so I just left somewhere around 2ish and crashed out
sunday brought on all sorts of challenges...

Dawn (who i refer to as trouble as she just turned 18 last year and was always troublesome jailbait) is now my new helper since Chris went MIA after a bit of a fiasco there...

however dawn is actually down to do merch, run camera and what not as well so its cool to actually have an extra hand behind the camera now...

the first shoot i had before Dawn showed up went completely retarded and I dont even want to talk about it hahaha.... but as it wasn't for my sites... I dont even care :p

Jez (eternity) came up from dayton to do a BMB shoot so this was a bit more entertaining this time around as I tried to put a bit more atmosphere into things... I ended up making a quikie makeshift altar with skulls, candles and all that... wore the Cradle JESUS IS A CUNT longsleeve and put on one of my black metal gauntlets that I bought for the store years ago... so with that and my usual knee high boots and black shorts it was an easy tie in for this shoot...

anyway we shoot for a few hours and I already have a way better feeling with this shoot than stuff i've done in the past...not only due to the double angles but it just flowed reallly well with a bit more thought into the scene... and more setup with the atmosphere and what not...


Dawn was quick to learn everything and was able to really do well with the footage I caught so ill probably end up putting this video live before the other one I shot with Jez as that hotel one wasnt as well shot due to rushing through it and it also being a hotel shoot heh...

but past that as they left sometime around 7 to go back to dayton I was all "cumdrunk" (as rotten calls it after shooting scenes) and not motivated to do anything but shower and crash...

but as I was to dj Eric Freeman's new SATANIC SUNDAYS at Touch i had to get my ass in gear...

I ended up leaving around 8 and headed to the hi-fi to harass Samantha and checked out a few local bands as well...

ran into Melanie and she and I were bsing for a while as we haven't really hung out in ages so it was sarcasm nonstop for a few hours :p

running over to touch around 11 was kinda funny... really low turnout made my night easy after Jenn and Jamie Mayhem came out... twoards the end of the night i just put on a pre-mixed CD and just let 12 tracks play all the way through while drinking and bsing otherwise... no one seemed to notice or care so whatever hahaha...

past that Jamie ran back with me to watch more movies, which due to fault of technology fell apart and we didnt get to finish with that, but another late makeout session filled time and we crashed somewhere around 6am I think...

funny side note, it seems that my lawnmower tattoo is the same tattoo that one of her ex's had... which was kind of odd too me... its a cheesy tattoo that im working on getting rid of first of all... but that someone else she knows has it is kinda scary hahaha yikes...
the next few weeks are going to be a bit chaotic as well...

wednesday im shooting with Jamie Mayhem:
for a roadhead style shoot that is going to end up in my driveway...

next week I'm most likely rolling with Kelley to PA and her assorted photoshoots in Philly and PGH and shooting Mayhem again (shes always super sweet and amazing to work with) in Philly for a bit of video as well

(from my first shoot with her)

yay for the next few weeks to being filled up with hot chicks and lots of handshakes on video...

at least these girls are super cool and I'm actually looking forward to shooting with them unlike some of the shoots that seem to scare the shit out of me anymore hahahah...

will post more pics as they come up...

so yeah a random two of you that read this saw me there last night, SP was definitely entertaining... and my ears are still ringing actually which im kinda suprised/freaked out about hahaha... the opener who i still have no idea who it was ended up being an act that sounded like alex empire mixed with aphex twin and thrown in a blender with autechre... so if you can imagine that, your head will explode... however the guy (being a solo act) had a bunch of technology and was dressed in a black spandex outfit, a large cape, tighty whities (on the outside of the outfit), a zoro face mask and black metal arm gauntlets... so if the noise didnt annoy you, the confusion of his outfit probably did... anyway, past that and seeing 23094823 faces from years gone by and noticing SP hoodies were $65ea I missed the second act... Puppy however was loud as always, with better visuals this time than their past effort... I know rick wasn't so thrilled with it as hes seen them 32094 times and we've both been privvy to the old boots of older SP shows but I actually kind of dug it (dig it... dig it...) for the most part... they went through a bunch of older songs, a few newer ones that i didnt know since i dont have the new disc and then as I got beer spilled all over me i left the stage area and sinmora and I head out from there to hit the hifi... Samantha has a new DJ night there for goth kids and there were a few stragglers there but as most people were at SP only a handfull knew and it looks like I had mentioned it to them so it was a calm atmosphere with friends for once instead of gothdrama from retards... but anyway with all that and a few more jagers later Samantha and I head out and roll to my friends to grab a bite, go our seperate ways and crash out pretty early
well the reason for crashing out early (for me at least) was that Samantha and I were to shoot today... well as we ended up shooting some for Horrormerch we also did a bunch of hurried shots inbetween the sun/rain issues all day today... so as we did that, grabbed some better than sex mr hero and edited a few pics.... here's the end result of the pics she was looking for: glamorshots04.jpg glamorshots03.jpg glamorshots02.jpg glamorshots01.jpg ill edit some of the horrormerch ones later but im a fan of those a bit better i think at this point... Samanthas a cool chick, and also a very sarcastic hyper type that is really cool to hang around with... as she's not one for the porn aspect of my business its good to kind of level out with an "outside" chick that doesn't want to hang out with me for: connections (she has her own) merch (she just wants shots, not merch) $$ (shes offered to split tabs and covered my broke ass already and vice versa) sex (she doesnt really put out either heh) so already im happy about that as i cant deal with any more chicks that keep trying to get into my pants/wallet/merch closets for shit... and the cuddling session we had last week was nice too... so im totally welcoming it and up to harass her more when possible hahaha... anyway back to editing vagina for $$ instead of sitting next to a hot chick and editing her "glamor shots" haahha...

why models irritate me...

so this month I edited/released a soft/clean shot set for a model in canada... regular clothed to nude style, clean shots and no dirty spreads or anything... however after giving the model access to the site she is now pissed at how one picture is displayed... one picture that was a full body shot, I had cropped into a full frontal of just her hips and her goodies... and minus the "model" tag on it, you cant even tell who it is... well she immediately has a shit fit and we have been playing email tag... NOW... within the release she signed this clause exists... which ALL OTHER sites of our nature have due to issues like this:
Without limiting the foregoing, SGI may edit, distort, change or modify the Media as SGI sees fit, and Model understands that SGI has no obligation to use the Media. Model hereby waives the right to inspect or approve the finished product(s) or version(s) of the Media, editorial copy, advertising copy, or any other printed or visual matter that may be used in conjunction with (or comprise) the Media, or the use to which the Media may be applied. Model understands that Media depicting the Model may be produced or displayed at different times and places, in public or private, either clothed, semi-clothed, semi-nude, or nude, and at such times when the Model may or may not be engaged in a sexual act. Model gives SGI the consent to use Model's nude image in connection with the rights granted in this Personal Release. Model considers themselves a paid model and is not troubled or distressed by having Media of Model taken in either a clothed, semi-clothed, semi-nude or nude state, and whether or not engaged in a sexual act. Model's participation in the creation of the Media is purely voluntary and Model understands that Model's continued participation in any modeling session indicates Model's total acceptance of the modeling assignment and complete lack of any objection to any acts that Model might engage in while performing in this modeling assignment.
well of course she didnt read this... but anyway here's the email tag...
message1: ----- Original Message ----- From: "rayne" Sent: Thursday, May 31, 2007 1:04 AM Subject: i have a problem I am Rayne from the site, and looking through it just now i notice that one of the pictures has been totally cropped down to just a shot of my Vag. 1. Its a fucking horrible picture 2. If i wanted to be blatantly flaunting my vagina on the internet i would be spreading lip, but that wont ever happen. 3. the picture as a whole is ruined, its a bad shot, and IF i was personally even to allow or had been able to approove of it, it could of at least been photo shopped for a little touch up! Please, take down that one picture, i dont care, im extremly angered by it. Sure i might be a bit misunderstood by this considering half the girls on this site have cocks on their faces, but i have my limits, and i think ive made it clear as to what they are in front of a camera, and i dont appreciate my vagina being cropped out of what was an entire picture!
My reply: heya... please re-read the release that you signed... (insert release stated above) we have used the set you had submitted and that we had paid for in the manner we selected with our site... we are not able to re-edit pictures that models had discrepencies with after they have submitted the set and the payment has been made... sorry but we are unable to make any "special arrangements" once the set has been paid for and gone live on the site... thanks again and if you have any questions please let us know -sp/cc/bmb-
Message 2: Yes yes i am aware of all that, but come on. That was a total fucking low blow, whoever does editing should have some commen sence, considering my sets i think its pretty clear as to what my limits are, and what i blatantly try not to get in the pictures and then i suddenly see a terrible zoomed in picture of a horrible shot of my fucking vag! its insulting, it makes your organization look sketchy. and youve absolutly degraded my morals and limits as a nude model, and now i feel fucking 100% self concious about myself. Obviously im going to have to be more careful as to what pictures i sell, and im sure its nothing to you but youve definitly lost a model and a good word.
My reply hello, you were the one that had sent the pictures to us... if you did not want something like that to come out of it, we are sorry but as the release is clear, we have the final right to display any/all pictures as we see fit, where we see fit... be it a far off picture of you online, or a closeup of various parts of you mixed in with an advertisement in any adult publication that we are a part of... all sites like ours do the same thing and they have the same "editing" section in their releases... if we did not have that we would never be done working, and also lose paid content, to correct any "issues" that any models or photographers would have a problem with... you and your photographer sent them to us, and this is what we paid you for... we are sorry that you are not 100% happy with how this is displayed... but our customers pay for this kind of content and this is how we display it... in all retrospect we could have used another models bodyparts and put them in place of your set or even photoshopped other things that would really "discredit you" otherwise... however as we dont have the time, patience or desire to discredit you in such a manner, we edited the set as shown and thats how the set will stay displayed... we are sorry if you disagree and are no longer interested in working with us in the future... but as this is what you had sent us, what we display is our call and we are not able to change/edit/delete/move/remove pictures on the whim of a model or photographer... especially as they had sent them to us in the first place... so again we are sorry if you are not happy with how we have edited your set, but considering all of the other content within the site, it is not a filthy picture by anymeans and we are not able to change/modify/move/remove any content we have paid you for otherwise as that was part of the release you had signed... we never got the paperwork for the other set, so if you would not like to release your other set to us, please let us know and we will delete it from our systems and notify your photographer as well... thanks again and if you have any questions please let us know -sp/cc/bmb-
ugh if you dont like the pictures, dont send them to us... its not like I put a flickering tounge coming out of her snatch or made an Octopussy out of it or anything... I just cropped it, edited and posted it... like the 234902345 other pictures on the site... end of fucking story... it'd be one thing if i shot her and she didnt want that kind of stuff shot... but SHE SENT THE SET TO ME... its not my fault.. plus this isnt the first model (or largest fanbase) ive pissed off... so whatever... Im just aggrivated... no wonder i hate chicks...
and as to the final installment of my la trip... this was what had transpired part of the friday night that i forgot to mention and then all of saturday before i went running to LAX to sleep on the flight back to OH on sunday...
shoot day 2: swallow my children so i forgot to mention that last night after Roxy's scene with Rotten that as that was the last shoot for the day we were pretty good to head out as I was exhausted and my legs hurt from standing all day... well Roxy decided that she didnt need to wear pants in leaving as she had clothes to change into when she got in her car... so she leaves in a tanktop, panties and shoes and heads out... well right before she leaves Johnny Thrust SPEEDS out of the driveway in a pissed off manner... we just dont think about it until seconds later we hear a screech and then the neighbors yelling "YOU FUCKING HIT MY DOG"... we first think it was roxy as she had just left, but as she was still in the driveway we see johnny get out of his car and yell at the neighbors... roxy comes around and just drives between everyone oblivous to whats going on and still in her underwear hahaha... but the yelling goes on and then thrust screeches off again in a more fucked off fueled hatred... anyway after that we hit del taco and then I fall flat on my face and out for about 6 hours at the hotel...
shoot day 3: swallow my children/spookygirls so we get up at 530 again and head back to starbucks for another box of coffee and non sperm filled protein shakes... arriving on the set today things were bit more chill... only 4-5 scenes to do... we'll be out by 5 or so hopefully... the most memorable scene of the day was Rick Masters and Sasha Blue in a scene together... being that they were to be a freshly broken up couple screaming at each other for this skit it starts out with Rick on top of a dirt hill screaming bloody murder at Sasha who's naked down at the bottom of the hill... well in the chaos Rick keeps screaming "you fucking bitch... you broke my heart... im going to make sure it hurts you" etc... he picks up empty trashcans and throws them down the hill at her... we shoot about 5-6 runs of cans going down the hill and the cans just fly around sasha as she looks unthreatened by this... well rick gets into one of the cans threatening to take her out himself in one of the cans... and then we roll an empty down the hill in looks that he actually rolled down it... sasha just looks down and says "thats so cute... let me dust you off"... well they go in and then the scene starts... in a "awww thats so cute... you're pissed and tried to take me out... come in so I can clean you up and give you head..." interesting scene... anyway more goes by and then a trainwreck appears... a latino chick whos in broken english and not so attractive really... the only reason im noting this is that she had these cotton grannie panties on... and when she bent over from behind she had some kind of whitish snailtrail that seeped through the purple cotton and kinda glued her buttcheecks together... I didnt really stare long as I wanted to hold down what little breakfast I did have... and ran off... a few more scenes go by and then we get to the last one with this SMOKING chick from Czech or something who had the best accent and she could just talk to me and i'd get goosebumps... anyway the scene was a mock of the big sausage pizza site... guy comes in and delivers pizza, his cock is hanging out of a hole cut in the pizza box and the chick gives him head... end of story... well this had a different twist... as this was the last scene... not only that but at somepoint in the scene you see the guy trying to "encourage her to do better"... well how else can you do that but to take the top of the box and slap her in the head with it a few times right?... right... anyway as the scene finishes and the chick has spunk all over her shes stuck sitting in this chair and seems kind of sketched out as everyone is around behind the camera... in comes the wierdest part of the movie... rob employeed the old guy next door to this place to come over and "look like a bum" and say a few lines... well as that all goes well for only 2.5 seconds the guy gets in front of the camera and as he's a drunken 62 year old burnout hippie these lines seem to be harder for him to remember.... so instead of "thank you for watching rob rottens swallow my children" it ends up being this diatribe about how the guy is not part of the band Kiss... and how "we got it and now you've got it so you can watch it" or some shit... and he goes on with some really hilarious workups... that i dont think were meant to be funny... anyway the guy goes on... he ends up kneeling down to the chick who was just in the last scene, still having spunk on her and not moved one bit... he strokes her legs and says a few more story lines... 5 takes later the guy still cant get it right... but as he's talking about swallowing children and that guys and girls can partake in swallowing his... he takes his pants off... everyone's jaw has pretty much dropped at this point... the guy turns around and flexes his ass to the camera and keeps talking and drinking a corona... 30 minutes of this goes by and every minute just gets wierder and wierder... somewhere along the line the guy the guy was questioning the "children" aspect thinking that this was some sort of child porn video and he said he didnt want to be a part of it... but he quickly caught on after explaining it and then kept going off for the camera about it... so anyway after all of that... the movie was done... and we got to head out sometime around 5-6 back to the hotel where rob ended up doing paperwork and my night was just starting...
back in 03 when i was on ozzfest I was talking to a chick up near detroit named gina... well as the 03 tour marked where I broke up with my gf midway through the tour after coming home... I went back out on the road after a week off as a single and hyper retard on the prowl... gina, however was coming out to detroit to ozzfest so perfect timing... well anyway the girl i was dating and I have this knock down fight right before I leave for tour as she thinks that i should stay home, and my employees wanted me gone as i was a miserable bastard... so in the end result I got a black eye, my lipring got punched out of my face and in holding her back so she'd stop swinging I got a huge bite mark on my tit that lasted about 2 weeks... well with that damage I kick her out of my place and I head up to detroit where ozzfest and gina are... i was only at the det show to help usher in the new crew i had there as they had no idea what to do... so I ended up going to the hotel and gina was at a (much nicer) hotel across the way... well as i ended up staying in ginas room (jacuzzi and all that) my crew already were pissed with me as I came up to work, went back with a booty call hahaha... but as they had jacuzzi time too they werent too horribly upset minus that their hotel sucked compared to the one I fanagled into with gina hahah... anyway with that story out of the way, gina and I had kept in contact ever since and randomly run into each other along the way... well randomly friday she texts me to check in and all that... forgetting she was in LA we quickly made plans to hang at least... well that quickly escalated to a photoshoot which quickly escalated to a videoshoot... so as she ended up meeting me sometime around 9 or so at night we quickly get to it as im dragging ass already and I needed to be out the door at 7am to catch my flight... we bs, catch up and as shes super easy to talk to it wasn't a problem in shooting her... l_c02fe7af5e59580c45c0db99e8632556.jpg well anyway as the shoot goes on, i finally got a chance to see her new tits that she had gotten done recently... great work and they felt really good... and i usually hate fake tits... but they worked out really well on her :) anyway we end up shooting a solo scene which migrated into an oral scene... and as we had fooled around way too much in 03, it was easy to work that up and get comfortable with each other hahaha... anyway we do a quickie scene and I actually came WAY too early for once so thankfully I was running 2 cameras and can mix the masturbation into the oral scene... but anyway we finish up and as quickly as it started she had to bolt as her roomate had to pick her up... I bolt back over to rottens room after packing up a bit and we bs for about another 2 hours as hes all spaced out due to paperwork and exhaustion and im "cumdrunk" as he calls it and just tired as well... so the conversations quickly go sour hahaha... anyway i end up crashing out and get about 4 hours of sleep before heading to the airport... which this flight was much easier to be on by comparison hahaha...
all in all I had an amazing, stress free, fun time shooting this out there... Rottens already got me signed up for Porn of the Dead 2 when that starts in July and that should be an amazing fucking trip... zombies running around and fucking/beating the crap out of each other with dildos in a warehouse if everything works out right... Im totally stoked for that as, if I can pull off in helping with 15 shoots in 2 days and not get shitcanned, I can deal with naked zombies fucking each other for 6 scenes in 3 days... but anyway as the stills come in for swallow my children I'll be posting them on Rottens site as myspace doesnt like that kind of stuff and you can check out some of the links between my stories and the hilarity that ensued hahaha... so again its naptime as I got little sleep last night and Im running back out with samantha tonight i think... im getting to old for this shit...
in continuation of the previous blogs, this was part of my recent trip to LA... read my last few blogs to get the full story on this one :p
shoot day 2: swallow my children ugh so I had to get up at 530 to meet rotten at his room so we can start our day of hell... we roll to starbucks to buy a box of coffee some protein shakes (not that kind sicko) and groggily head to the Tuxford house up off of rt 5... this place is huge... tennis court, work out room, 5 or so rooms downstairs, a movie room upstairs with a huuuuuge screen, a pool, a upper deck with a heart shaped bed on it... and just way more space than I can imagine haahah... we get there and its still chilly and dark out but Chris and the chick from the first scene have arrived when we unpack everything... i scurry around, not knowing what goes where and just try and help out... as far as everything else I just wait to see what hell comes my way that Im sure to fuck up heh... after everyone settles in Johnny Thrust shows up and is instantly fucked off as the first chick "doesn't swallow" but yet in setting up this video, called Swallow My Children, they have yet to understand this... so as Im armed with a BTS camera and tapes, I catch some of this conversation and chase him around as hes yelling at some agent... well this is only the beginning of his weekend as many more problems will come falling his way for sure heh... the first scene is finally set and Chris does the stills and Rob does the solo stuff to show me exactly what he needs... and then the fun begins... the first scene involves a minibike decked out easy rider style that we stumbled upon this morning... and as all sets pretty much seem to come out of thin air with rotten, its quickly an amusing yet chaotic time... the minibike which was ridden around by the PA Paul, who was also to be playing the part of a retarded cousin, was quickly in effect and he got so into it that in flailing around he accidentally punched himself in the face and made his lip bleed... well as the bike is running around, the male "talent" of the scene comes over and steals the bike as part of the act... well as the talent rides it around... the chick that is in the scene comes out of the house in a robe and heels as if she was "taking a shower"... of course the towel falls off, and she says after a bit of dialogue "what do I have to give you to make you leave?"... "a blow job." he says... of course they get into it and the scene quickly dissolves along with his children...
a few scenes later rotten starts up the double team of Jay Ashton (i think thats his name), who I later found out grew up in my hometown, and some other guy vs Courtney Lovecox in a double team bj scene... well the humor of this one was that jay and the other guy are two bumpkin rednecks that come up on a mower (that is running while jay pushes it and the other guy is riding it) and greet the chick at the gate offering lawn care services... of course she doesn't have cash so she offers head in trade... she hops on the one guy who is still on the running mower and all three of them roll off into the scene... she then double teams them and the scene is over...
scenes later we run down to the workout room... rotten ploys one of the pornstar's boyfriends to be working out and frustrated like a bad infomerchial... Rick Masters is then scooting around on some bike that he found that is to help with your muscles or something... again in bad infomercial form... from there Rick and the chick from the scene are jumping up and down naked on a trampolene... I can only imagine the trainwreck and body parts caught in terror on this one... well as this is going to be all overdubbed, the scene without words quickly happens to her on her knees giving a guy head on a trampolene... ok... so thats kinda interesting heh...
a few scenes later I was told that the "sisters" had arrived... in which this had already scared me... well as they weren't identical twins, it was still kind of creepy that they were coming out to shoot porn together... more so that they were originally supposed to be in the same scene but then got split up later after I was done with them... so after they did their still shots, then came my shoot with them doing solo scenes... and not only was it a solo scene... but they both were in the same room, sitting next to each other, masturbating together... so im already freaked out.... anyway, their both naked and we go over the timeline and what im going for... and as one has a lisp it makes for interesting audio via the video... well anyway, they both start diddling seperately and all seems well and good... that is until one looks at the other and then the dirty talk starts... "does that clit feel good baby?"... among other things go between the sisters in dialogue... and then the groping happens... they start feeling each other up and it looks like they are about to make out... and im trying so hard not to drop my jaw with this... anyway minutes later past all of this, they are screaaaaaaming bloody murder it sounds but they are both just about ready to climax... however as this is a small bathroom and I have two screaming banshee sisters screaming and feeling each other up, I quickly have a reverse hardon and it goes into hibernation.... anyway, the scene finishes... I open the door and walk out... clapping comes out and Im holding my ears as they are hurting... rob is laughing at me and says "well did you at least get a blowjob out of it?"... I laughed and said "uhhh no... next time can I get some ear plugs?" he just laughed back at me... one of the girls during her scene later that day ended up gagging on Dirty Hairys cock and not only puked... but puked on him, in his pants (that were still on) and all over the floor... which lead for him getting pissy as he didnt have any clean clothes... and I actually dont blame him one bit hahaha... however that wins my most akward shoot prize... that is until I shoot Ariel, and her mom in the same weekend heh
a few more quickie scenes blur by and then we get to shooting a scene for rotten up on the heart shaped bed... this inolves Daisy Tanks, another chick and a customblown dildo tobacco pipe... which basically is a sealed pipe where the glass dildo goes in the chick but while its in her, the other person can light up and take a hit at the same time... kind of interesting really hahaha... anyway the set is shot on the heartshaped bed and everything seemed to work out pretty well for that... but that was an interesting use of a toy for sure...
later on Roxy Deville (one of my personal favs of robs roster) shows up and after a few hours i finally get to shoot her solo scene... which was delayed due to another scene in another room close by being shot so we got to bs a bit... seems that she grew up in chicago and will probably be coming out to the horror convention we're doing in a few months up there so as our world collide it would be cool to get to see her again and possibly shoot her for horrormerch as well... and for some reason the conversation turns weird as she starts going off about how she loves the golden girls and that shes fiending cheetos... thankfully my add catches up and im able to follow quite easily hahaha... but her scene was actually the easiest to shoot as she just went with the camera... talked into it and it was kinda off balance for me to have something go that easy in a day full of chaos heh...
a few more scenes and puke piles from gag factors later day 2 is finished and we're all f'n beat in shooting 12 girls in one day... leaving us only 4-5 to do the next day... ahead of schedule is good... can I get some sleep now?
so for those that have seen the movie Gummo, you will understand my uneasy feeling with this... I'm traveling to Xenia OH to do a photoshoot/video with a chick I've known for years... so Im oddly scared, yet oddly fascinated as my last Xenia experience was a bit less casual and kind of rushed as we were running down to Houston to start ozzfest in 05... if i make it out alive and with all my teeth and appendages, im sure I will have many a story to tell as I want to hit the strip club there this time and see what kind of train wrecks come of it hahahaha.... *shudder* anyway, for those not familiar with the movie here's what amazon had to say about it: Plot Synopsis: Xenia, Ohio, is a small poor and boring city that never fully recovered after a tornado in the 1970s. Teenager Solomon and his slightly older friend Tummler, have nothing to do but kill time, buying glue to sniff and get high. see more here I just remember seeing a kid that killed cats to sell to a local chineese restaurant, a redneck that wreslted and kicked the crap out of a folding chair... and some odd incestuous dealings as well... this will be totally interesting...
so in mixing with the LA trip to go with rotten... here's my travel schedule: FLIGHT 1···Monday, May 7, 2007 | Cleveland, OH (CLE)···Minneapolis, MN FLIGHT 2···Wednesday, May 9, 2007 | Minneapolis, MN···Los Angeles, CA (LAX) FLIGHT 3···Monday, May 14, 2007 | Los Angeles, CA (LAX)···Charlotte, NC (CLT) FLIGHT 4···Wednesday, May 16, 2007 | Charlotte, NC (CLT)···Cleveland, OH (CLE) so basically i'm shooting 6-8 models (3-4 each in MN and NC) for my sites, shooting 15 models in LA for rotten and trying to sleep in there somewhere within a week... im so going to be hating life when I get back hahahaha
so after talking to rotten a bit tonight... he's let me in on the shoot he's doing in may that Im going out to LA for... 15 girls, 15 scenes, 2 days, 0 prep time... its all girls blowing guys and its called a 'blowbang' for an upcoming metro release called "swallow my children"... basically not only am I getting a crash course on the porn production industry... but I'm going into hyperoverload as I'm helping film 15 scenes in 2 days (which normal for him is 6 in 2 days) so im sure i will be spinning in no time... luckily, I'm the behind the scenes guy... so im playing double duty in that I run around, film girls getting made up, arriving on the scenes, instigating drama, waredrobe changes, arrivals, catty conversation, girl fights, bloopers... and oh yeah I get to eat from the deli tray too... SWEET! and as I was telling jeremy... "thankfully this is all oral and I just have to duck and cover against mass amounts of flying babies" as I saw in one of Rotten's DVD's that he had one of the girls getting interviewed on the shitter after getting an enema before doing an anal scene... ugggggggggggggggggggggggh..... well i am sure this will be a horrifying learning experience that I'll (hopefully) want to do again at the end of those 2 days I will be fucking beat and ready to actually come back to ohio hahaha ugggggh... anyway, back to the grind of editing vagina so I can actually have a social life this weekend...
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