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Jack wakes up with a huge hangover after attending his company's Christmas Party. Jack is not normally a drinker, but the drinks didn't taste like alcohol at all. He didn't even remember how he got home from the party. As bad as he was feeling, he wondered if he did something wrong. Jack had to force himself to open his eyes and the first thing he sees is a couple of aspirins next to a glass of water on the side table. And, next to them, a single red rose! Jack sits up and sees his clothing in front of him, all clean and pressed. He looks around the room and sees that it is in perfect order, spotlessly clean. So is the rest of the house. He takes the aspirins, cringes when he sees a huge black eye staring back at him in the bathroom mirror. Then he notices a note hanging on the corner of the mirror written in red with little hearts on it and a kiss mark from his wife in Lipstick: "Honey, breakfast is on the stove, I left early to get groceries to make you your favorite dinner tonight. I love you, darling! Love, Jillian" He stumbles to the kitchen and sure enough, there is hot breakfast, steaming hot coffee and the morning newspaper. His son is also at the table, eating. Jack asks, "Son... What happened last night?" "Well, you came home after 3 A.M., drunk and out of your mind. You fell over the coffee table and broke it, and then you puked in the hallway, and got that black eye when you ran into the door. Confused, he asked his son, "So, why is everything in such perfect order and so clean? I have a rose, and breakfast is on the table waiting for me??" His son replies, "Oh THAT! Mom dragged you to the bedroom, and when she tried to take your pants off, you screamed, "Leave me alone, I'm married!!" Broken Coffee Table $239.99 Hot Breakfast $4.20 Two Aspirins $.38 Saying the right thing, at the right time. . . PRICELESS!!!
1:19 AM - youre doin it all wrong..nice girls PT II Current mood: hyper - To every girl that dresses cute --- not skanky (but you act like a ho anyways) - To every girl who wants to be called beautiful -- not hot. (but the way you walk around like youre fuckin barbie says otherwise) - To every girl that will spend her whole day -- looking for the perfect birthday present for you. (if she knows you as well as she should, shed know EXACTLY what to get you) - To every girl who gets her heart broken because he chose -- the whore instead. (quit being such a duchebag when he wants it, when you want it you nag till you get it.. i know im a girl) - To every girl that would die to have a -- decent boyfriend. (quit trying to "fix" the men you pick up...leopards dont change their spots, they just grow bigger) - To every girl that wont settle -- for the jerk. (again, stop picking the losers...feel them out before you fuck around with them) ((ps who they chill with is a GOOD indication of what youre gettin yourself into)) - To every girl who would just like once to be treated -- like a princess. (if mommy and daddy told you all your life your a princess then go marry prince william.. get over it, noone will roll out a red carpet for you everytime you have to fart) LOL - To every girl that cries at night because of -- another heartbreak. (if you do anything after losing someone you thought you loved, dont cry...that means he got what he wanted from you, crying means you regret it all.. LEARN from it and move on) - To every girl that wont get down on her knees and open her mouth -- just to get a boyfriend. ( these girls piss me off, the chickenheads.. i see that shit and i wanna slap-a-ho) - To every girl that just wants -- to hold hands. (if you want to "just hold hands" hes gonna "just be chillin with the guys later" sad but true.. guys suck) - To every girl that kisses him -- with meaning. (you better kiss him meaning something otherwise WHY THE FUCK ARE YOU SWAPPIN SPIT?!?!?!) - To every girl who just wishes -- he cared. (if his as didnt care i would have shown his ass the door ages ago... are you blind sistah??) - To every girl who would just once want a guy to give -- their jacket up when they are cold. (if your man is too dumb to realise how to be a gentleman...i say 86 that niggahs ass and find yourself a good man...) - To every girl who just wants -- him to call. (if hes not callin hes out ballin...) - To every girl who lies awake at night -- thinking about him. (do you not trust him?? or is it that youre obsessed?? you do need YOU time.. dont get all nut hugger on him either...that scares them away faster than you can say taco bell!!) - To every girl that just wants -- to cuddle. (awwww...cudddle) - To every girl that just wants to sleep with him -- without having sex everytime. (yeah calm your hormones guys... we do need our beauty rest, but girls set a limit let him know when youre serious...dont just roll over and be like ok ok just 5 mins then im goin to bed hahah) - To every girl that is scared to put her heart out there again because -- she has been hurt so many times or so badly. (dont be a doormat, stand the hell up for yourself dont take any shit from a man and you wont have to be the one licking your wounds at the end of a relationship... leave him crying at YOUR doorstep) - To every girl who shows how much she cares -- and gets nothing back. (see above...if he doesnt reciprocate the love and respect...SHOW HIS ASS THE DOOR!!) - To every girl that thought maybe this could be -- the one. (stop trying to find your future baby's daddy and have some fun while youre still young... dont waste your i love yous on just anybody.. make sure they count. by the time you find "the one" you will know it is them... be young, be reckless and live a ittle... dating is NOT what its all about... ) - To every girl that believes -- in her dreams. (shit if you gove that up youre a fucking fool...nuff said) - To every girl that would do anything so she could -- achieve those dreams. (no man is worth giving up your dreams) - To every girl that laughs -- at stupid stuff when she actually doesnt think it is funny. ( ummm theres this thing called a personality.. get one or use your own... dont be a chamelion just to please someone) - To every girl who is just looking for that one and only -- and is having a rough time along the way. (unless youre in your late 30's chill out on lookin for mr right... youll end up with a few mr right nows and disappointed) - To every girl that has been cheated on because -- shes not a whore who gives it up to any guy. (its not just bc the girl is a whore, she could be a very nice girl, there ARE other reasons he'll move on to someone else, it very well could be you... but go ahead and call her a bitch and whore cause it feels good to ...) - To every girl that doesnt want a guy who -- just plays with her emotions but actually cares about how she feels. (he should or like i said ~ dont let the door hit ya where the good lord split ya) - To every girl who wants -- words backed up with actions. (real men apply to this situation... not boys) - To every girl that fell for all the lies -- only to find themselves alone in the end. (you said it, YOU fell for the lies... blame noone but yourself...get better glasses, or a bullshit detector next time... you need to learn from all this..) - To every girl that gave her heart away -- to have it shoved back in her face. (choose the man more carefully, nothing is 100% guaranteed in life, granted if you dance on eggshells there bound to get smashed, thats a given...dont let them dance all over you and your fragile heart...learn from mistakes and past romances gone awry.. if you fall for it once ok not so bad, twice ok still not so bad, three time youre an idiot) to all the girls that read this and think im just being a sarcastic bitch, go ahead think what you will.. im just someone who has read these bulletins before and could relate at one point.. but the most important thing out of all of this is LEARN from your mistakes, they dont call it trial and error for no reason...once a cheater always a cheater... samae goes for guys that hit... thats all i have to say about thaaaaaaaaaaaaat...

the guy code (by Ryan)

My friends and i make up an interesting group of people. we are occasionally "that guy". so we called our little group, "that guy".That guy has there own female ranking scale from 1-10 that people other than us dont quite understand. i am here to break it down, so people can see things from our point of view. here we go. 10(ten)- These creatures do not exist. atleast we are convinced of that. since god decided that guys needed somethin to fuck, he created women, and since this happened a 10 has never been sighted. god has cheated us all by never created one of these fine specimen. with that bein said, none of us will ever fuck a 10. a 10 could consist of perhaps, the body of jessica biel, head of say a jenifer aniston, cooks like martha stewart, the money of oprah, the sluttiness of a paris hilton and the cocksucking abilities of jenna jameson. god has yet to bless mankind with one of these. 9(niner)- although very rare, these creatures do exist. a nine is a wonderful thing to have around. although we may never have a chance with a nine, they are nice to look at. a 9 would be a jessica biel, maria sharapova, or angelina jolie. 9's do not exist in upstate new york, so no man will ever spot one in this area. a 9's vagina could cure cancer. this is what men think about when they are sleeping, thus ending the mystery of morning wood. men think about this when they wake up, eat lunch, go to bed, and even when they are fucking their wives or girlfriends. i give a good pat on the ass and a good game to any man who stuffs a 9. you make us proud. 8(eight)- an 8 is probably the hottest thing you will see at dance clubs or perhaps local bars. hey do roam around and are spotted quite a bit. you will not see an 8 asking you if you would like that supersized or at a run down titty bar. an 8's body is a work of art. an 8 does not shit, their poop holes are merely for show and pleasure. an average dude would have a chance with an 8 if she was shitfaced, or really angry with her boyfriend. you should never cheat on an 8, unless its with another 8. chances are you will never get another 8 after having one, so dont fuck it up. an 8 is a keeper, a girl you would want to sit on yur face, so you can eat yur way to her heart. 7(seven)- a 7 is a fantastic catch. takin a drunk 7 home from the bar will get a good job from yur friends the next morning. there are more 7's than 8's, but 7's are still quite rare. there may be 3 or 4 at most running around the bar or club on a friday night. although not as hot as an 8, a 7 is a beautiful creature. these girls usually roam in a pack of 3. they know they are hot, so they have a few close friends with them at all times to make sure they dont get to drunk and start making out with a loser. a 7 is to be fucked rough, extremely rough. love making should not even be in a man's dictionary. a 7 is the type you might keep around also, because people see you with a 7 they will be jealous. a 7 is definately girlfriend material. 6(six)- you may be telling yurself now, well we are at 6, thats getting pretty low. think again, this scale is very demanding. a 6 a hottie as well. not amazing, but the average"hot" girl in the bar is only a 6. she may be no supermodel, but she is not ugly by no means. dragging a 6 home from the bar will get you props. a group of 5's or 6's usually hang out with a 3, not because the 3 has a great personality, but to make themselves feel better about themselves. a 6 is girlfriend material indeed. usually has a good body and a "cute" face. a 6 knows she is not a 7 or higher, so this creature may wear alot of makeup. so beware gents, she may not be so cute in the morning, thats if you dont kick her out of yur backseat when yur done with her. 5(five)- these little hookers are a dime a dozen. by no means ugly, but not somethin you will be tellin yur friends about months later. 4's and 5's make up about 75% of the bar's female population. so they are all over. you can even go as far as calling a 5 a "cute girl next door type". 5's vary from slutty to conservative. they know they are not ugly, but may have confidence issues when they see all the guys starin at the 7's and 8's. the 5's may also be the psycho type, blowin up yur voicemail and yur myspace inbox. however, they can be sweet also, and no man should ever be ashamed to take a 5 to their parents house. 4(four)- this creature is nothing special. the 4 is the one you send a drunken text message to at 2am when the bar is closing and all yur buddies already snatched up the 6's. you dont really want to be seen in public places with the 4, but they are good to have a once or twice a week easy booty call. you hate talking to her, you dont care about her day. the good lord put her on this world for the sole reason of being an easy last resort human happy sock for drunken guys everywhere. 3(three)- well, we've all had them. sometimes with a 3, just puttin her face down while you are pounding away is not enough. lights need to be out with a 3. 3's get laid because a drunk guy gets dared by his buddies to fuck them. her personality sucks. she may hang out with the 5's or 6's, thats because they 5's and 6's want to feel better about themselves. 2(two)- this unfortunate looking creature looks like her face caught on fire and someone put it out with an axe. these creatures are usually found in mobile home parks and WNBA games. dont get too drunk around her because you may not be able to escape. no guys would let their buddies fuck a 2. its just not right. a night of bumpin ugly's with a 2 will result in you being the butt of all fat chick jokes for the rest of eternity. if you are that sick and have to resort to this, for god sakes, dont let anyone you know find out. 1(one)- i dont think we need to get into much detail about the 1. its the top bottom turd on the shit pile. hitler wouldnt wish a 1 on a jew. thats guy code.


twinkle twinkle litte star, where has my prince gone? is he far? I wish for a man to bring me love, send me your finest from up above. Someone who will bring joy and light, instead of the ususal arguments and fight. tall and dark, hansome and lean, a body like Michaleangelo's David; so perfect and pristine. I don't need a loser, a beggar or whore, those men will be promptly shown THE DOOR! oh twinkle twinkle star above, please send me something in the shape of love!
people post random shit that noone really cares to know... like the fact that my ex bf from the Corps apparently called my house last night @ 2:45am and thinkin he was talking to me (in reality it was MOM) and asked "just how much sex do YOU wanna have?" so my mom hung up on him LOL Drinks @ the local watering hole for the night: $90 Cool looking cell phone to make drunk calls with: $75 a month Suave & sexy personailty: free Making a drunk call at 2:45am to your ex gf's house only to attempt phone sex with her MOM! : PRICELESS

it's love

a heart can only give so much blood before its dry, eyes can only produce so many tears to cry.. the things one will do for a love so true, what you did to me i could never undo.. but why oh why am i falling back again for you? why does my heart flutter whenever your voice whispers my name, when not so long ago i know that same voice became the shattering voice of pain? the way i cried for days reminiscing in our past, the baby we loved together, the promises that didn't last, but it all seems to dissolve in a second whenever you are near... for some reason i can't hate you anymore, and i want you to be near. and i pray for you "Please God forgive him of his sins and indiscretions for he is only man, please help him to see what's in your greater plan. guide him on his path to your infinite glory, lead him back to me so i may finally have the happily ever after to my story"
why moon why? can't sleep eyes won't close weighted drowsy eyes painfully held open by the dawn of day. no words emanate from lips sewn shut by fear fear that the new day will bring more fights and another piece of you will be violently torn from me the new sun peeks up over the horizon and light pierces every dark corner in souls locked away in night's ominous shadows obviously, mine has been neglected darkness pours out of mine like a cup with a hole in the rain I rock myself to sleep in my own little corner here no one bothers me not even you whispering thoughts of insanity ?? or perhaps even pure genius?? but still nothing makes sense... what have I left to destroy? in my presence yet another bottle of Jack empty to add to the collection I've been making all night and an ashtray full of butts a razor in my bloody fist trails of dried blood drizzle patterns on my forearms and legs how pretty I think but she's not me, she's that bad girl but me. I'm still tired but can't rest won't stop until my riddle is solved... perhaps, just maybe, the meaning of this life why was it me that had to go through all is torment? the man upstairs doesn't like me I guess I'm a joke can somebody please tell me something.... maybe humor me a little I can't sleep, I must stop the new day but like always it's too late, the sun has begun to rise the moon has betrayed me yet again.
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