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Dr Turi's blog: "Dr. Turi's Blog"

created on 10/28/2006  |  http://fubar.com/dr-turi-s-blog/b18948  |  1 followers
8/29/2007 Dear readers: My last lecture presentation in San Jose California went INCREDIBLE and I received warm endorsements from the many people attending George Noory’s lecture. During the question/answer time someone in the audience asked George who, in the thousands of guests he interviewed last few years, would be to his best knowledge the most accurate pertaining to predictions. I was in the 3rd row but imagine my surprise when George stood up and said. “Here he is” pointing in my direction, “Dr. Turi, with over 95% of accuracy”. In one hour 2 more people I never saw before mentioned my name and gave me more support and this made me feel really appreciated. I had lunch and breakfast with George and his producer Tom and we exchanged words on the many people that sent nasty email complaining about me helping a friend involved with a Playboy cruise. George is a respectful and open-minded advanced Gemini and certainly far from being judgmental to anyone and I knew he would only be a peaceful mediator in this hot dilemma. George and Tom are also close friends and they confirmed my participation in the upcoming taping for the SCI FI channel TV show in Los Angeles. Why would anyone assume anything about my private life or degrade any pretty girls and the elites of the business world is still a mystery to me. There is NO difference between bashing a beautiful or an unlucky sick, ugly female in my mind. None of those souls, regardless of their physical appearances or respective endeavor should be condemned by anyone, period. But we all know it’s all about religious poisoning, jealousy and a mixture of inferiority and insecurity complexes. America was build upon puritanical principle and sex is still taboo for many people not realizing that without it they would be no life possible on earth today. Again there is nothing wrong in being Dr. Turi, sexy, happy, healthy, successful and blessed by God with spiritual values, healing powers and still live and appreciate women spiritual and physical beauty in all forms. Did I mention also shy and modest! -J If they were educated Astropsychologists they would know that Dr. Turi was born in February and faces the world as a LEO (the lover/fame/life/light/the stage/dignity) and that is MY birthright. Instead people perceive me through their own limited UCI and judge me hastily because I do not fit their standards. The miracle of life is a myriad of manifestation where each one of us is unique and displays his/her own distinct universally induced personality traits. But unless one masters the Universal Code and build enough cosmic consciousness there will not be room for understanding, forgiveness or even peace on this world. My lecture on the subconscious was very powerful and many people seated in the front row took off in “Neptune land” for a while. I received TONS of support for both my presentations and sold quite a lot of books in the process. I also got many Full Life Reading do to, a few new students and many new friends. Other people joined my “Cosmic Code Newsletter” knowing the type of spiritual information I offer is rare, valuable. As you read me in the few months to come, you will slowly also build “Cosmic Consciousness” and you will be learning a lot about the stars’ secrets. I am literally swamped with subscriptions for my 2008 “Universal Code” newsletter and I can guarantee that you will enjoy it fully. I will also take this opportunity to thank everyone of you for your trust in my work. Get The "Cosmic Code" Newsletter; be informed on your personal Dragon forecast or anyone you care. Get my solid daily and monthly guidance and be prepared for ALL the drastic changes and dates ahead of you. I will also PERSONALLY answer YOUR questions so ALL those who put their trust on my wisdom can also benefit from my answers. This newsletter promises to be the hottest and valuable thing on the net. “Cosmic Code” newsletter - Sign up NOW! http://www.drturi.com/orders3.html#newsletter and be informed. Free regular Newsletter - Sign up NOW! http://www.drturi.com/newsletter/ IMPORTANT THE FOLLOWING DEALS ARE ONLY FOR THE VIP “COSMIC CODE” SUBSCRIBERS. Remember Moon Power 2008 is no more so download my free book at http://www.drturi.com/moonpoweroffer2007.php and get a glimpse of what you will get for the year 2008. Note this book will become a collective item and I have ONLY 25 hard cover copies left. I am offering those books ONLY to my “Cosmic Code” newsletter subscribers but make your request ASAP because they will not last long. Price $ 40: 00 S&H included - Call me at 602-265-7667 with your credit card so we can check your name on the special VIP “Cosmic Code” newsletter list. Again ONLY for the special VIP “Cosmic Code” newsletter list I am offering my very latest Hypnotherapy lecture on the subconscious performed last week end in San Jose, California. Listen and acknowledge why many people said it was one of the best lecture of all. Understand the importance of handling the creative forces of the subconscious at your advantage and get rid of phobias, fears, depressions, insecurity, low self esteem and build a very powerful body mind and spirit. Yes " Your Future is Nothing Else Than the Reincarnation of Your Thoughts." Be aware of this fact and it is all crystallized for you in a 90 mn tape or a CD so you can benefit from this lecture too. 1 – Hypnotherapy Lecture: CD or 90 mn tape $ 30:00 S&H included - Call me at 602-265-7667 with your credit card so we can check your name on the special VIP “Cosmic Code” newsletter list. 2 - “Nostradamus Natural Healings” DVD $ 30:00 S&H included – Get a DVD of my workshop on “Nostradamus Natural Healings” and if you suffer backaches headaches or need rare tips on magnetism, health, longevity etc. watch me in action, interacting with people showing them how to use hands and feet to heal themselves and others. Listen to the specific diet and food suggested to lead a healthy happy life. Call me at 602-265-7667 with your credit card so we can check your name on the special VIP “Cosmic Code” newsletter list. Again many of those tips are in my new book "Beyond The Secret" http://www.drturi.com/orders3.html#secret On the air… Michelle is the host of Perfect Game Saturday, Sept 1st - 11 AM - 1 PM at KXAM 1310 AM http://www.myspace.com/talkstars Rita Louise, Ph.D.is the host of Just Energy Radio Friday September 7th 7 PM - 9 PM CST http://www.myspace.com/justenergyradio MISSION POSSIBLE - Join me in Arizona at the Carefree Resort & Villa for the Motherhood Redefined Conference September 21-23, 2007: Note Famous author "Men are from Mars Women from Venus" John Gray (a student and client of mine) will also speak there. http://www.motherhoodredefined.com/workshops.asp As always when I read anyone’s newsletter that has something valuable I will always share it with all of you… I thought you would enjoy this Dr. Turi. Paul O'Brien is known as "the father of interactive divination." He is the publisher of Tarot.com and I-Ching.com, co-author of The Visionary I Ching (first published as Synchronicity Software in 1989), and author of a new book Divination, Destiny and Desire. Along with divination system design, his experiences as a New Thought minister and Buddhist meditation teacher support his passion for helping people pinpoint and fulfill their Heart's Desires. This article excerpted from the book Divination, Destiny, and Desire. Thought you would find this article interesting. Sherry The Gift of Prophecy - Divination in the Bible by Paul O'Brien Most people whose faith depends on biblical scripture believe that divination is a sin condemned by God. Fundamentalists claim that astrologers and diviners are agents of the devil leading the weak to eternal damnation. They selectively quote the Bible to back up their condemnation of divination systems and intuitive powers-many of which were accorded high respect within the same Bible. Fundamentalists ignore the fact that the Bible, even after extensive early editing, still contains numerous verses that show God approving the use of divination as a way to decipher His will and make enlightened decisions. In fact, there are more verses for divination than against it. Divination systems, and other intuitive arts, are being condemned based on an entirely selective citation of scriptures. In the interests of objectivity, we ought to examine the entire spectrum of what the Old and New Testaments have to say about divination and psychic arts-including the divination technique known as "Urim and Thummim" that was prescribed by God, as well as omen reading, channeling, psychics and prophets. (All scriptural passages referenced herein are from the New King James version.) All three of the largest western religions selected their scriptures with political goals in mind, even as they anointed them as "the word of God." Passages that support various arguments-including the condemnation of divination-are routinely taken out of the context of the cultural reality of the time in which they were written. Fundamentalists rely on narrow interpretations of an ancient text that has been translated many times, that includes words and concepts no longer spoken or understood. Rational people will have a healthy skepticism and, in the final analysis, trust their own intuition about how to interpret ancient scriptures and what beliefs to base on them. Prophets and Diviners Organized religion's condemnation of intuitive powers is especially ironic considering that the Bible itself is considered a channeled work, transcribed by its human authors through what St. Paul later defined as "the gift of prophecy," which was available to all who believed in orthodox doctrine. It is an article of faith in scripture's authority that God spoke through prophets, who received His message using what we now call channeling, a freeform psychic version of divination. The Bible describes this process in several places, including the following: I will raise up for them a Prophet like you from among their brethren, and will put My words in His mouth, and He shall speak to them all that I command Him. (Deuteronomy 18:18) I have also spoken by the prophets, And have multiplied visions; I have given symbols through the witness of the prophets. (Hosea 12:10) The prophets are psychic mediums who received wisdom in the form of voices and visions from a higher power, which they then conveyed to others, sometimes to make a decision or offer advice. The God of the Old Testament gave prophets knowledge of the future to warn people and persuade them to abide by God's will. As it is recorded, the prophets who predict the future generally do so when a warning is necessary, but it is reasonable to assume that they do it at other times too. The prophets were watchmen, guardians of the people, who looked out for the nation because they could foresee dangers coming. Prophets were also known to interpret events that were happening in the present, providing insights into God's reasons for creating the conditions in question. Diviners and prophets were classed as similar functionaries. In Isaiah 3:2-3 diviners are ranked with judges, warriors and prophets as pillars of the state. The mighty man and the man of war, The judge and the prophet, And the diviner and the elder; The captain of fifty and the honorable man, The counselor and the skillful artisan, And the expert enchanter. (Isaiah 3:2-3) The book of Numbers (22-24) contains the story of Balaam, a diviner who was known for the effectiveness of his blessings-and his curses. This story is the furthest thing from an illustration of an abomination, or even a parable illustrating the dangers of the mantic arts. Balaam was, in fact, in the good graces of God and was chosen by God to speak for Him. He was obedient, dutiful, and fair. The Bible does not condemn his actions as a diviner. God freely spoke to him, in a friendly way, and considered him as His messenger. The story of the Moses is a classic example of a mystical experience in the Bible. Moses repeatedly ascended Mt. Sinai to communicate directly with God. Not only did he listen to God's instructions, he also was able to ask questions in order to confirm the divine commands. Moses also used the Israelite's Urim method of divination described below. It only makes sense that he would, because communicating with divinity is what the word "divination" means, and what all divination systems are created to facilitate. The High Priest's Divination System Divination and the reading of omens are commonly used in the Bible when it comes to deciding all sorts of issues. Most that were recorded had to do with the safety of king or state. The prophet Elisha directed King Joash to throw two arrows through the window in order to find out whether the king would be victorious or not (2 Kings 13:14-19). God used omens to signal Gideon's victory over the Midianites. If the fleece of the sheep was wet and the ground was dry it was a sign of ensuing success (Judges 6:36-40). In 1 Samuel 14:9, Jonathan decides whether or not he should attack the Philistines by the words the Lord has them speak. There is nothing in the Bible disapproving of the reading of signs sent from God. But the Israelites did not have to rely on external signs alone. They had a sacred divination system, known as Urim and Thummim, given to them by Jahweh (Esther 3: 21-28). Several verses of the Old Testament that were not edited out mention the use of this sacred tool. The exact composition of the Urim and Thummim is not certain, but most scholars believe there were two sacred stone dice, perhaps made of precious gems. They were stored in a pouch inside the high priest's "breastplate of judgment," which he wore whenever seeking divine guidance with regard to important issues or strategic decisions of state. However it worked (and we do not know exactly), the Bible makes it clear that God himself granted the people this divination system, and that He controlled the answers it produced. Abraham used Urim and Thummim, as did Aaron and the priests of Israel. He shall stand before Eleazer the priest, who shall inquire before the Lord for him by the judgment of the Urim. At his word they shall go out, and at his word they shall come in, he and all the children of Israel with him-all the congregation. (Numbers 27:21) As noted, Moses used the Urim and Thummim. Joshua was named as his successor using this divination system (Numbers 27:21). After Joshua died, the Israelites used it to determine who would continue to lead them into victory over the Canaanites. (Judges 1:1) When David was considering whether or not to pursue the marauding Amalekites, the divination tool confirmed for him that it was advisable to do so (1 Samuel 30: 7-8). There are many more examples of the divinatory use of the Urim and Thummim, which can be easily looked up in any Bible concordance. In most cases, God explicitly tells them to use it to divine His will. Since there are so many instances in the Bible in which God provides answers to his followers through divination-either Urim and Thummim or the casting of lots (used in the New Testament to pick Matthias as the replacement for Judas)-we ask ourselves how it can be that divination has come to be portrayed as evil by fundamentalist religions and sects. The biblical case against divination Considering that the God sanctioned and recommended divination in more passages than otherwise, it is a travesty that the organized western religions have since condemned divination systems. In spite of all the passages noted herein (and listed on Tarot.com), it is incredible that Christian fundamentalists continue to cite the Bible as proof that God condemns diviners. The most commonly quoted verse in the Bible that is used to assert that divination is a transgression against God's will is Deuteronomy 18:10-12. "There shall not be found among you anyone who makes his son or his daughter pass through the fire, or one who practices witchcraft, or a soothsayer, or one who interprets omens, or a sorcerer, or one who conjures spells, or a medium, or a spiritist, or one who calls up the dead. For all who do these things are an abomination to the Lord, and because of these abominations the Lord your God drives them out from before you. (Deuteronomy 18:10-12) Before taking this at face value out of context, it's important to note that the book of Deuteronomy contains countless laws that were themselves abominable and are no longer respected or practiced by anyone, let alone used as grounds for persecution. For instance, "At the end of every seven years you shall grant a release of debts." (Deuteronomy 15:1) There would be countless people in a much better financial position if this law were enforced! Women might be interested to know that they are "an abomination to the Lord" if they wear men's clothes (Deuteronomy 22:5). Also according to this law, any bride who is not a virgin on her wedding night shall be stoned to death on her father's porch (Deuteronomy 22:21). Over the centuries, churches, temples and mosques have narrowly selected which parts of their scriptures to heed, and which to ignore. But in this modern age we are free to look at ancient scriptures with fresh eyes. In so doing, we need to remember that the true value of scriptures does not lie in lists of ancient laws and "shalt-nots," but in parables of virtue and timeless principles that are relevant to the cultivation of wisdom. If religious organizations have been hostile to divination, it is because they are not interested in cultivating the types of mystical experiences that inspired them in the first place. Based on a fair and balanced look at the biblical record, it is safe to conclude that our western God intended us to use divination systems to better interpret the divine plan. In ancient times, only the high priest had the power of direct access. Luckily, all spiritually inclined people alive today have access to better divination systems-like the I Ching and Tarot. We are now able to go direct on our own, bypassing religious and political hierarchies altogether. In the first century of the common era, as he was defining orthodox Christian beliefs, St. Paul labeled the ability to decipher the mind of God as "the Gift of Prophecy"-one of the Holy Spirit's gifts to true believers. It was a form of channeling. Nowadays, thanks to universal access to authentic divination tools, everyone-Christian and non-Christian alike-who approaches the process with sincerity can go direct, without being expected to channel (or speak in tongues, for that matter). When it comes to communicating with the divine, we are truly the chosen people. Paul O'Brien is known as "the father of interactive divination." He is the publisher of Tarot.com and I-Ching.com, co-author of The Visionary I Ching (first published as Synchronicity Software in 1989), and author of a new book Divination, Destiny and Desire. Along with divination system design, his experiences as a New Thought minister and Buddhist meditation teacher support his passion for helping people pinpoint and fulfill their Heart's Desires. This article excerpted from the book Divination, Destiny, and Desire. Sharing emails ----- Original Message ----- From: Peggy I have to tell you that both Steven and I do guide our decisions on your Moon Power. I hope this will be as accessible. It's always been nice to grab the book and sit and read it together. I’ll miss that, but truly understand your love of your family. I wouldn't know kow to act without my dogs, cats and wild birds gathered around me and my duck that can't fly who I swim with in my pool. What is so amazing and wonderful about my animals is that my dogs and cat can sit with us on the patio and watch all the wild birds and ducks eat and everyone gets along. One day I looked out and my dogs, cat and duck were all laying in the shade inches from each other. It made me cry because my heart breaks with the violence of the world. If only people could behave better towards each other. Thanks, Peggy ----- Original Message ----- From: "Annik I really lament your stopping the Moon Power 2008 book. I found it so important all through the years, when I was planning vacations, reservations, my days, etc...ahead of time. If I understand properly you will release your information only, a month ahead. Is there a way that We can find a better solution ???? , since You already had prepared the book. can I buy it on e-mail? or can you already give ahead the mega windows, soon. As I told you many times, as a student of yours, I rely on your information -which is always so accute. Since i cannot fly since my cancer, I was planning to take the Queen Mary 2, from N york to Southampton, some time in spring may or June to go see my family in La Rochelle, and return 6 weeks later the same way by ship.Of course, I shall register to your more important "cosmic Newsletter". Merci de votre gentillesse. Amities Annik ----- Original Message ----- From Anaquea Dear Dr. Turi, I've been one of your newsletter recipients for quite some time, and I appreciate your generosity. I will remain on your free newsletter mailing list, even though I'm not one of those newcomers to the information that you provide. I am one of those disabled senior citizens who live on a very small fixed income, and don't have anything to spare to purchase a subscription to your new newsletter, The "Cosmic Code". If you can make exceptions, and provide The Cosmic Code to those of us who cannot afford to purchase it, I would be very grateful. If not, I hope to continue to enjoy your free-version of your newsletter. Sincerely, Anaquea ----- Original Message ----- From Lindsay Hey Dr. Turi, Are you the dragon watching over my shoulder in my dreams? You know, I have to admit, when I first saw the playboy thing, I thought, what the ...., but you know I've never considered myself puritanical (however, I must admit that I think it's ingrained in every American's psyche whether they like it or not), so I had to step back from myself, get over myself, and say why not. I have my own issues. I have felt judged for many of my own choices and experience, and because of that have found myself trying to modify myself to please the puritanical mindset, which hasn't helped me be myself at all. Anyway, the human experience is beautiful in all regards, as is the human body (which is mysterious in it's own right). So again, I say, keep doing what you do, you touch many lives. Joyful journey to you, Lindsay ================ ----- Original Message ----- From: Jackie I have been keeping up with your newsletters about the playboy cruise. SUCH DRAMA! I, personally, myself wouldn't want to go on that cruise, but that is for personal reasons However, people should have the freedom to express their sexuality in the way they choose. The USA is quite puritanical, and because it has that subversive current of right-wing Christianity flowing through its veins, it is hard for USA citizens to see why we have such mixed messages about sex. Women are sluts when they have sex. Men are studs when they have sex. Sex is everywhere in the media, yet, if you are "good" you'll wait until you are married, etc. Sex is often combined with violence, too, in USA media... no wonder why we are so confused. Sex a very emotional subject for most people. I believe people that travel and live in other countries can more easily see what is a cultural belief and what is their own personal belief. Sex is included in that belief system. I say "no judgment" on either side, I just stay out of the drama or frenzy. Jackie ----- Original Message ----- From: Carolyn Dr. Turi, did you view the movie that is going around the Internet like wildfire? It is www.zeitgeistmovie.com The first part about astrology and religion is very enlightening. Carolyn ----- Original Message ----- From: Hello Dr. Turi, It was great to talk with you earlier today! As a Astropsychology student I am very close to taking the test in the course and am really excited about learning how to do the Astrocartography through the interpretation of my chart that you are doing! I recently got my new Laptop computer during a time that Moon Power listed as a good time for purchasing electronics and have spoken with John about the software for the Astropsychology. All is coming together very well and I am so grateful to you for being able to have an opportunity to learn this from you when you are so busy with many projects. I am trying my best to be successful at learning these wonderful skills and will always honor your teaching. I cannot tell you how much hope for a better life you have brought to me through your teaching. For the first time in my life I feel a lasting empowerment and less "victimized" by situations in my life. It's always like having a heads up on things! I really rely alot on Moon Power and I wouldn't want to be without it. Please make sure you keep me listed for the Cosmic Code newsletter. If I ever become fortunate to win or get alot of money I will gladly donate enough to erect an Astropsychology school in honor of you! You can count on that promise, as I am a Scorpio that does not lie! Love & LIght, Paulette
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